blob: 387bc859ad82c01baf2ba123506b5ccc4bd9b9a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <hypervisor/pci.h>
#include <magenta/syscalls/hypervisor.h>
#include <magenta/types.h>
#include <virtio/virtio.h>
// clang-format off
// Interrupt status bits.
#define VIRTIO_ISR_QUEUE 0x1
// clang-format on
struct vring_desc;
struct vring_avail;
struct vring_used;
typedef struct io_apic io_apic_t;
typedef struct mx_vcpu_io mx_vcpu_io_t;
typedef struct virtio_device virtio_device_t;
typedef struct virtio_queue virtio_queue_t;
/* Device-specific operations. */
typedef struct virtio_device_ops {
// Read a device configuration field.
mx_status_t (*read)(const virtio_device_t* device, uint16_t port, uint8_t access_size,
mx_vcpu_io_t* vcpu_io);
// Write a device configuration field.
mx_status_t (*write)(virtio_device_t* device, uint16_t port, const mx_vcpu_io_t* io);
// Handle notify events for one of this devices queues.
mx_status_t (*queue_notify)(virtio_device_t* device, uint16_t queue_sel);
} virtio_device_ops_t;
static const size_t kVirtioPciNumCapabilities = 4;
/* Common state shared by all virtio devices. */
typedef struct virtio_device {
mtx_t mutex;
// Feature flags.
// See Virtio 1.0 Section for more details.
uint32_t features;
uint32_t features_sel;
uint32_t driver_features;
uint32_t driver_features_sel;
// Virtio device id.
uint8_t device_id;
// Virtio status register for the device.
uint8_t status;
// Interrupt status register.
uint8_t isr_status;
// Currently selected queue.
uint16_t queue_sel;
// Number of bytes used for this devices configuration space.
// This should cover only bytes used for the device-specific portions of
// the configuration header, omitting any of the (transport-specific)
// shared configuration space.
uint32_t config_size;
// Size of queues array.
uint16_t num_queues;
// Virtqueues for this device.
virtio_queue_t* queues;
// Address of guest physical memory.
uintptr_t guest_physmem_addr;
// Size of guest physical memory.
size_t guest_physmem_size;
// Device-specific operations.
const virtio_device_ops_t* ops;
// Private pointer for use by the device implementation.
void* impl;
// PCI device for the virtio-pci transport.
pci_device_t pci_device;
// We need one of these for every virtio_pci_cap_t structure we expose.
pci_cap_t capabilities[kVirtioPciNumCapabilities];
// Virtio PCI capabilities.
virtio_pci_cap_t common_cfg_cap;
virtio_pci_cap_t device_cfg_cap;
virtio_pci_notify_cap_t notify_cfg_cap;
virtio_pci_cap_t isr_cfg_cap;
} virtio_device_t;
/* Configures a device for Virtio PCI functionality.
* Should be invoked after the rest of the virtio_device_t structure has
* already been intialized as the PCI configuration depends on some of the
* virtio device attributes.
void virtio_pci_init(virtio_device_t* device);
/* Send an interrupt back to the guest for a device. */
mx_status_t virtio_device_notify(virtio_device_t* device);
/* Handle kicks from the guest to process a queue. */
mx_status_t virtio_device_kick(virtio_device_t* device, uint16_t queue_sel);
/* Stores the Virtio queue based on the ring provided by the guest.
* NOTE(abdulla): This structure points to guest-controlled memory.
typedef struct virtio_queue {
mtx_t mutex;
// Allow threads to block on buffers in the avail ring.
cnd_t avail_ring_cnd;
// Queue addresses as defined in Virtio 1.0 Section
union {
struct {
uint64_t desc;
uint64_t avail;
uint64_t used;
// Software will access these using 32 bit operations. Provide a
// convenience interface for these use cases.
uint32_t words[6];
} addr;
// Number of entries in the descriptor table.
uint16_t size;
uint16_t index;
// Pointer to the owning device.
virtio_device_t* virtio_device;
volatile struct vring_desc* desc; // guest-controlled
volatile struct vring_avail* avail; // guest-controlled
volatile uint16_t* used_event; // guest-controlled
volatile struct vring_used* used; // guest-controlled
volatile uint16_t* avail_event; // guest-controlled
} virtio_queue_t;
/* Callback function for virtio_queue_handler.
