blob: 962d3013fe7436ced98cbc207ac80ab14ae64f6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ddk/iotxn.h>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <magenta/assert.h>
#include <magenta/process.h>
#include <magenta/syscalls.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <threads.h>
#define TRACE 0
#define xprintf(fmt...) printf(fmt)
#define xprintf(fmt...) \
do { \
} while (0)
// Warn if free list length exceeds a multiple of FREE_LIST_MONITOR_LIMIT
#define IOTXN_PFLAG_CONTIGUOUS (1 << 0) // the vmo is contiguous
#define IOTXN_PFLAG_ALLOC (1 << 1) // the vmo is allocated by us
#define IOTXN_PFLAG_PHYSMAP (1 << 2) // we performed physmap() on this vmo and allocated memory
#define IOTXN_PFLAG_MMAP (1 << 3) // we performed mmap() on this vmo
#define IOTXN_PFLAG_FREE (1 << 4) // this txn has been released
#define IOTXN_PFLAG_QUEUED (1 << 5) // transaction has been queued and not yet released
static list_node_t free_list = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(free_list);
static mtx_t free_list_mutex = MTX_INIT;
static size_t free_list_length = 0;
static size_t free_list_monitor_warned = 0;
// This assert will fail if we attempt to access the buffer of a cloned txn after it has been completed
static uint32_t alloc_flags_to_pflags(uint32_t alloc_flags) {
if (alloc_flags & IOTXN_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS) {
return 0;
static bool do_free_phys(uint32_t pflags) {
// only free phys if we called physmap and allocated memory
return (pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_PHYSMAP);
static iotxn_t* find_in_free_list(uint32_t pflags, uint64_t data_size) {
bool found = false;
iotxn_t* txn = NULL;
//xprintf("find_in_free_list pflags 0x%x data_size 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", pflags, data_size);
list_for_every_entry (&free_list, txn, iotxn_t, node) {
// txn->pflags has IOTXN_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS set if the txn has a contiguous VMO we allocated,
// or zero otherwise. And the pflags passed into this function is either zero or
// IOTXN_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS. So here we mask txn->pflags with IOTXN_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS
// to compare just this bit and not get confused by IOTXN_PFLAG_FREE or other flags.
if ((txn->vmo_length == data_size) && (((txn->pflags & IOTXN_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS) == pflags) || data_size == 0)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
txn->pflags &= ~IOTXN_PFLAG_FREE;
//xprintf("find_in_free_list found %d txn %p\n", found, txn);
return found ? txn : NULL;
// return the iotxn into the free list
static void iotxn_release_free_list(iotxn_t* txn) {
mx_handle_t vmo_handle = txn->vmo_handle;
uint64_t vmo_offset = txn->vmo_offset;
uint64_t vmo_length = txn->vmo_length;
void* virt = txn->virt;
mx_paddr_t* phys = txn->phys;
uint64_t phys_count = txn->phys_count;
uint32_t pflags = txn->pflags;
mx_paddr_t phys_inline[3];
memcpy(phys_inline, txn->phys_inline, sizeof(txn->phys_inline));
memset(txn, 0, sizeof(iotxn_t));
if (pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_ALLOC) {
// if we allocated the vmo, keep it around
txn->vmo_handle = vmo_handle;
txn->vmo_offset = vmo_offset;
txn->vmo_length = vmo_length;
txn->virt = virt;
txn->phys = phys;
txn->phys_count = phys_count;
txn->pflags = pflags;
memcpy(txn->phys_inline, phys_inline, sizeof(txn->phys_inline));
} else {
if (do_free_phys(pflags)) {
if (phys != NULL) {
if (pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_MMAP) {
// only unmap if we called mmap()
if (virt) {
