blob: 3e41e5d63f490cacd872e0eeb907f98e39920e20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <err.h>
#include <kernel/stats.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <lib/ktrace.h>
#include <lib/vdso.h>
#include <zircon/zx-syscall-numbers.h>
#include <object/process_dispatcher.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "syscalls_priv.h"
#include "vdso-valid-sysret.h"
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
int sys_invalid_syscall(uint64_t num, uint64_t pc,
uintptr_t vdso_code_address) {
LTRACEF("invalid syscall %lu from PC %#lx vDSO code %#lx\n",
num, pc, vdso_code_address);
inline uint64_t invoke_syscall(
uint64_t syscall_num, uint64_t pc,
uint64_t arg1, uint64_t arg2, uint64_t arg3, uint64_t arg4,
uint64_t arg5, uint64_t arg6, uint64_t arg7, uint64_t arg8) {
uint64_t ret;
const uintptr_t vdso_code_address =
const uint64_t pc_offset = pc - vdso_code_address;
#define CHECK_SYSCALL_PC(name) \
do { \
if (unlikely(!VDso::ValidSyscallPC::name(pc_offset))) \
return sys_invalid_syscall(syscall_num, pc, vdso_code_address); \
} while (0)
switch (syscall_num) {
#include <zircon/>
return sys_invalid_syscall(syscall_num, pc, vdso_code_address);
return ret;
#if ARCH_ARM64
#include <arch/arm64.h>
// N.B. Interrupts must be disabled on entry and they will be disabled on exit.
// The reason is the two calls two arch_curr_cpu_num in the ktrace calls: we
// don't want the cpu changing during the call.
extern "C" void arm64_syscall(struct arm64_iframe_long* frame, bool is_64bit, uint64_t pc) {
uint64_t syscall_num = frame->r[16];
ktrace_tiny(TAG_SYSCALL_ENTER, ((uint32_t)syscall_num << 8) | arch_curr_cpu_num());
/* re-enable interrupts to maintain kernel preemptiveness
This must be done after the above ktrace_tiny call, and after the
above CPU_STATS_INC call as it also calls arch_curr_cpu_num. */
LTRACEF_LEVEL(2, "num %" PRIu64 "\n", syscall_num);
/* call the routine */
uint64_t ret = invoke_syscall(
syscall_num, pc,
frame->r[0], frame->r[1], frame->r[2], frame->r[3],
frame->r[4], frame->r[5], frame->r[6], frame->r[7]);
LTRACEF_LEVEL(2, "ret %#" PRIx64 "\n", ret);
/* put the return code back */
frame->r[0] = ret;
/* re-disable interrupts on the way out
This must be done before the below ktrace_tiny call. */
ktrace_tiny(TAG_SYSCALL_EXIT, ((uint32_t)syscall_num << 8) | arch_curr_cpu_num());
#if ARCH_X86_64
#include <arch/x86.h>
// N.B. Interrupts must be disabled on entry and they will be disabled on exit.
// The reason is the two calls two arch_curr_cpu_num in the ktrace calls: we
// don't want the cpu changing during the call.
template <typename T>
inline x86_64_syscall_result do_syscall(uint64_t syscall_num, uint64_t ip,
bool (*valid_pc)(uintptr_t), T make_call) {
ktrace_tiny(TAG_SYSCALL_ENTER, (static_cast<uint32_t>(syscall_num) << 8) | arch_curr_cpu_num());
/* re-enable interrupts to maintain kernel preemptiveness
This must be done after the above ktrace_tiny call, and after the
above CPU_STATS_INC call as it also calls arch_curr_cpu_num. */
LTRACEF_LEVEL(2, "t %p syscall num %" PRIu64 " ip %#" PRIx64 "\n",
get_current_thread(), syscall_num, ip);
const uintptr_t vdso_code_address =
uint64_t ret;
if (unlikely(!valid_pc(ip - vdso_code_address))) {
ret = sys_invalid_syscall(syscall_num, ip, vdso_code_address);
} else {
ret = make_call();
LTRACEF_LEVEL(2, "t %p ret %#" PRIx64 "\n", get_current_thread(), ret);
/* re-disable interrupts on the way out
This must be done before the below ktrace_tiny call. */
ktrace_tiny(TAG_SYSCALL_EXIT, (static_cast<uint32_t>(syscall_num << 8)) | arch_curr_cpu_num());
// The assembler caller will re-disable interrupts at the appropriate time.
return {ret, thread_is_signaled(get_current_thread())};
x86_64_syscall_result unknown_syscall(uint64_t syscall_num, uint64_t ip) {
return do_syscall(syscall_num, ip,
[](uintptr_t) { return false; },
[&]() {
// Autogenerated per-syscall wrapper functions.
#include <zircon/>