blob: a25bbd699d5e5ba113eeedfafe76f79556f44864 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <block-client/client.h>
#include <fs-management/ramdisk.h>
#include <magenta/device/block.h>
#include <magenta/device/ramdisk.h>
#include <magenta/syscalls.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#define RAMCTL_PATH "/dev/misc/ramctl"
namespace tests {
static int get_ramdisk(uint64_t blk_size, uint64_t blk_count) {
char ramdisk_path[PATH_MAX];
if (create_ramdisk(blk_size, blk_count, ramdisk_path)) {
return -1;
int fd = open(ramdisk_path, O_RDWR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0, "Could not open ramdisk device");
return fd;
static bool ramdisk_test_simple(void) {
uint8_t buf[PAGE_SIZE];
uint8_t out[PAGE_SIZE];
int fd = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE / 2, 512);
memset(buf, 'a', sizeof(buf));
memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));
// Write a page and a half
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)), (ssize_t) sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) / 2), (ssize_t) (sizeof(buf) / 2));
// Seek to the start of the device and read the contents
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd, out, sizeof(out)), (ssize_t) sizeof(out));
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(out, buf, sizeof(out)), 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
// This test creates a ramdisk, verifies it is visible in the filesystem
// (where we expect it to be!) and verifies that it is removed when we
// "unplug" the device.
static bool ramdisk_test_filesystem(void) {
// Make a ramdisk
char ramdisk_path[PATH_MAX];
if (create_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE / 2, 512, ramdisk_path)) {
return -1;
int fd = open(ramdisk_path, O_RDWR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0, "Could not open ramdisk device");
// Ramdisk name is of the form: ".../NAME/block"
// Extract "NAME".
const char* name_end = strrchr(ramdisk_path, '/');
const char* name_start = name_end - 1;
while (*(name_start - 1) != '/') name_start--;
char name[NAME_MAX];
memcpy(name, name_start, name_end - name_start);
name[name_end - name_start] = 0;
// Verify the ramdisk name
char out[sizeof(name)];
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_name(fd, out, sizeof(out)), (ssize_t) strlen(name));
ASSERT_EQ(strncmp(out, name, strlen(name)), 0, "Unexpected ramdisk name");
// Find the name of the ramdisk under "/dev/class/block", since it is a block device.
// Be slightly more lenient with errors during this section, since we might be poking
// block devices that don't belong to us.
char blockpath[PATH_MAX];
strcpy(blockpath, "/dev/class/block/");
DIR* dir = opendir(blockpath);
bool dev_class_block_found = false;
struct dirent* de;
while (!dev_class_block_found && ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL)) {
if ((strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0) || strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0) {
int devfd = openat(dirfd(dir), de->d_name, O_RDONLY);
if (devfd > 0) {
if ((ioctl_block_get_name(devfd, out, sizeof(out)) == (ssize_t) strlen(name)) &&
strncmp(out, name, strlen(name)) == 0) {
// Found a device under /dev/class/block/XYZ with the name of the
// ramdisk we originally created.
strcat(blockpath, de->d_name);
dev_class_block_found = true;
ASSERT_EQ(closedir(dir), 0, "Could not close /dev/class/block");
ASSERT_TRUE(dev_class_block_found, "Ramdisk did not appear in /dev/class/block");
// Check dev block is accessible before destruction
int devfd = open(blockpath, O_RDONLY);
ASSERT_GE(devfd, 0, "Ramdisk is not visible in /dev/class/block");
ASSERT_EQ(close(devfd), 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0, "Could not close ramdisk device");
// Now that we've unlinked the ramdisk, we should notice that it doesn't appear
// under /dev/class/block.