mx_vmar_unmap(mx_vmar_root_self(), (uintptr_t)virt, vmo_length);
txn->pflags |= IOTXN_PFLAG_FREE;
txn->release_cb = iotxn_release_free_list;
list_add_head(&free_list, &txn->node);
if (free_list_length % FREE_LIST_MONITOR_LIMIT == 0
&& free_list_length > free_list_monitor_warned) {
printf("WARNING: iotxn free_list_length is %zu\n", free_list_length);
free_list_monitor_warned = free_list_length;
xprintf("iotxn_release_free_list released txn %p\n", txn);
// free the iotxn
static void iotxn_release_free(iotxn_t* txn) {
if (do_free_phys(txn->pflags)) {
if (txn->phys != NULL) {
if (txn->pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_MMAP) {
if (txn->virt) {
mx_vmar_unmap(mx_vmar_root_self(), (uintptr_t)txn->virt, txn->vmo_length);
if (txn->pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_ALLOC) {
// releases data for a statically allocated iotxn
static void iotxn_release_static(iotxn_t* txn) {
uint32_t pflags = txn->pflags;
if (do_free_phys(txn->pflags)) {
// only free the scatter list if we called physmap()
if (txn->phys != NULL) {
txn->phys = NULL;
txn->phys_count = 0;
if (pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_MMAP) {
// only unmap if we called mmap()
if (txn->virt) {
mx_vmar_unmap(mx_vmar_root_self(), (uintptr_t)txn->virt, txn->vmo_length);
txn->virt = NULL;
void iotxn_complete(iotxn_t* txn, mx_status_t status, mx_off_t actual) {
xprintf("iotxn_complete txn %p\n", txn);
txn->pflags &= ~IOTXN_PFLAG_QUEUED;
txn->actual = actual;
txn->status = status;
if (txn->complete_cb) {
txn->complete_cb(txn, txn->cookie);
ssize_t iotxn_copyfrom(iotxn_t* txn, void* data, size_t length, size_t offset) {
length = MIN(txn->vmo_length - offset, length);
size_t actual;
mx_status_t status = mx_vmo_read(txn->vmo_handle, data, txn->vmo_offset + offset, length, &actual);
xprintf("iotxn_copyfrom: txn %p vmo_offset 0x%" PRIx64 " offset 0x%zx length 0x%zx actual 0x%zx status %d\n", txn, txn->vmo_offset, offset, length, actual, status);
return (status == MX_OK) ? (ssize_t)actual : status;
ssize_t iotxn_copyto(iotxn_t* txn, const void* data, size_t length, size_t offset) {
length = MIN(txn->vmo_length - offset, length);
size_t actual;
mx_status_t status = mx_vmo_write(txn->vmo_handle, data, txn->vmo_offset + offset, length, &actual);
xprintf("iotxn_copyto: txn %p vmo_offset 0x%" PRIx64 " offset 0x%zx length 0x%zx actual 0x%zx status %d\n", txn, txn->vmo_offset, offset, length, actual, status);
return (status == MX_OK) ? (ssize_t)actual : status;
static mx_status_t iotxn_physmap_contiguous(iotxn_t* txn) {
txn->phys = txn->phys_inline;
// for contiguous buffers, commit the whole range but just map the first
// page
uint64_t page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(txn->vmo_offset, PAGE_SIZE);
mx_status_t status = mx_vmo_op_range(txn->vmo_handle, MX_VMO_OP_COMMIT, page_offset, txn->vmo_length, NULL, 0);
if (status != MX_OK) {
goto fail;
status = mx_vmo_op_range(txn->vmo_handle, MX_VMO_OP_LOOKUP, page_offset, PAGE_SIZE, txn->phys, sizeof(mx_paddr_t));
if (status != MX_OK) {
goto fail;
txn->phys_count = 1;
return MX_OK;
txn->phys = NULL;
return status;
static mx_status_t iotxn_physmap_paged(iotxn_t* txn) {
// MX_VMO_OP_LOOKUP returns whole pages, so take into account unaligned vmo
// offset and length when calculating the amount of pages returned
uint64_t page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(txn->vmo_offset, PAGE_SIZE);
uint64_t page_length = txn->vmo_length + (txn->vmo_offset - page_offset);
uint64_t pages = ROUNDUP(page_length, PAGE_SIZE) / PAGE_SIZE;
bool use_inline = pages <= 3;
mx_paddr_t* paddrs = use_inline ? txn->phys_inline : malloc(sizeof(mx_paddr_t) * pages);
