blob: 42a43b5016a9f32540fa9a0188776134572ed93d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "kernel_invocation_generator.h"
using std::string;
static string invocation(std::ofstream& os, const string& out_var, const string& out_type,
const string& syscall_name, const Syscall& sc) {
if (sc.is_noreturn()) {
// no return - no need to set anything. the compiler
// should know that we're never going anywhere from here
os << syscall_name << "(";
return ")";
os << out_var << " = ";
// case 0: ret = static_cast<int64_t(sys_andy(
os << "static_cast<" << out_type << ">(" << syscall_name << "(";
return "))";
bool KernelInvocationGenerator::syscall(std::ofstream& os, const Syscall& sc) {
if (sc.is_vdso())
return true;
string code_sp = string(8u, ' ');
string block_sp = string(4u, ' ');
string arg_sp = string(16u, ' ');
auto syscall_name = syscall_prefix_ +;
// case 0:
os << block_sp << "case " << sc.index << ": {\n";
os << code_sp << "CHECK_SYSCALL_PC(" << << ");\n";
os << code_sp;
// ret = static_cast<uint64_t>(syscall_whatevs( )) -closer
string close_invocation = invocation(os, return_var_, return_type_, syscall_name, sc);
// Writes all arguments.
int arg_index = 1;
sc.for_each_kernel_arg([&](const TypeSpec& arg) {
os << "\n"
<< arg_sp
<< sc.maybe_wrap(arg.as_cpp_cast(arg_prefix_ + std::to_string(arg_index++)))
<< ",";
if (!os.good()) {
return false;
if (sc.num_kernel_args() > 0) {
// remove the comma.
os.seekp(-1, std::ios_base::end);
os << close_invocation;
if (sc.is_noreturn()) {
os << "; // __noreturn__\n"
<< block_sp << "}\n";
} else {
os << ";\n";
os << code_sp << "break;\n"
<< block_sp << "}\n";
return os.good();