ASSERT_EQ(open(blockpath, O_RDONLY), -1, "Ramdisk is visible in /dev after destruction");
static bool ramdisk_test_rebind(void) {
// Make a ramdisk
char ramdisk_path[PATH_MAX];
if (create_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE / 2, 512, ramdisk_path)) {
return -1;
int fd = open(ramdisk_path, O_RDWR);
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0, "Could not open ramdisk device");
// Rebind the ramdisk driver
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_rr_part(fd), 0);
// Ensure that the block driver rebinds too.
char *path_end = strrchr(ramdisk_path, '/');
ASSERT_EQ(strcmp(path_end, "/block"), 0);
*path_end = '\0';
printf("ramdisk_test: [%s] waiting for child [%s]\n", ramdisk_path, "block");
ASSERT_EQ(wait_for_driver_bind(ramdisk_path, "block"), 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0, "Could not close ramdisk device");
bool ramdisk_test_bad_requests(void) {
uint8_t buf[PAGE_SIZE];
int fd = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE, 512);
memset(buf, 'a', sizeof(buf));
// Read / write non-multiples of the block size
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE - 1), -1);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE / 2), -1);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE - 1), -1);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE / 2), -1);
// Read / write from unaligned offset
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd, 1, SEEK_SET), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE), -1);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE), -1);
// Read / write from beyond end of device
off_t dev_size = PAGE_SIZE * 512;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd, dev_size, SEEK_SET), dev_size);
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd, buf, PAGE_SIZE), 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
bool ramdisk_test_release_during_access(void) {
int fd = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE, 512);
// Spin up a background thread to repeatedly access
// the first few blocks.
auto bg_thread = [](void* arg) {
int fd = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(arg);
while (true) {
uint8_t in[8192];
memset(in, 'a', sizeof(in));
if (write(fd, in, sizeof(in)) != static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(in))) {
return 0;
uint8_t out[8192];
memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (read(fd, out, sizeof(out)) != static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(out))) {
return 0;
// If we DID manage to read it, then the data should be valid...
if (memcmp(in, out, sizeof(in)) != 0) {
return -1;
thrd_t thread;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread, bg_thread, &fd), thrd_success);
// Let the background thread warm up a little bit...
// ... and close the entire ramdisk from undearneath it!
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
int res;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_join(thread, &res), thrd_success);
ASSERT_EQ(res, 0, "Background thread failed");
bool ramdisk_test_release_during_fifo_access(void) {
int fd = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE, 512);
// Set up fifo, txn, client, vmo...
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
uint64_t vmo_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
mx_handle_t vmo;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_create(vmo_size, 0, &vmo), MX_OK, "Failed to create VMO");
mx_handle_t xfer_vmo;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_duplicate(vmo, MX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &xfer_vmo), MX_OK);
vmoid_t vmoid;
expected = sizeof(vmoid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_attach_vmo(fd, &xfer_vmo, &vmoid), expected,
"Failed to attach vmo");
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = txnid;
request.vmoid = vmoid;
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
request.length = PAGE_SIZE;
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 0;
typedef struct thread_args {
block_fifo_request_t* request;
fifo_client_t* client;
} thread_args_t;
// Spin up a background thread to repeatedly access
// the first few blocks.
auto bg_thread = [](void* arg) {
thread_args_t* ta = reinterpret_cast<thread_args_t*>(arg);
mx_status_t status;
while ((status = block_fifo_txn(ta->client, ta->request, 1)) == MX_OK) {}
return (status == MX_ERR_BAD_STATE) ? 0 : -1;
thread_args_t args;
args.request = &request;
args.client = client;
thrd_t thread;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&thread, bg_thread, (void*)&args), thrd_success);
// Let the background thread warm up a little bit...
// ... and close the entire ramdisk from undearneath it!