if (paddrs == NULL) {
xprintf("iotxn_physmap_paged: out of memory\n");
// commit pages and lookup physical addresses
// assume that commited pages will never be auto-decommitted
mx_status_t status = mx_vmo_op_range(txn->vmo_handle, MX_VMO_OP_COMMIT, txn->vmo_offset, txn->vmo_length, NULL, 0);
if (status != MX_OK) {
xprintf("iotxn_physmap_paged: error %d in commit\n", status);
if (!use_inline) {
return status;
status = mx_vmo_op_range(txn->vmo_handle, MX_VMO_OP_LOOKUP, page_offset, page_length, paddrs, sizeof(mx_paddr_t) * pages);
if (status != MX_OK) {
xprintf("iotxn_physmap_paged: error %d in lookup\n", status);
if (!use_inline) {
return status;
if (!use_inline) {
txn->pflags |= IOTXN_PFLAG_PHYSMAP;
txn->phys = paddrs;
txn->phys_count = pages;
return MX_OK;
mx_status_t iotxn_physmap(iotxn_t* txn) {
if (txn->phys_count > 0) {
return MX_OK;
if (txn->vmo_length == 0) {
mx_status_t status;
if (txn->pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_CONTIGUOUS) {
status = iotxn_physmap_contiguous(txn);
} else {
status = iotxn_physmap_paged(txn);
return status;
mx_status_t iotxn_mmap(iotxn_t* txn, void** data) {
xprintf("iotxn_mmap: txn %p\n", txn);
if (txn->virt) {
*data = txn->virt;
return MX_OK;
mx_status_t status = mx_vmar_map(mx_vmar_root_self(), 0, txn->vmo_handle, txn->vmo_offset, txn->vmo_length, MX_VM_FLAG_PERM_READ | MX_VM_FLAG_PERM_WRITE, (uintptr_t*)(&txn->virt));
if (status == MX_OK) {
txn->pflags |= IOTXN_PFLAG_MMAP;
*data = txn->virt;
return status;
mx_status_t iotxn_clone(iotxn_t* txn, iotxn_t** out) {
xprintf("iotxn_clone txn %p\n", txn);
iotxn_t* clone = NULL;
if (*out != NULL) {
clone = *out;
} else {
clone = find_in_free_list(0, 0);
if (clone == NULL) {
clone = calloc(1, sizeof(iotxn_t));
if (clone == NULL) {
memcpy(clone, txn, sizeof(iotxn_t));
// the only relevant pflag for a clone is the contiguous bit
clone->pflags = txn->pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_CONTIGUOUS;
clone->complete_cb = NULL;
// clones are always freelisted on release
clone->release_cb = iotxn_release_free_list;
*out = clone;
return MX_OK;
mx_status_t iotxn_clone_partial(iotxn_t* txn, uint64_t vmo_offset, mx_off_t length, iotxn_t** out) {
xprintf("iotxn_clone_partial txn %p\n", txn);
if (vmo_offset < txn->vmo_offset) {
if (length > txn->length) {
if ((vmo_offset - txn->vmo_offset) > (length - txn->length)) {
mx_status_t status = iotxn_clone(txn, out);
if (status != MX_OK) {
return status;
iotxn_t* clone = *out;
uint64_t offd = vmo_offset - txn->vmo_offset;
clone->vmo_offset = vmo_offset;
clone->vmo_length -= offd;
clone->length = length;
if (clone->virt) {
clone->virt += offd;
if (clone->phys) {
uint64_t page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(txn->vmo_offset, PAGE_SIZE);
uint64_t new_page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(clone->vmo_offset, PAGE_SIZE);
if (page_offset != new_page_offset) {
if (txn->pflags & IOTXN_PFLAG_CONTIGUOUS) {
clone->phys = clone->phys_inline;
clone->phys[0] = txn->phys[0] + new_page_offset - page_offset;
} else {
uint64_t pages = (new_page_offset - page_offset) / PAGE_SIZE;
if (pages >= clone->phys_count) {
clone->phys += pages;
clone->phys_count -= pages;
MX_DEBUG_ASSERT(clone->phys_count > 0);
MX_DEBUG_ASSERT(clone->release_cb == iotxn_release_free_list);
return MX_OK;
void iotxn_release(iotxn_t* txn) {
// should not release a queued transaction
MX_DEBUG_ASSERT((txn->pflags & IOTXN_STATE_MASK) == 0);
if (txn->release_cb) {
void iotxn_cacheop(iotxn_t* txn, uint32_t op, size_t offset, size_t length) {
// Bail out if the syscall has nothing to do.
