blob: cb74ca6a314c16e83d8ce74fdcb617e08eb86dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <magenta/compiler.h>
#include <magenta/syscalls.h>
#include <magenta/syscalls/object.h>
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
// Get and set the thread pointer.
static inline void* mxr_tp_get(void);
static inline void mxr_tp_set(mx_handle_t self, void* tp);
#if defined(__aarch64__)
__NO_SAFESTACK static inline void* mxr_tp_get(void) {
// This just emits "mrs %[reg], tpidr_el0", but the compiler
// knows what exactly it's doing (unlike an asm). So it can
// e.g. CSE it with another implicit thread-pointer fetch it
// generated for its own reasons.
return __builtin_thread_pointer();
__NO_SAFESTACK static inline void mxr_tp_set(mx_handle_t self, void* tp) {
__asm__ volatile("msr tpidr_el0, %0"
: "r"(tp));
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
__NO_SAFESTACK static inline void* mxr_tp_get(void) {
// This fetches %fs:0, but the compiler knows what it's doing.
// LLVM knows that in the Fuchsia ABI %fs:0 always stores the
// %fs.base address, and its optimizer will see through this
// to integrate *(mxr_tp_get() + N) as a direct "mov %fs:N, ...".
// Note that these special pointer types can be used to access
// memory, but they cannot be cast to a normal pointer type
// (which in the abstract should add in the base address,
// but the compiler doesn't know how to do that).
# ifdef __clang__
// Clang does it via magic address_space numbers (256 is %gs).
void* __attribute__((address_space(257)))* fs = 0;
// TODO(mcgrathr): GCC 6 supports this syntax instead (and __seg_gs):
// void* __seg_fs* fs = 0;
// Unfortunately, it allows it only in C and not in C++.
// It also requires -fasm under -std=c11 (et al), see:
// It's also buggy for the special case of 0, see:
return *fs;
# else
void* tp;
__asm__ __volatile__("mov %%fs:0,%0"
: "=r"(tp));
return tp;
# endif
__NO_SAFESTACK static inline void mxr_tp_set(mx_handle_t self, void* tp) {
mx_status_t status = _mx_object_set_property(
self, MX_PROP_REGISTER_FS, (uintptr_t*)&tp, sizeof(uintptr_t));
if (status != MX_OK)
#error Unsupported architecture
#pragma GCC visibility pop