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
int res;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_join(thread, &res), thrd_success);
ASSERT_EQ(res, 0, "Background thread failed");
bool ramdisk_test_multiple(void) {
uint8_t buf[PAGE_SIZE];
uint8_t out[PAGE_SIZE];
int fd1 = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE, 512);
int fd2 = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE, 512);
// Write 'a' to fd1, write 'b', to fd2
memset(buf, 'a', sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd1, buf, sizeof(buf)), (ssize_t) sizeof(buf));
memset(buf, 'b', sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(write(fd2, buf, sizeof(buf)), (ssize_t) sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd1, 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd2, 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
// Read 'b' from fd2, read 'a' from fd1
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd2, out, sizeof(buf)), (ssize_t) sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(out, buf, sizeof(out)), 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd2), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
memset(buf, 'a', sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(read(fd1, out, sizeof(buf)), (ssize_t) sizeof(buf));
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(out, buf, sizeof(out)), 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd1), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_no_op(void) {
// Get a FIFO connection to a ramdisk and immediately close it
int fd = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE / 2, 512);
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_fifo_close(fd), MX_OK, "Failed to close fifo");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO after closing");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_fifo_close(fd), MX_OK, "Failed to close fifo");
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
static void fill_random(uint8_t* buf, uint64_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buf[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(rand());
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_basic(void) {
// Set up the initial handshake connection with the ramdisk
int fd = get_ramdisk(PAGE_SIZE, 512);
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
// Create an arbitrary VMO, fill it with some stuff
uint64_t vmo_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
mx_handle_t vmo;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_create(vmo_size, 0, &vmo), MX_OK, "Failed to create VMO");
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buf(new (&ac) uint8_t[vmo_size]);
fill_random(buf.get(), vmo_size);
size_t actual;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_write(vmo, buf.get(), 0, vmo_size, &actual), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(actual, vmo_size);
// Send a handle to the vmo to the block device, get a vmoid which identifies it
vmoid_t vmoid;
expected = sizeof(vmoid_t);
mx_handle_t xfer_vmo;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_duplicate(vmo, MX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &xfer_vmo), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_attach_vmo(fd, &xfer_vmo, &vmoid), expected,
"Failed to attach vmo");
// Batch write the VMO to the ramdisk
// Split it into two requests, spread across the disk
block_fifo_request_t requests[2];
requests[0].txnid = txnid;
requests[0].vmoid = vmoid;
requests[0].opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
requests[0].length = PAGE_SIZE;
requests[0].vmo_offset = 0;
requests[0].dev_offset = 0;
requests[1].txnid = txnid;
requests[1].vmoid = vmoid;
requests[1].opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
requests[1].length = PAGE_SIZE * 2;
requests[1].vmo_offset = PAGE_SIZE;
requests[1].dev_offset = PAGE_SIZE * 100;
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], fbl::count_of(requests)), MX_OK);
// Empty the vmo, then read the info we just wrote to the disk
fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> out(new (&ac) uint8_t[vmo_size]());
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_write(vmo, out.get(), 0, vmo_size, &actual), MX_OK);
requests[0].opcode = BLOCKIO_READ;
requests[1].opcode = BLOCKIO_READ;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], fbl::count_of(requests)), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_read(vmo, out.get(), 0, vmo_size, &actual), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buf.get(), out.get(), vmo_size), 0, "Read data not equal to written data");
// Close the current vmo
requests[0].opcode = BLOCKIO_CLOSE_VMO;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], 1), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_close(vmo), MX_OK);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
typedef struct {
uint64_t vmo_size;
mx_handle_t vmo;
vmoid_t vmoid;
fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buf;
} test_vmo_object_t;
// Creates a VMO, fills it with data, and gives it to the block device.
bool create_vmo_helper(int fd, test_vmo_object_t* obj, size_t kBlockSize) {
obj->vmo_size = kBlockSize + (rand() % 5) * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_create(obj->vmo_size, 0, &obj->vmo), MX_OK,
"Failed to create vmo");
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
obj->buf.reset(new (&ac) uint8_t[obj->vmo_size]);
fill_random(obj->buf.get(), obj->vmo_size);
size_t actual;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_write(obj->vmo, obj->buf.get(), 0, obj->vmo_size, &actual),
MX_OK, "Failed to write to vmo");
ASSERT_EQ(obj->vmo_size, actual, "Could not write entire VMO");
ssize_t expected = sizeof(vmoid_t);
mx_handle_t xfer_vmo;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_duplicate(obj->vmo, MX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &xfer_vmo), MX_OK,
"Failed to duplicate vmo");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_attach_vmo(fd, &xfer_vmo, &obj->vmoid), expected,
"Failed to attach vmo");
return true;
// Write all vmos in a striped pattern on disk.
// For objs.size() == 10,
// i = 0 will write vmo block 0, 1, 2, 3... to dev block 0, 10, 20, 30...
