blob: 7298d1f808aeae1c10bdcc70089fab2febb9dfca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
namespace ddk {
namespace internal {
// base_device is a tag that default initalizes the zx_protocol_device_t so the mixin classes
// can fill in the table.
struct base_device {
base_device(zx_device_t* parent)
: parent_(parent) {
ddk_device_proto_.version = DEVICE_OPS_VERSION;
zx_protocol_device_t ddk_device_proto_ = {};
zx_device_t* mxdev_ = nullptr;
zx_device_t* const parent_;
// base_mixin is a tag that all mixins must inherit from.
struct base_mixin {};
// base_protocol is a tag used by protocol implementations
struct base_protocol {
uint32_t ddk_proto_id_ = 0;
void* ddk_proto_ops_ = nullptr;
base_protocol() = default;
// Mixin checks: ensure that a type meets the following qualifications:
// 1) has a method with the correct name (this makes the compiler errors a little more sane),
// 2) inherits from ddk::Device (by checking that it inherits from ddk::internal::base_device), and
// 3) has the correct method signature.
// Note that the 3rd requirement supersedes the first, but the static_assert doesn't even compile if
// the method can't be found, leading to a slightly more confusing error message. Adding the first
// check gives a chance to show the user a more intelligible error message.
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_get_protocol, DdkGetProtocol);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckGetProtocolable() {
"GetProtocolable classes must implement DdkGetProtocol");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"GetProtocolable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
zx_status_t (D::*)(uint32_t, void*)>::value,
"DdkGetProtocol must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkGetProtocol(uint32_t, void*)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_open, DdkOpen);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckOpenable() {
static_assert(has_ddk_open<D>::value, "Openable classes must implement DdkOpen");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Openable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
zx_status_t (D::*)(zx_device_t**, uint32_t)>::value,
"DdkOpen must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkOpen(zx_device_t**, uint32_t)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_open_at, DdkOpenAt);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckOpenAtable() {
"OpenAtable classes must implement DdkOpenAt");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"OpenAtable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
zx_status_t (D::*)(zx_device_t**, const char*, uint32_t)>::value,
"DdkOpenAt must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkOpenAt(zx_device_t**, const char*, uint32_t)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_close, DdkClose);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckClosable() {
"Closable classes must implement DdkClose");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Closable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkClose), zx_status_t (D::*)(uint32_t)>::value,
"DdkClose must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkClose(uint32)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_unbind, DdkUnbind);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckUnbindable() {
"Unbindable classes must implement DdkUnbind");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Unbindable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkUnbind), void (D::*)(void)>::value,
"DdkUnbind must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'void DdkUnbind()'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_release, DdkRelease);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckReleasable() {
"Releasable classes must implement DdkRelease");
// No need to check is_base_of because Releasable is a property of ddk::Device itself
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkRelease), void (D::*)(void)>::value,
"DdkRelease must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'void DdkRelease()'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_read, DdkRead);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckReadable() {
static_assert(has_ddk_read<D>::value, "Readable classes must implement DdkRead");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Readable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
zx_status_t (D::*)(void*, size_t, zx_off_t, size_t*)>::value,
"DdkRead must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkRead(void*, size_t, zx_off_t, size_t*)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_write, DdkWrite);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckWritable() {
"Writable classes must implement DdkWrite");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Writable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
zx_status_t (D::*)(const void*, size_t, zx_off_t, size_t*)>::value,
"DdkWrite must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkWrite(const void*, size_t, zx_off_t, size_t*)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_iotxn_queue, DdkIotxnQueue);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckIotxnQueueable() {
"IotxnQueueable classes must implement DdkIotxnQueue");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"IotxnQueueable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkIotxnQueue), void (D::*)(iotxn_t*)>::value,
"DdkIotxnQueue must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'void DdkIotxnQueue(iotxn_t*)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_get_size, DdkGetSize);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckGetSizable() {
"GetSizable classes must implement DdkGetSize");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"GetSizable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkGetSize), zx_off_t (D::*)(void)>::value,
"DdkGetSize must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_off_t DdkGetSize()'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_ioctl, DdkIoctl);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckIoctlable() {
"Ioctlable classes must implement DdkIoctl");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Ioctlable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
zx_status_t (D::*)(uint32_t, const void*, size_t,
void*, size_t, size_t*)>::value,
"DdkIoctl must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkIoctl(uint32_t, const void*, size_t, void*, size_t, size_t*)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_suspend, DdkSuspend);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckSuspendable() {
"Suspendable classes must implement DdkSuspend");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Suspendable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkSuspend), zx_status_t (D::*)(uint32_t)>::value,
"DdkSuspend must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkSuspend(uint32_t)'.");
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_ddk_resume, DdkResume);
template <typename D>
constexpr void CheckResumable() {
"Resumable classes must implement DdkResume");
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<base_device, D>::value,
"Resumable classes must be derived from ddk::Device<...>.");
static_assert(fbl::is_same<decltype(&D::DdkResume), zx_status_t (D::*)(uint32_t)>::value,
"DdkResume must be a public non-static member function with signature "
"'zx_status_t DdkResume(uint32_t)'.");
// all_mixins
// Checks a list of types to ensure that all of them are ddk mixins (i.e., they inherit from the
// internal::base_mixin tag).
template <typename Base, typename...>
struct all_mixins : fbl::true_type {};
template <typename Base, typename Mixin, typename... Mixins>
struct all_mixins<Base, Mixin, Mixins...>
: fbl::integral_constant<bool, fbl::is_base_of<Base, Mixin>::value &&
all_mixins<Base, Mixins...>::value> {};
template <typename... Mixins>
constexpr void CheckMixins() {
static_assert(all_mixins<base_mixin, Mixins...>::value,
"All mixins must be from the ddk template library");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace ddk