blob: e4e65a97d0dd5abc83787a8f5df299f19d80b0c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <digest/digest.h>
#include <digest/merkle-tree.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
using digest::Digest;
using digest::MerkleTree;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] missing input file.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
// Buffer one intermediate node's worth at a time.
struct stat info;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
void* data = nullptr;
fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> tree(nullptr);
char strbuf[Digest::kLength * 2 + 1];
Digest digest;
for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
const char* arg = argv[i];
if (stat(arg, &info) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Unable to stat '%s'.\n", arg);
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
if (!S_ISREG(info.st_mode)) {
size_t len = MerkleTree::GetTreeLength(info.st_size);
tree.reset(new (&ac) uint8_t[len]);
if (!ac.check()) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Failed to allocate tree of %zu bytes.\n", len);
return 1;
int fd = open(arg, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Failed to open '%s.\n", arg);
return 1;
if (info.st_size != 0) {
data = mmap(NULL, info.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (close(fd) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Failed to close '%s'\n", arg);
return 1;
if (info.st_size == 0 && data == MAP_FAILED) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Failed to mmap '%s.\n", arg);
return 1;
zx_status_t rc =
MerkleTree::Create(data, info.st_size, tree.get(), len, &digest);
if (info.st_size != 0 && munmap(data, info.st_size) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Failed to munmap '%s.\n", arg);
return 1;
if (rc != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Merkle tree creation failed: %d\n", rc);
return 1;
rc = digest.ToString(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf));
if (rc != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "[-] Unable to print Merkle tree root: %d\n", rc);
return 1;
printf("%s - %s\n", strbuf, arg);
return 0;