* For chained buffers uing VRING_DESC_F_NEXT, this function will be called once for each buffer
* in the chain.
* addr - Pointer to the descriptor buffer.
* len - Length of the descriptor buffer.
* flags - Flags from the vring descriptor.
* used - To be incremented by the number of bytes used from addr.
* ctx - The same pointer passed to virtio_queue_handler.
typedef mx_status_t (*virtio_queue_fn_t)(void* addr, uint32_t len, uint16_t flags, uint32_t* used,
void* ctx);
/* Handles the next available descriptor in a Virtio queue, calling handler to
* process individual payload buffers.
* On success the function either returns MX_OK if there are no more descriptors
* available, or MX_ERR_NEXT if there are more available descriptors to process.
mx_status_t virtio_queue_handler(virtio_queue_t* queue, virtio_queue_fn_t handler, void* ctx);
/* Get the index of the next descriptor in the available ring.
* If a buffer is a available, the descriptor index is written to |index|, the
* queue index pointer is incremented, and MX_OK is returned.
* If no buffers are available MX_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned.
mx_status_t virtio_queue_next_avail(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint16_t* index);
/* Blocking variant of virtio_queue_next_avail. */
void virtio_queue_wait(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint16_t* index);
/* Notify waiting threads blocked on |virtio_queue_wait| that the avail ring
* has descriptors available. */
void virtio_queue_signal(virtio_queue_t* queue);
/* Sets the address of the descriptor table for this queue. */
void virtio_queue_set_desc_addr(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint64_t desc_addr);
/* Sets the address of the available ring for this queue. */
void virtio_queue_set_avail_addr(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint64_t avail_addr);
/* Sets the address of the used ring for this queue. */
void virtio_queue_set_used_addr(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint64_t used_addr);
/* Callback for virtio_queue_poll.
* queue - The queue being polled.
* head - Descriptor index of the buffer chain to process.
* used - To be incremented by the number of bytes used from addr.
* ctx - The same pointer passed to virtio_queue_poll.
* The queue will continue to be polled as long as this method returns MX_OK.
* The error MX_ERR_STOP will be treated as a special value to indicate queue
* polling should stop gracefully and terminate the thread.
* Any other error values will be treated as unexpected errors that will cause
* the polling thread to be terminated with a non-zero exit value.
typedef mx_status_t (*virtio_queue_poll_fn_t)(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint16_t head,
uint32_t* used, void* ctx);
/* Spawn a thread to wait for descriptors to be available and invoke the
* provided handler on each available buffer asyncronously.
mx_status_t virtio_queue_poll(virtio_queue_t* queue, virtio_queue_poll_fn_t handler, void* ctx);
/* A higher-level API for vring_desc. */
typedef struct virtio_desc {
// Pointer to the buffer in our address space.
void* addr;
// Number of bytes at addr.
uint32_t len;
// Is there another buffer after this one?
bool has_next;
// Only valid if has_next is true.
uint16_t next;
// If true, this buffer must only be written to (no reads). Otherwise this
// buffer must only be read from (no writes).
bool writable;
} virtio_desc_t;
/* Reads a single descriptor from the queue.
* This method should only be called using descriptor indicies acquired with
* virtio_queue_next_avail (including any chained decriptors) and before
* they've been released with virtio_queue_return.
mx_status_t virtio_queue_read_desc(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint16_t index, virtio_desc_t* desc);
/* Return a descriptor to the used ring.
* |index| must be a value received from a call to virtio_queue_next_avail. Any
* buffers accessed via |index| or any chained descriptors must not be used
* after calling virtio_queue_return.
void virtio_queue_return(virtio_queue_t* queue, uint16_t index, uint32_t len);