blob: 9770369d173c0953e992e8e122f29f497029fff0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/histogram-internal.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/histogram-options.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/histogram.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/string_printf.h>
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/c/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
namespace cobalt_client {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// Number of threads for running multi threaded tests.
constexpr uint64_t kThreads = 20;
// Number of buckets used for histogram(CUT).
constexpr uint32_t kBuckets = 40;
// Default id for the histogram.
constexpr uint64_t kMetricId = 1;
// Returns an immutable vector of metadata.
fbl::Vector<Metadata>& GetMetadata() {
static fbl::Vector<Metadata> metadata = {{/*event_type =*/1, /*event_type_index =*/2},
{/*event_type =*/2, /*event_type_index =*/4}};
return metadata;
// Returns true if both vectors contains the same metadata entries in the same order.
bool MetadataEq(const fbl::Vector<Metadata>& lhs, const fbl::Vector<Metadata>& rhs) {
if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rhs.size(); ++i) {
if (memcmp(&lhs[i], &rhs[i], sizeof(Metadata)) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
RemoteHistogram MakeRemoteHistogram() {
return RemoteHistogram(kBuckets, kMetricId, GetMetadata());
bool HistEventValuesEq(fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket> actual,
fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket> expected) {
ASSERT_EQ(actual.count(), expected.count());
for (size_t i = 0; i < actual.count(); ++i) {
HistogramBucket& actual_bucket = actual[i];
bool found = false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < expected.count(); ++j) {
HistogramBucket& expected_bucket = expected[j];
if (actual_bucket.index != expected_bucket.index) {
EXPECT_EQ(actual_bucket.count, expected_bucket.count);
found = true;
// Verify the count of the appropiate bucket is updated on increment.
bool TestIncrement() {
BaseHistogram histogram(kBuckets);
// Increase the count of each bucket bucket_index times.
for (uint32_t bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < kBuckets; ++bucket_index) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), 0);
for (uint32_t times = 0; times < bucket_index; ++times) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), bucket_index);
// Verify that the operations are isolated, each bucket should have bucket_index counts.
for (uint32_t bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < kBuckets; ++bucket_index) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), bucket_index);
// Verify the count of the appropiate bucket is updated on increment with a specified value. This
// verifies the behaviour for weighted histograms, where the weight is limited to an integer.
bool TestIncrementByVal() {
BaseHistogram histogram(kBuckets);
// Increase the count of each bucket bucket_index times.
for (uint32_t bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < kBuckets; ++bucket_index) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), 0);
histogram.IncrementCount(bucket_index, bucket_index);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), bucket_index);
// Verify that the operations are isolated, each bucket should have bucket_index counts.
for (uint32_t bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < kBuckets; ++bucket_index) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), bucket_index);
struct IncrementArgs {
// Target histogram.
BaseHistogram* histogram;
// Used for signaling the worker thread to start incrementing.
sync_completion_t* start;
// Number of times to call Increment.
size_t operations = 0;
// Increment each bucket by 2* operations * bucket_index.
int IncrementFn(void* args) {
IncrementArgs* increment_args = static_cast<IncrementArgs*>(args);
sync_completion_wait(increment_args->start, zx::sec(20).get());
for (uint32_t bucket = 0; bucket < kBuckets; ++bucket) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < increment_args->operations; ++i) {
increment_args->histogram->IncrementCount(bucket, bucket);
increment_args->histogram->IncrementCount(bucket, bucket * increment_args->operations);
return thrd_success;
// Verifies that calling increment from multiple threads, yields consistent results.
// Multiple threads will call Increment a known number of times, then the total count
// per bucket should be sum of the times each thread called Increment one each bucket.
bool TestIncrementMultiThread() {
sync_completion_t start;
BaseHistogram histogram(kBuckets);
fbl::Vector<thrd_t> thread_ids;
IncrementArgs args[kThreads];
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kThreads; ++i) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kThreads; ++i) {
auto& thread_id = thread_ids[i];
args[i].histogram = &histogram;
args[i].operations = i;
args[i].start = &start;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread_id, IncrementFn, &args[i]), thrd_success);
// Notify threads to start incrementing the count.
// Wait for all threads to finish.
for (const auto& thread_id : thread_ids) {
thrd_join(thread_id, nullptr);
// Each thread increses each bucket by 2 * bucket_index, so the expected amount for each bucket
// is: 2 * bucket_index * Sum(i=0, kThreads -1) i = 2 * bucket_index * kThreads* (kThreads - 1)
// / 2;
constexpr size_t amount = (kThreads - 1) * (kThreads);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kBuckets; ++i) {
// We take the sum of the accumulated and what is left, because the last increment may have
// been scheduled after the last flush.
