blob: d317d310db76a1374495b444d99c59af7f272a2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <kernel/event.h>
#include <lib/crypto/cryptolib.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
namespace crypto {
// This exposes a (optionally-)thread-safe cryptographically secure PRNG.
// This PRNG must be seeded with at least 256 bits of "real" entropy before
// being used for cryptographic applications.
class PRNG {
// Tag object for constructing a non-thread-safe version.
struct NonThreadSafeTag {};
// Construct a thread-safe instance of the PRNG with the byte array at
// |data| as the initial seed. |size| is the length of |data| in bytes.
PRNG(const void* data, size_t size);
// Construct a non-thread-safe instance of the PRNG with the byte array at
// |data| as the initial seed. |size| is the length of |data| in bytes.
PRNG(const void* data, size_t size, NonThreadSafeTag);
// Transitions the PRNG to thread-safe mode. This asserts that the
// instance is not yet thread-safe.
void BecomeThreadSafe();
// Re-seed the PRNG by mixing-in new entropy. |size| is in bytes. |data|
// should be high-quality entropy, i.e. each bit should have equal
// probability of being 0 or 1. |size| MUST NOT be greater than kMaxEntropy.
void AddEntropy(const void* data, size_t size);
// Get pseudo-random output of |size| bytes. Blocks until at least
// kMinEntropy bytes of entropy have been added to this PRNG. |size| MUST
// NOT be greater than kMaxDrawLen.
void Draw(void* out, size_t size);
// Return an integer in the range [0, exclusive_upper_bound) chosen
// uniformly at random. This is a wrapper for Draw(), and so has the same
// caveats.
uint64_t RandInt(uint64_t exclusive_upper_bound);
// Inspect if this PRNG is threadsafe. Only really useful for test code.
bool is_thread_safe() const { return is_thread_safe_; }
// The minimum amount of entropy (in bytes) the generator requires before
// Draw will return data.
static constexpr uint64_t kMinEntropy = 32;
// The maximum amount of entropy (in bytes) that can be submitted to
// AddEntropy. Anything above this will panic.
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxEntropy = 1ULL << 30;
// The maximum amount of pseudorandom data (in bytes) that can be drawn in
// one call to Draw. This the limit imposed by the maximum number of bytes
// that can be generated with a single key/nonce pair. Each request to Draw
// uses a different key/nonce pair. Anything above this will panic.
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxDrawLen = 1ULL << 38;
PRNG(const PRNG&) = delete;
PRNG& operator=(const PRNG&) = delete;
// Reseeds the number generator with the given seed. This method is not
// thread safe. Returns true if blocked Draw calls can resume, else false.
void AddEntropyInternal(const void* data, size_t size);
// Generates pseudorandom bytes and writes them to |out|. This method is
// not thread-safe.
void DrawInternal(void* out, size_t size);
// ChaCha20 key.
uint8_t key_[clSHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
// 96-bit ChaCha20 nonce as described in RFC 7539, represented as unsigned
// integers of different sizes for implementation convenience. Section 9.5/1
// of the c++11 spec guarantees each member below starts at the same
// location, meaning u64 is the same as u32[0:1] and u8[0:8]. The nonce is
// updated with every call to Draw.
union {
uint64_t u64;
uint32_t u32[3];
uint8_t u8[12];
} nonce_;
bool is_thread_safe_;
fbl::Mutex lock_;
uint64_t total_entropy_added_;
event_t ready_;
} // namespace crypto