// i = 1 will write vmo block 0, 1, 2, 3... to dev block 1, 11, 21, 31...
bool write_striped_vmo_helper(fifo_client_t* client, test_vmo_object_t* obj, size_t i, size_t objs,
txnid_t txnid, size_t kBlockSize) {
// Make a separate request for each block
size_t blocks = obj->vmo_size / kBlockSize;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::Array<block_fifo_request_t> requests(new (&ac) block_fifo_request_t[blocks], blocks);
for (size_t b = 0; b < blocks; b++) {
requests[b].txnid = txnid;
requests[b].vmoid = obj->vmoid;
requests[b].opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
requests[b].length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
requests[b].vmo_offset = b * kBlockSize;
requests[b].dev_offset = i * kBlockSize + b * (kBlockSize * objs);
// Write entire vmos at once
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], requests.size()), MX_OK);
return true;
// Verifies the result from "write_striped_vmo_helper"
bool read_striped_vmo_helper(fifo_client_t* client, test_vmo_object_t* obj, size_t i, size_t objs,
txnid_t txnid, size_t kBlockSize) {
// First, empty out the VMO
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> out(new (&ac) uint8_t[obj->vmo_size]());
size_t actual;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_write(obj->vmo, out.get(), 0, obj->vmo_size, &actual),
// Next, read to the vmo from the disk
size_t blocks = obj->vmo_size / kBlockSize;
fbl::Array<block_fifo_request_t> requests(new (&ac) block_fifo_request_t[blocks], blocks);
for (size_t b = 0; b < blocks; b++) {
requests[b].txnid = txnid;
requests[b].vmoid = obj->vmoid;
requests[b].opcode = BLOCKIO_READ;
requests[b].length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
requests[b].vmo_offset = b * kBlockSize;
requests[b].dev_offset = i * kBlockSize + b * (kBlockSize * objs);
// Read entire vmos at once
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], requests.size()), MX_OK);
// Finally, write from the vmo to an out buffer, where we can compare
// the results with the input buffer.
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_read(obj->vmo, out.get(), 0, obj->vmo_size, &actual),
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(obj->buf.get(), out.get(), obj->vmo_size), 0,
"Read data not equal to written data");
return true;
// Tears down an object created by "create_vmo_helper".
bool close_vmo_helper(fifo_client_t* client, test_vmo_object_t* obj, txnid_t txnid) {
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = txnid;
request.vmoid = obj->vmoid;
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_CLOSE_VMO;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_close(obj->vmo), MX_OK);
return true;
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_multiple_vmo(void) {
// Set up the initial handshake connection with the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
// Create multiple VMOs
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::Array<test_vmo_object_t> objs(new (&ac) test_vmo_object_t[10](), 10);
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &objs[i], kBlockSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(write_striped_vmo_helper(client, &objs[i], i, objs.size(), txnid, kBlockSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(read_striped_vmo_helper(client, &objs[i], i, objs.size(), txnid, kBlockSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(close_vmo_helper(client, &objs[i], txnid));
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
typedef struct {
test_vmo_object_t* obj;
size_t i;
size_t objs;
int fd;
fifo_client_t* client;
size_t kBlockSize;
} test_thread_arg_t;
int fifo_vmo_thread(void* arg) {
test_thread_arg_t* fifoarg = (test_thread_arg_t*) arg;
test_vmo_object_t* obj = fifoarg->obj;
size_t i = fifoarg->i;
size_t objs = fifoarg->objs;
mx_handle_t fd = fifoarg->fd;
fifo_client_t* client = fifoarg->client;
size_t kBlockSize = fifoarg->kBlockSize;
// Each thread should create it's own txnid
txnid_t txnid;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, obj, kBlockSize));
ASSERT_TRUE(write_striped_vmo_helper(client, obj, i, objs, txnid, kBlockSize));
ASSERT_TRUE(read_striped_vmo_helper(client, obj, i, objs, txnid, kBlockSize));
ASSERT_TRUE(close_vmo_helper(client, obj, txnid));
return 0;
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_multiple_vmo_multithreaded(void) {
// Set up the initial handshake connection with the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
// Create multiple VMOs
size_t num_threads = 10;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::Array<test_vmo_object_t> objs(new (&ac) test_vmo_object_t[num_threads](), num_threads);
fbl::Array<thrd_t> threads(new (&ac) thrd_t[num_threads](), num_threads);
fbl::Array<test_thread_arg_t> thread_args(new (&ac) test_thread_arg_t[num_threads](),
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
// Yes, this does create a bunch of duplicate fields, but it's an easy way to
// transfer some data without creating global variables.