EXPECT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(i), i * amount);
// Verifies that when flushing an histogram, all the flushed data matches that of the
// count in the histogram.
bool TestFlush() {
RemoteHistogram histogram = MakeRemoteHistogram();
fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket> flushed_event_data;
uint64_t flushed_metric_id;
RemoteHistogram::FlushCompleteFn complete_fn;
const fbl::Vector<Metadata>* flushed_metadata;
// Increase the count of each bucket bucket_index times.
for (uint32_t bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < kBuckets; ++bucket_index) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), 0);
histogram.IncrementCount(bucket_index, bucket_index);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), bucket_index);
[&flushed_event_data, &flushed_metadata, &flushed_metric_id, &complete_fn](
uint64_t metric_id, const EventBuffer<fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket>>& buffer,
RemoteHistogram::FlushCompleteFn comp_fn) {
flushed_event_data = buffer.event_data();
flushed_metadata = &buffer.metadata();
flushed_metric_id = metric_id;
complete_fn = fbl::move(comp_fn);
// Check that flushed data is actually what we expect:
// The metadata is the same, and each bucket contains bucket_index count.
ASSERT_EQ(flushed_metric_id, kMetricId);
for (uint64_t metadata_index = 0; metadata_index < GetMetadata().size(); ++metadata_index) {
EXPECT_TRUE(MetadataEq(*flushed_metadata, GetMetadata()));
fbl::Vector<HistogramBucket> buckets;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kBuckets; ++i) {
buckets.push_back({.index = static_cast<uint32_t>(i), .count = i});
fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket> expected_buckets;
// Verify there is a bucket event_data.
EXPECT_TRUE(HistEventValuesEq(flushed_event_data, expected_buckets));
// Until complete_fn is called this should be false.
// Verify all buckets are 0.
for (uint32_t bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < kBuckets; ++bucket_index) {
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetCount(bucket_index), 0);
// Check that after calling complete_fn we can call flush again.
ASSERT_TRUE(histogram.Flush([](uint64_t metric_id,
const EventBuffer<fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket>>& values,
RemoteHistogram::FlushCompleteFn comp_fn) {}));
struct FlushArgs {
// Pointer to the histogram which is flushing incremental snapshot to a 'remote' histogram.
RemoteHistogram* histogram;
// Pointer to the 'Remote' histogram that is accumulating the data of each flush.
BaseHistogram* accumulated_histogram;
// Used to enforce the threads start together. The main thread will signal after
// all threads have been started.
sync_completion_t* start;
// Number of times to perform the given operation.
size_t operations = 0;
// Whether the thread will flush, if flase it will be incrementing the buckets.
bool flush = false;
int FlushFn(void* args) {
FlushArgs* flush_args = static_cast<FlushArgs*>(args);
sync_completion_wait(flush_args->start, zx::sec(20).get());
for (size_t i = 0; i < flush_args->operations; ++i) {
if (flush_args->flush) {
[&flush_args](uint64_t metric_id,
const EventBuffer<fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket>>& buffer,
RemoteHistogram::FlushCompleteFn complete_fn) {
uint64_t count = buffer.event_data().count();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
buffer.event_data()[i].index, buffer.event_data()[i].count);
} else {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < kBuckets; ++j) {
flush_args->histogram->IncrementCount(j, j);
return thrd_success;
// Verify that under concurrent environment the final results are consistent. This test
// will have |kThreads|/2 threads increment bucket counts, and |kThreads|/2 Flush them
// a certain amount of times, and collect into a BaseHistogram the final results. At the end,
// each bucket of the BaseHistogram should be the expected value.
bool TestFlushMultithread() {
sync_completion_t start;
BaseHistogram accumulated(kBuckets);
RemoteHistogram histogram = MakeRemoteHistogram();
fbl::Vector<thrd_t> thread_ids;
FlushArgs args[kThreads];
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kThreads; ++i) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kThreads; ++i) {
auto& thread_id = thread_ids[i];
args[i].histogram = &histogram;
args[i].accumulated_histogram = &accumulated;
args[i].operations = i;
args[i].flush = i % 2;
args[i].start = &start;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread_id, FlushFn, &args[i]), thrd_success);
// Notify threads to start incrementing the count.
// Wait for all threads to finish.
for (const auto& thread_id : thread_ids) {
thrd_join(thread_id, nullptr);
// Each thread at an even position, increases the the count of a bucket by bucket_index.
constexpr size_t ceil_threads = ((kThreads - 1) / 2 * ((kThreads - 1) / 2 + 1));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kBuckets; ++i) {
// We take the sum of the accumulated and what is left, because the last increment may have
// been scheduled after the last flush.
