blob: c6f62082147cc8b4f559335fc7532d4e6285f4fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <magenta/compiler.h>
#include <magenta/types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <stdint.h>
#include <digest/digest.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
namespace digest {
// digest::MerkleTree represents a hash tree that can be used to independently
// verify subsets of a set data associated with a trusted digest.
// A Merkle tree is typically created for a given |data| and |data_len| using
// the following (error checking is omitted):
// size_t tree_len = digest::MerkleTree::GetTreeLength(data_len);
// uint8_t *tree = malloc(tree_len); // or other allocation routine
// digest::Digest digest;
// digest::MerkleTree::Create(data, data_len, tree, tree_len, &digest);
// At this point, |digest| contains the root digest for the Merkle tree
// corresponding to the data. If this digest is trusted (e.g. the creator signs
// it), other parties can use it to verify any portion of the data, chosen by
// |offset| and |length| using the following:
// mx_status_t rc = digest::MerkleTree::Verify(data,
// data_len, tree, tree_len, offset, length, digest);
// If |s| is NO_ERROR, the |data| between |offset| and |offset + length| is the
// same as when "Create" was called. If it is ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY, either the
// data, tree, or root digest have been altered.
class MerkleTree final {
// This sets the size that the tree uses to chunk up the data and digests.
// TODO(aarongreen): Tune this to optimize performance.
static constexpr size_t kNodeSize = 8192;
// Returns the minimum size needed to hold a Merkle tree for the given
// |data_len|. The tree consists of all the nodes containing the digests of
// child nodes. It does NOT include the root digest, which must be passed
// to |Verify| after a trust decision has been made. This means that when
// the |data_len| is less than |kNodeSize|, this method will return 0.
static size_t GetTreeLength(size_t data_len);
// Writes a Merkle tree for the given data and saves its root digest.
// |tree_len| must be at least as much as returned by GetTreeLength().
static mx_status_t Create(const void* data, size_t data_len, void* tree,
size_t tree_len, Digest* digest);
// Checks the integrity of a the region of data given by the offset and
// length. It checks integrity using the given Merkle tree and trusted root
// digest. |tree_len| must be at least as much as returned by
// GetTreeLength(). |offset| and |length| must describe a range wholly
// within |data_len|.
static mx_status_t Verify(const void* data, size_t data_len,
const void* tree, size_t tree_len, size_t offset,
size_t length, const Digest& digest);
// The stateful instance methods below are only needed when creating a
// Merkle tree using the Init/Update/Final methods.
// Initializes |tree| to hold a the Merkle tree for |data_len| bytes of
// data. This must be called before |CreateUpdate|.
mx_status_t CreateInit(size_t data_len, size_t tree_len);
// Processes an additional |length| bytes of |data| and writes digests to
// the Merkle |tree|. It is an error to process more data in total than was
// specified by |data_len| in |CreateInit|. |tree| must have room for at
// least |GetTreeLength(data_len)| bytes.
mx_status_t CreateUpdate(const void* data, size_t length, void* tree);
// Completes the Merkle |tree|, from the data leaves up to the |root|, which
// it writes out if not null. This must only be called after the total
// number of bytes processed by |CreateUpdate| equals the |data_len| set by
// |CreateInit|. |tree| must have room for at least
// |GetTreeLength(data_len)| bytes.
mx_status_t CreateFinal(void* tree, Digest* digest);
// Checks the integrity of the top level of a Merkle tree. It checks
// integrity using the given root digest. |data_len| must be at no more than
// |kNodeSize|.
static mx_status_t VerifyRoot(const void* data, size_t data_len,
uint64_t level, const Digest& root);
// Checks the integrity of portion of a Merkle tree level given by the
// offset and length. It checks integrity using next level up of the given
// Merkle tree. |tree_len| must be at least as much as returned by
// |GetTreeLength(data_len)|. |offset| and |length| must describe a range
// wholly within |data_len|.
static mx_status_t VerifyLevel(const void* data, size_t data_len,
const void* tree, size_t offset,
size_t length, uint64_t level);
// See CreateFinal. This implements that method, with an extra parameter to
// allow levels other than the bottommost to be padded.
mx_status_t CreateFinalInternal(const void* data, void* tree, Digest* root);
// All of the following fields are used to save state when creating the
// Merkle tree using the Init/Update/Final methods. These methods use a
// chain of Tree objects, one for each level of the tree.