thread_args[i].obj = &objs[i];
thread_args[i].i = i;
thread_args[i].objs = objs.size();
thread_args[i].fd = fd;
thread_args[i].client = client;
thread_args[i].kBlockSize = kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_create(&threads[i], fifo_vmo_thread, &thread_args[i]),
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
int res;
ASSERT_EQ(thrd_join(threads[i], &res), thrd_success);
ASSERT_EQ(res, 0);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_unclean_shutdown(void) {
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), MX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND,
"Expected fifo to already be bound");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
// Create multiple VMOs
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::Array<test_vmo_object_t> objs(new (&ac) test_vmo_object_t[10](), 10);
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &objs[i], kBlockSize));
// Now that we've set up the connection for a few VMOs, shut down the fifo
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_close(fifo), MX_OK);
// Attempting to batch any operations to the fifo should fail
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = txnid;
request.vmoid = objs[0].vmoid;
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_CLOSE_VMO;
ASSERT_NE(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_OK,
"Expected operation to fail after closing FIFO");
// Free the dead client
// Give the block server a moment to realize our side of the fifo has been closed
// The block server should still be functioning. We should be able to re-bind to it
expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
expected = sizeof(txnid);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &objs[i], kBlockSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(write_striped_vmo_helper(client, &objs[i], i, objs.size(), txnid, kBlockSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(read_striped_vmo_helper(client, &objs[i], i, objs.size(), txnid, kBlockSize));
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(close_vmo_helper(client, &objs[i], txnid));
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_large_ops_count(void) {
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
// Create a vmo
test_vmo_object_t obj;
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &obj, kBlockSize));
for (size_t num_ops = 1; num_ops <= MAX_TXN_MESSAGES; num_ops++) {
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::Array<block_fifo_request_t> requests(new (&ac) block_fifo_request_t[num_ops](),
for (size_t b = 0; b < num_ops; b++) {
requests[b].txnid = txnid;
requests[b].vmoid = obj.vmoid;
requests[b].opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
requests[b].length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
requests[b].vmo_offset = 0;
requests[b].dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], requests.size()), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_free_txn(fd, &txnid), MX_OK, "Failed to free txn");
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_too_many_ops(void) {
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
test_vmo_object_t obj;
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &obj, kBlockSize));
// This is one too many messages
size_t num_ops = MAX_TXN_MESSAGES + 1;
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::Array<block_fifo_request_t> requests(new (&ac) block_fifo_request_t[num_ops](),
for (size_t b = 0; b < num_ops; b++) {
requests[b].txnid = txnid;
requests[b].vmoid = obj.vmoid;
requests[b].opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
requests[b].length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
requests[b].vmo_offset = 0;
requests[b].dev_offset = 0;
// This should be caught locally by the client library
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &requests[0], requests.size()), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Since the client-side automatically appends the "TXN_END" flag, we avoid using it here.
for (size_t i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
uint32_t actual;
mx_status_t status = mx_fifo_write(fifo, &requests[i], sizeof(block_fifo_request_t),
if (status == MX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT) {
mx_signals_t signals;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_object_wait_one(fifo, MX_FIFO_WRITABLE, MX_TIME_INFINITE, &signals),
goto retry_write;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(status, MX_OK);
// Even though we never sent a request for TXN_END, we'll get a response because
// we filled our txn to the brim.
mx_signals_t signals;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_object_wait_one(fifo, MX_FIFO_READABLE, MX_TIME_INFINITE, &signals),
block_fifo_response_t response;
uint32_t count;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_fifo_read(fifo, &response, sizeof(block_fifo_response_t), &count), MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(response.status, MX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(response.txnid, txnid);
// The txn should still be usable! We should still be able to send a close request.
