blob: 54fbeef5ffc746bc5a71c289ab2b13953ed3eb30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <magenta/assert.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted_internal.h>
namespace fbl {
// Base class for a reference counted type. Use as
// class Handle : public RefCounted<Handle> {
// };
// This supports intrusive atomic reference counting with adoption. This means
// that a new object starts life at a reference count of 1 and has to be adopted
// by a type (such as a fbl::RefPtr) that begins manipulation of the reference
// count. If the reference count ever reaches zero, the object's lifetime is
// over and it should be destroyed (Release() returns true if this is the case).
// You might be wondering about the unused |T| template parameter. It exists so
// that the base class of the derived object is a unique type. Without being a
// template then you can have many unrelated classes which can be implicitly
// upcasted to RefCounted* which is an undesirable situation for a mixin class
// like this one. Specially because the destructor is not virtual. The same is
// not possible via internal::RefCountedBase since the ctor and dtor are
// protected.
template <typename T,
bool EnableAdoptionValidator = MX_DEBUG_ASSERT_IMPLEMENTED>
class RefCounted : public internal::RefCountedBase<EnableAdoptionValidator> {
RefCounted() {}
~RefCounted() {}
using internal::RefCountedBase<EnableAdoptionValidator>::AddRef;
using internal::RefCountedBase<EnableAdoptionValidator>::Release;
using internal::RefCountedBase<EnableAdoptionValidator>::Adopt;
// Don't use this method. See the relevant RefPtr implementation for details.
using internal::RefCountedBase<EnableAdoptionValidator>::AddRefMaybeInDestructor;
// RefCounted<> instances may not be copied, assigned or moved.
} // namespace fbl