blob: fb3556d6d6cddfd581674cec014879cc824b1ba4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <fbl/intrusive_pointer_traits.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
namespace fbl {
// DefaultKeyedObjectTraits defines a default implementation of traits used to
// manage objects stored in associative containers such as hash-tables and
// trees.
// At a minimum, a class or a struct which is to be used to define the
// traits of a keyed object must define the following public members.
// GetKey : A static method which takes a constant reference to an object (the
// type of which is infered from PtrType) and returns a KeyType
// instance corresponding to the key for an object.
// LessThan : A static method which takes two keys (key1 and key2) and returns
// true if-and-only-if key1 is considered to be less than key2 for
// sorting purposes.
// EqualTo : A static method which takes two keys (key1 and key2) and returns
// true if-and-only-if key1 is considered to be equal to key2.
// Rules for keys:
// ++ The type of key returned by GetKey must be compatible with the key which
// was specified for the container.
// ++ The key for an object must remain constant for as long as the object is
// contained within a container.
// ++ When comparing keys, comparisons must obey basic transative and
// commutative properties. That is to say...
// LessThan(A, B) and LessThan(B, C) implies LessThan(A, C)
// EqualTo(A, B) and EqualTo(B, C) implies EqualTo(A, C)
// EqualTo(A, B) if-and-only-if EqualTo(B, A)
// LessThan(A, B) if-and-only-if EqualTo(B, A) or (not LessThan(B, A))
// DefaultKeyedObjectTraits is a helper class which allows an object to be
// treated as a keyed-object by implementing a const GetKey method which returns
// a key of the appropriate type. The key type must be compatible with the
// container key type, and must have definitions of the < and == operators for
// the purpose of generating implementation of LessThan and EqualTo.
template <typename KeyType, typename ObjType>
struct DefaultKeyedObjectTraits {
static KeyType GetKey(const ObjType& obj) { return obj.GetKey(); }
static bool LessThan(const KeyType& key1, const KeyType& key2) { return key1 < key2; }
static bool EqualTo (const KeyType& key1, const KeyType& key2) { return key1 == key2; }
} // namespace fbl
namespace fbl {
namespace internal {
// DirectEraseUtils
// A utility class used by HashTable to implement an O(n) or O(k) direct erase
// operation depending on whether or not the HashTable's bucket type supports
// O(k) erase.
template <typename ContainerType, typename Enable = void>
struct DirectEraseUtils;
template <typename ContainerType>
struct DirectEraseUtils<
typename enable_if<ContainerType::SupportsConstantOrderErase == false, void>::type> {
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerType::PtrTraits;
using PtrType = typename PtrTraits::PtrType;
using ValueType = typename PtrTraits::ValueType;
static PtrType erase(ContainerType& container, ValueType& obj) {
return container.erase_if(
[&obj](const ValueType& other) -> bool {
return &obj == &other;
template <typename ContainerType>
struct DirectEraseUtils<
typename enable_if<ContainerType::SupportsConstantOrderErase == true, void>::type> {
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerType::PtrTraits;
using PtrType = typename PtrTraits::PtrType;
using ValueType = typename PtrTraits::ValueType;
static PtrType erase(ContainerType& container, ValueType& obj) {
return container.erase(obj);
// KeyEraseUtils
// A utility class used by HashTable to implement an O(n) or O(k) erase-by-key
// operation depending on whether or not the HashTable's bucket type is
// associative or not.
template <typename ContainerType, typename KeyTraits, typename Enable = void>
struct KeyEraseUtils;
template <typename ContainerType, typename KeyTraits>
struct KeyEraseUtils<
typename enable_if<ContainerType::IsAssociative == false, void>::type> {
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerType::PtrTraits;
using PtrType = typename PtrTraits::PtrType;
using ValueType = typename PtrTraits::ValueType;
template <typename KeyType>
static PtrType erase(ContainerType& container, const KeyType& key) {
return container.erase_if(
[key](const ValueType& other) -> bool {
return KeyTraits::EqualTo(key, KeyTraits::GetKey(other));
template <typename ContainerType, typename KeyTraits>
struct KeyEraseUtils<
typename enable_if<ContainerType::IsAssociative == true, void>::type> {
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerType::PtrTraits;
using PtrType = typename PtrTraits::PtrType;
template <typename KeyType>
static PtrType erase(ContainerType& container, const KeyType& key) {
return container.erase(key);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fbl