// Indicates whether CreateInit has been called without a corresponding call
// to CreateFinal.
bool initialized_;
// For each Tree object in the chain, the Tree object managing the next
// level up is given by |next_|.
fbl::unique_ptr<MerkleTree> next_;
// Indicates the height in the tree of this Tree object, and equals the
// number of preceding Tree objects in the chain.
uint64_t level_;
// Indicates the amount of data consumed so far by |CreateUpdate| for this
// level.
size_t offset_;
// Indicates the total amount of data to be consumed by |CreateUpdate| for
// this level, as set in |CreateInit|.
size_t length_;
// Used to calculate digest, and save the hash state across calls to
// |CreateUpdate|.
Digest digest_;
} // namespace digest
#endif // __cplusplus
typedef struct merkle_tree_t merkle_tree_t;
// C API for MerkleTree. The methods below are directly equivalent to the C++
// methods above, i.e. "merkle_tree_some_method" below would correspond to
// "MerkleTree::SomeMethod" above. The parameters differ in only two ways:
// - The stateful creation methods (Init/Update/Final) include a
// 'merkle_tree_t' handle to wrap the Tree object.
// - Digest arguments have been replace with a void*/size_t pair that
// indicate the buffer to use to read or save the digest.
// The typical flow is similar to using the C++ methods to create a tree is:
// size_t tree_len = merkle_tree_get_tree_length(data_len);
// uint8_t *tree = malloc(tree_len);
// uint8_t *root = malloc(32);
// return merkle_tree_create(data, data_len, tree, tree_len, out, 32);
// An example flow using the stateful creation methods is:
// size_t tree_len = merkle_tree_get_tree_length(total_data_len);
// uint8_t *tree = malloc(tree_len);
// uint8_t root[32];
// merkle_tree_t *mt;
// if (merkle_tree_create_init(data_len, tree_len, &mt) != NO_ERROR)
// return;
// merkle_tree_create_update(mt, some_data, some_data_len);
// merkle_tree_create_update(mt, more_data, more_data_len);
// return merkle_tree_create_final(mt, tree, root, sizeof(root));
// The typical flow is similar to using the C++ methods to verify a tree is:
// return merkle_tree_verify(data, data_len, tree, tree_len, offset,
// length, root, sizeof(root));
// C wrapper for |MerkleTree::GetTreeLength|.
size_t merkle_tree_get_tree_length(size_t data_len);
// C wrapper function for |MerkleTree::Create|.
mx_status_t merkle_tree_create(const void* data, size_t data_len, void* tree,
size_t tree_len, void* out, size_t out_len);
// C wrapper for |MerkleTree::CreateInit|. On success, this function
// allocates memory for |out|. The caller must free this memory by calling
// |merkle_tree_create_final|, even if an intervening call to
// |merkle_tree_create_update| returns an error.
mx_status_t merkle_tree_create_init(size_t data_len, size_t tree_len,
merkle_tree_t** out);
// C wrapper function for |MerkleTree::CreateUpdate|.
mx_status_t merkle_tree_create_update(merkle_tree_t* mt, const void* data,
size_t length, void* tree);
// C wrapper function for |MerkleTree::CreateFinal|. This function consumes
// |mt| and frees it.
mx_status_t merkle_tree_create_final(merkle_tree_t* mt, void* tree, void* out,
size_t out_len);
// C wrapper function for |MerkleTree::Verify|.
mx_status_t merkle_tree_verify(const void* data, size_t data_len, void* tree,
size_t tree_len, size_t offset, size_t length,
const void* root, size_t root_len);