blob: 1177f8a322a85f54d0485e7601716b493f815bd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Field declarations for the trace record format.
#pragma once
#include <trace-engine/types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
namespace trace {
inline constexpr size_t Pad(size_t size) {
return size + ((8 - (size & 7)) & 7);
inline constexpr size_t BytesToWords(size_t num_bytes) {
return Pad(num_bytes) / sizeof(uint64_t);
inline constexpr size_t WordsToBytes(size_t num_words) {
return num_words * sizeof(uint64_t);
// Casts an enum's value to its underlying type.
template <typename T>
inline constexpr typename fbl::underlying_type<T>::type ToUnderlyingType(T value) {
return static_cast<typename fbl::underlying_type<T>::type>(value);
// Describes the layout of a bit-field packed into a 64-bit word.
template <size_t begin, size_t end>
struct Field {
static_assert(begin < sizeof(uint64_t) * 8, "begin is out of bounds");
static_assert(end < sizeof(uint64_t) * 8, "end is out of bounds");
static_assert(begin <= end, "begin must not be larger than end");
static_assert(end - begin + 1 < 64, "must be a part of a word, not a whole word");
static constexpr uint64_t kMask = (uint64_t(1) << (end - begin + 1)) - 1;
static constexpr uint64_t Make(uint64_t value) { return value << begin; }
template <typename U>
static constexpr U Get(uint64_t word) {
return static_cast<U>((word >> begin) & kMask);
static constexpr void Set(uint64_t& word, uint64_t value) {
word = (word & ~(kMask << begin)) | (value << begin);
struct ArgumentFields {
using Type = Field<0, 3>;
using ArgumentSize = Field<4, 15>;
using NameRef = Field<16, 31>;
struct Int32ArgumentFields : ArgumentFields {
using Value = Field<32, 63>;
struct Uint32ArgumentFields : ArgumentFields {
using Value = Field<32, 63>;
struct StringArgumentFields : ArgumentFields {
using Index = Field<32, 47>;
struct RecordFields {
static constexpr size_t kMaxRecordSizeWords = 0xfff;
static constexpr size_t kMaxRecordSizeBytes = WordsToBytes(kMaxRecordSizeWords);
using Type = Field<0, 3>;
using RecordSize = Field<4, 15>;
struct MetadataRecordFields : RecordFields {
using MetadataType = Field<16, 19>;
struct ProviderInfoMetadataRecordFields : MetadataRecordFields {
static constexpr size_t kMaxNameLength = 0xff;
using Id = Field<20, 51>;
using NameLength = Field<52, 59>;
struct ProviderSectionMetadataRecordFields : MetadataRecordFields {
using Id = Field<20, 51>;
using InitializationRecordFields = RecordFields;
struct StringRecordFields : RecordFields {
using StringIndex = Field<16, 30>;
using StringLength = Field<32, 46>;
struct ThreadRecordFields : RecordFields {
using ThreadIndex = Field<16, 23>;
struct EventRecordFields : RecordFields {
using EventType = Field<16, 19>;
using ArgumentCount = Field<20, 23>;
using ThreadRef = Field<24, 31>;
using CategoryStringRef = Field<32, 47>;
using NameStringRef = Field<48, 63>;
struct KernelObjectRecordFields : RecordFields {
using ObjectType = Field<16, 23>;
using NameStringRef = Field<24, 39>;
using ArgumentCount = Field<40, 43>;
struct ContextSwitchRecordFields : RecordFields {
using CpuNumber = Field<16, 23>;
using OutgoingThreadState = Field<24, 27>;
using OutgoingThreadRef = Field<28, 35>;
using IncomingThreadRef = Field<36, 43>;
struct LogRecordFields : RecordFields {
static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageLength = 0x7fff;
using LogMessageLength = Field<16, 30>;
using ThreadRef = Field<32, 39>;
} // namespace trace
#endif // __cplusplus