blob: 17d9fb68df7062a2d6026f5496ef75928c8035a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mxio/io.h>
#include <magenta/device/pty.h>
// returns an int to avoid sign errors from ASSERT_*()
static int fd_signals(int fd) {
uint32_t signals = 0;
mxio_wait_fd(fd, 0, &signals, 0);
return signals;
static int write_full(int fd) {
char tmp[300];
memset(tmp, 0x33, sizeof(tmp));
int total = 0;
for (;;) {
int r = write(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
if (r < 0) {
if (errno == EAGAIN) {
return -errno;
if (r == 0) {
total += r;
return total;
static int read_all(int fd) {
char tmp[700];
int total = 0;
for (;;) {
int r = read(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
if (r < 0) {
if (errno == EAGAIN) {
return -errno;
if (r == 0) {
for (int n = 0; n < r; n++) {
if (tmp[n] != 0x33) {
return -EFAULT;
total += r;
return total;
static bool pty_test(void) {
int ps = open("/dev/misc/ptmx", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
ASSERT_GE(ps, 0, "");
int pc = openat(ps, "0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
ASSERT_GE(pc, 0, "");
char tmp[32];
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(ps), POLLOUT, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), POLLOUT, "");
// nothing to read
ASSERT_EQ(read(ps, tmp, 32), -1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(errno, EAGAIN, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read(pc, tmp, 32), -1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(errno, EAGAIN, "");
// write server, read client
ASSERT_EQ(write(ps, "xyzzy", 5), 5, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), POLLIN | POLLOUT, "");
memset(tmp, 0xee, 5);
ASSERT_EQ(read(pc, tmp, 5), 5, "");
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(tmp, "xyzzy", 5), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), POLLOUT, "");
// write client, read server
ASSERT_EQ(write(pc, "xyzzy", 5), 5, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(ps), POLLIN | POLLOUT, "");
memset(tmp, 0xee, 5);
ASSERT_EQ(read(ps, tmp, 5), 5, "");
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(tmp, "xyzzy", 5), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(ps), POLLOUT, "");
// write server until full, then drain
ASSERT_EQ(write_full(ps), 4096, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(ps), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read_all(pc), 4096, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(ps), POLLOUT, "");
// write client until full, then drain
ASSERT_EQ(write_full(pc), 4096, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read_all(ps), 4096, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), POLLOUT, "");
// verify no events pending
uint32_t events;
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_read_events(pc, &events), (ssize_t)sizeof(events), "");
ASSERT_EQ(events, 0u, "");
// write a ctrl-c
ASSERT_EQ(write(ps, "\x03", 1), 1, "");
// should be an event now
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_read_events(pc, &events), (ssize_t)sizeof(events), "");
// should vanish once we read it
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_read_events(pc, &events), (ssize_t)sizeof(events), "");
ASSERT_EQ(events, 0u, "");
// write something containing a special char
// should write up to and including the special char
// converting the special char to a signal
ASSERT_EQ(write(ps, "hello\x03world", 11), 6, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read(pc, tmp, 6), 5, "");
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(tmp, "hello", 5), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_read_events(pc, &events), (ssize_t)sizeof(events), "");
pty_window_size_t ws;
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_get_window_size(pc, &ws), (ssize_t)sizeof(ws), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ws.width, 0u, "");
ASSERT_EQ(ws.height, 0u, "");
ws.width = 80;
ws.height = 25;
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_set_window_size(ps, &ws), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_get_window_size(pc, &ws), (ssize_t)sizeof(ws), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ws.width, 80u, "");
ASSERT_EQ(ws.height, 25u, "");
// verify that we don't get events for special chars in raw mode
pty_clr_set_t cs = {
.clr = 0,
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_clr_set_feature(pc, &cs), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(write(ps, "\x03", 1), 1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read(pc, tmp, 1), 1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(tmp[0], '\x03', "");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_read_events(pc, &events), (ssize_t)sizeof(events), "");
ASSERT_EQ(events, 0u, "");
// create a second client
int pc1 = openat(pc, "1", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
ASSERT_GE(pc1, 0, "");
// reads/writes to non-active client should block
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc1), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(write(pc1, "test", 4), -1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(errno, EAGAIN, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read(pc1, tmp, 4), -1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(errno, EAGAIN, "");
uint32_t n = 2;
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_make_active(pc, &n), MX_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "");
// non-controlling client cannot change active client
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_make_active(pc1, &n), MX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, "");
// but controlling client can
n = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_make_active(pc, &n), MX_OK, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), 0, "");
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc1), POLLOUT, "");
ASSERT_EQ(write(pc1, "test", 4), 4, "");
ASSERT_EQ(read(ps, tmp, 4), 4, "");
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(tmp, "test", 4), 0, "");
// make sure controlling client observes departing active client
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(pc), POLLHUP | POLLPRI, "");
ASSERT_EQ(ioctl_pty_read_events(pc, &events), (ssize_t)sizeof(events), "");
// verify that server observes depature of last client
ASSERT_EQ(fd_signals(ps), POLLHUP | POLLIN, "");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return unittest_run_all_tests(argc, argv) ? 0 : -1;