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_free_txn(fd, &txnid), MX_OK, "Failed to free txn");
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_bad_client_vmoid(void) {
// Try to flex the server's error handling by sending 'malicious' client requests.
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
// Create a vmo
test_vmo_object_t obj;
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &obj, kBlockSize));
// Bad request: Writing to the wrong vmoid
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = txnid;
request.vmoid = static_cast<vmoid_t>(obj.vmoid + 5);
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_IO, "Expected IO error with bad vmoid");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_free_txn(fd, &txnid), MX_OK, "Failed to free txn");
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_bad_client_txnid(void) {
// Try to flex the server's error handling by sending 'malicious' client requests.
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
// Create a vmo
test_vmo_object_t obj;
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &obj, kBlockSize));
// Bad request: Invalid txnid (not allocated)
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = static_cast<txnid_t>(5);
request.vmoid = static_cast<vmoid_t>(obj.vmoid);
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_IO, "Expected IO error with bad txnid");
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_bad_client_unaligned_request(void) {
// Try to flex the server's error handling by sending 'malicious' client requests.
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
// Create a vmo of at least size "kBlockSize * 2", since we'll
// be reading "kBlockSize" bytes from an offset below, and we want it
// to fit within the bounds of the VMO.
test_vmo_object_t obj;
ASSERT_TRUE(create_vmo_helper(fd, &obj, kBlockSize * 2));
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = txnid;
request.vmoid = static_cast<vmoid_t>(obj.vmoid);
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
// Send a request that has a non-block aligned length (-1)
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize - 1);
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Send a request that has a non-block aligned length (+1)
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize + 1);
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Send a request that has a non-block aligned device offset
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Actually, we don't care about aligning VMO offsets, so this request should be fine
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize);
request.vmo_offset = 1;
request.dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_OK);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
bool ramdisk_test_fifo_bad_client_bad_vmo(void) {
// Try to flex the server's error handling by sending 'malicious' client requests.
// Set up the ramdisk
const size_t kBlockSize = PAGE_SIZE;
int fd = get_ramdisk(kBlockSize, 1 << 18);
// Create a connection to the ramdisk
mx_handle_t fifo;
ssize_t expected = sizeof(fifo);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_get_fifos(fd, &fifo), expected, "Failed to get FIFO");
fifo_client_t* client;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_create_client(fifo, &client), MX_OK);
txnid_t txnid;
expected = sizeof(txnid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_alloc_txn(fd, &txnid), expected, "Failed to allocate txn");
test_vmo_object_t obj;
obj.vmo_size = kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_create(obj.vmo_size, 0, &obj.vmo), MX_OK,
"Failed to create vmo");
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
obj.buf.reset(new (&ac) uint8_t[obj.vmo_size]);
fill_random(obj.buf.get(), obj.vmo_size);
size_t actual;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_vmo_write(obj.vmo, obj.buf.get(), 0, obj.vmo_size, &actual),
MX_OK, "Failed to write to vmo");
ASSERT_EQ(obj.vmo_size, actual, "Could not write entire VMO");
mx_handle_t xfer_vmo;
ASSERT_EQ(mx_handle_duplicate(obj.vmo, MX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &xfer_vmo), MX_OK,
"Failed to duplicate vmo");
expected = sizeof(vmoid_t);
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_block_attach_vmo(fd, &xfer_vmo, &obj.vmoid), expected,
"Failed to attach vmo");
// Send a request to write to write a block -- even though that's smaller than the VMO
block_fifo_request_t request;
request.txnid = txnid;
request.vmoid = static_cast<vmoid_t>(obj.vmoid);
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_WRITE;
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize - 1);
request.vmo_offset = 0;
request.dev_offset = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize + 1);
// Do the same thing, but for reading
request.opcode = BLOCKIO_READ;
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize - 1);
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
request.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(kBlockSize + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(block_fifo_txn(client, &request, 1), MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_GE(ioctl_ramdisk_unlink(fd), 0, "Could not unlink ramdisk device");
ASSERT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
// TODO(smklein): Test ops across different vmos
} // namespace tests