EXPECT_EQ(accumulated.GetCount(i) + histogram.GetCount(i), i * ceil_threads);
bool TestAdd() {
// Buckets 2^i + offset.
HistogramOptions options = HistogramOptions::Exponential(/*bucket_count=*/kBuckets, /*base=*/2,
/*scalar=*/1, /*offset=*/-10);
RemoteHistogram remote_histogram(kBuckets + 2, kMetricId, {});
Histogram histogram(&options, &remote_histogram);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(25), 1);
histogram.Add(25, 4);
histogram.Add(1500, 2);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(25), 5);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(1500), 2);
// Verify that from the public point of view, changes are reflected accurately, while internally
// the buckets are accessed correctly.
// Note: The two extra buckets, are for underflow and overflow buckets.
bool TestAddMultiple() {
// Buckets 2^i + offset.
HistogramOptions options = HistogramOptions::Exponential(/*bucket_count=*/kBuckets, /*base=*/2,
/*scalar=*/1, /*offset=*/-10);
RemoteHistogram remote_histogram(kBuckets + 2, kMetricId, {});
BaseHistogram expected_hist(kBuckets + 2);
Histogram histogram(&options, &remote_histogram);
struct ValueBucket {
double value;
uint32_t bucket;
fbl::Vector<ValueBucket> data;
unsigned int seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(zx::ticks::now().get());
// 500 random observation.
for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
ValueBucket curr;
curr.bucket = rand_r(&seed) % (kBuckets + 2);
double min;
double max;
if (curr.bucket == 0) {
min = -DBL_MAX;
} else {
min = options.reverse_map_fn(curr.bucket, options);
max = nextafter(options.reverse_map_fn(curr.bucket + 1, options), min);
curr.value = min + (max - min) * (static_cast<double>(rand_r(&seed)) / RAND_MAX);
ASSERT_EQ(options.map_fn(curr.value, options), curr.bucket);
Histogram::Count count = 1 + rand_r(&seed) % 20;
expected_hist.IncrementCount(curr.bucket, count);
histogram.Add(curr.value, count);
// Verify that the data stored through public API, matches the expected values.
for (auto& val_bucket : data) {
// Sanity-Check that the internal representation also matches the expected values.
for (uint32_t bucket = 0; bucket < kBuckets + 2; ++bucket) {
EXPECT_EQ(remote_histogram.GetCount(bucket), remote_histogram.GetCount(bucket));
// Verify we are always exposing the delta since last FlushFn.
bool TestAddAfterFlush() {
// Buckets 2^i + offset.
HistogramOptions options = HistogramOptions::Exponential(/*bucket_count=*/kBuckets, /*base=*/2,
/*scalar=*/1, /*offset=*/-10);
RemoteHistogram remote_histogram(kBuckets + 2, kMetricId, {});
BaseHistogram expected_hist(kBuckets + 2);
Histogram histogram(&options, &remote_histogram);
histogram.Add(25, 4);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(25), 4);
remote_histogram.Flush([](uint64_t metric_id,
const EventBuffer<fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket>>&,
RemoteHistogram::FlushCompleteFn complete) { complete(); });
histogram.Add(25, 4);
histogram.Add(1500, 2);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(25), 4);
ASSERT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(1500), 2);
struct Observation {
double value;
Histogram::Count count;
struct HistogramFnArgs {
// Public histogram which is used to add observations.
Histogram histogram = Histogram(nullptr, nullptr);
// When we are flushing we act as the collector, so we need
// a pointer to the underlying histogram.
RemoteHistogram* remote_histogram = nullptr;
// We flush the contents at each step into this histogram.
BaseHistogram* flushed_histogram = nullptr;
// Synchronize thread start.
sync_completion_t* start = nullptr;
// Observations each thread will add.
fbl::Vector<Observation>* observed_values = nullptr;
// The thread will flush contents if set to true.
bool flush = false;
// Wait until all threads are started, then start adding observations or flushing, depending
// on the thread parameters.
int HistogramFn(void* v_args) {
HistogramFnArgs* args = reinterpret_cast<HistogramFnArgs*>(v_args);
sync_completion_wait(args->start, zx::sec(20).get());
for (auto& obs : *args->observed_values) {
if (!args->flush) {
args->histogram.Add(obs.value, obs.count);
} else {
[args](uint64_t, const EventBuffer<fidl::VectorView<HistogramBucket>>& buffer,
RemoteHistogram::FlushCompleteFn complete_fn) {
for (auto& hist_bucket : buffer.event_data()) {
return thrd_success;
// Verify that when multiple threads call Add the result is eventually consistent,
// meaning that the total count in each bucket should match the count in an histogram
// that is being kept manually(BaseHistogram).
bool TestAddMultiThread() {
// Buckets 2^i + offset.
HistogramOptions options = HistogramOptions::Linear(/*bucket_count=*/kBuckets,
/*scalar=*/2, /*offset=*/0);
RemoteHistogram remote_histogram(kBuckets + 2, kMetricId, {});
BaseHistogram expected_hist(kBuckets + 2);
Histogram histogram(&options, &remote_histogram);
fbl::Vector<Observation> observations;
// 1500 random observation.
unsigned int seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(zx::ticks::now().get());
for (int i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {
Observation obs;
uint32_t bucket = rand_r(&seed) % (kBuckets + 2);
double min;
double max;
if (bucket == 0) {
min = -DBL_MAX;
} else {
min = options.reverse_map_fn(bucket, options);
max = nextafter(options.reverse_map_fn(bucket + 1, options), min);
obs.value = min + (max - min) * (static_cast<double>(rand_r(&seed)) / RAND_MAX);
ASSERT_EQ(options.map_fn(obs.value, options), bucket);
obs.count = 1 + rand_r(&seed) % 20;
expected_hist.IncrementCount(bucket, kThreads * obs.count);
// Thread data.
HistogramFnArgs args;
sync_completion_t start;
fbl::Vector<thrd_t> thread_ids;
args.histogram = histogram;
args.start = &start;
args.observed_values = &observations;
for (size_t thread = 0; thread < kThreads; ++thread) {
auto& thread_id = thread_ids[thread];
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread_id, HistogramFn, &args), thrd_success);
for (auto& thread_id : thread_ids) {
thrd_join(thread_id, nullptr);
// Verify each bucket has the exact value as the expected histogram,
for (uint32_t bucket = 0; bucket < kBuckets + 2; ++bucket) {
double value;
value = options.reverse_map_fn(bucket, options);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(value), expected_hist.GetCount(bucket));
// Verify that when multiple threads call Add and Flush consistently, the result
// is eventually consistent, meaning that for each bucket, the amount in expected_hist
// is equal to what remains in the remote histogram plus the amount in the flushed hist.
// Essentially a sanity check that data is not lost.
bool TestAddAndFlushMultiThread() {
// Buckets 2^i + offset.
HistogramOptions options = HistogramOptions::Linear(/*bucket_count=*/kBuckets,
/*scalar=*/2, /*offset=*/0);
RemoteHistogram remote_histogram(kBuckets + 2, kMetricId, {});
BaseHistogram expected_hist(kBuckets + 2);
BaseHistogram flushed_hist(kBuckets + 2);
Histogram histogram(&options, &remote_histogram);
fbl::Vector<Observation> observations;
// 1500 random observation.
unsigned int seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(zx::ticks::now().get());
for (int i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {
Observation obs;
uint32_t bucket = rand_r(&seed) % (kBuckets + 2);
double min;
double max;
if (bucket == 0) {
min = -DBL_MAX;
} else {
min = options.reverse_map_fn(bucket, options);
max = nextafter(options.reverse_map_fn(bucket + 1, options), min);
obs.value = min + (max - min) * (static_cast<double>(rand_r(&seed)) / RAND_MAX);
ASSERT_EQ(options.map_fn(obs.value, options), bucket);
obs.count = 1 + rand_r(&seed) % 20;
expected_hist.IncrementCount(bucket, (kThreads / 2 + kThreads % 2) * obs.count);
sync_completion_t start;
HistogramFnArgs add_args;
fbl::Vector<thrd_t> thread_ids;
add_args.start = &start;
add_args.histogram = histogram;
add_args.observed_values = &observations;
HistogramFnArgs flush_args = add_args;
flush_args.flush = true;
flush_args.flushed_histogram = &flushed_hist;
flush_args.remote_histogram = &remote_histogram;
for (size_t thread = 0; thread < kThreads; ++thread) {
auto& thread_id = thread_ids[thread];
if (thread % 2 != 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread_id, HistogramFn, &add_args), thrd_success);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread_id, HistogramFn, &flush_args), thrd_success);
for (auto& thread_id : thread_ids) {
thrd_join(thread_id, nullptr);
// Verify each bucket has the exact value as the expected histogram.
// The addition here, is just because we have no guarantee that the last flush
// happened after the last add. Essentially what we have not yet flushed,
// plus what we flushed, should be equal to the expected value if we didnt flush at all.
for (uint32_t bucket = 0; bucket < kBuckets + 2; ++bucket) {
double value;
value = options.reverse_map_fn(bucket, options);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram.GetRemoteCount(value) + flushed_hist.GetCount(bucket),
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cobalt_client