if (length == 0 || txn->vmo_length == 0)
mx_vmo_op_range(txn->vmo_handle, op, txn->vmo_offset + offset, length, NULL, 0);
mx_status_t iotxn_alloc(iotxn_t** out, uint32_t alloc_flags, uint64_t data_size) {
//xprintf("iotxn_alloc: alloc_flags 0x%x data_size 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", alloc_flags, data_size);
// look in free list first for a iotxn with data_size
iotxn_t* txn = find_in_free_list(alloc_flags_to_pflags(alloc_flags), data_size);
if (txn != NULL) {
//xprintf("iotxn_alloc: found iotxn with size 0x%" PRIx64 " in free list\n", data_size);
goto out;
// didn't find one that fits, allocate a new one
txn = calloc(1, sizeof(iotxn_t));
if (!txn) {
if (data_size > 0) {
mx_status_t status;
if (alloc_flags & IOTXN_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS) {
status = mx_vmo_create_contiguous(get_root_resource(), data_size, 0, &txn->vmo_handle);
} else {
status = mx_vmo_create(data_size, 0, &txn->vmo_handle);
mx_object_set_property(txn->vmo_handle, MX_PROP_NAME, "iotxn", 5);
if (status != MX_OK) {
xprintf("iotxn_alloc: error %d in mx_vmo_create, flags 0x%x\n", status, alloc_flags);
return status;
txn->vmo_offset = 0;
txn->vmo_length = data_size;
txn->pflags |= IOTXN_PFLAG_ALLOC;
if (alloc_flags & IOTXN_ALLOC_POOL) {
txn->release_cb = iotxn_release_free_list;
} else {
txn->release_cb = iotxn_release_free;
*out = txn;
return MX_OK;
void iotxn_queue(mx_device_t* dev, iotxn_t* txn) {
// don't assert not queued here, since iotxns are allowed to be requeued
txn->pflags |= IOTXN_PFLAG_QUEUED;
// This can only fail if iotxn_queue() is not implemented by the
// device, in which case we fall back to calling the read or write op
if (device_iotxn_queue(dev, txn) != MX_OK) {
mx_status_t status;
size_t actual = 0;
void* buf;
iotxn_mmap(txn, &buf);
if (txn->opcode == IOTXN_OP_READ) {
status = device_read(dev, buf, txn->length, txn->offset, &actual);
} else if (txn->opcode == IOTXN_OP_WRITE) {
status = device_write(dev, buf, txn->length, txn->offset, &actual);
} else {
iotxn_complete(txn, status, actual);
void iotxn_init(iotxn_t* txn, mx_handle_t vmo_handle, uint64_t vmo_offset, uint64_t length) {
memset(txn, 0, sizeof(*txn));
txn->vmo_handle = vmo_handle;
txn->vmo_offset = vmo_offset;
txn->vmo_length = length;
txn->length = length;
txn->release_cb = iotxn_release_static;
mx_status_t iotxn_alloc_vmo(iotxn_t** out, uint32_t alloc_flags, mx_handle_t vmo_handle,
uint64_t vmo_offset, uint64_t length) {
iotxn_t* txn;
mx_status_t status = iotxn_alloc(&txn, alloc_flags, 0);
if (status != MX_OK) {
return status;
txn->vmo_handle = vmo_handle;
txn->vmo_offset = vmo_offset;
txn->vmo_length = length;
txn->length = length;
*out = txn;
return MX_OK;
void iotxn_phys_iter_init(iotxn_phys_iter_t* iter, iotxn_t* txn, size_t max_length) {
iter->txn = txn;
iter->offset = 0;
MX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_length % PAGE_SIZE == 0);
if (max_length == 0) {
max_length = UINT64_MAX;
iter->max_length = max_length;
// iter->page is index of page containing txn->vmo_offset,
// and iter->last_page is index of page containing txn->vmo_offset + txn->length
iter->page = 0;
if (txn->length > 0) {
size_t align_adjust = txn->vmo_offset & (PAGE_SIZE - 1);
iter->last_page = (txn->length + align_adjust - 1) / PAGE_SIZE;
} else {
iter->last_page = 0;
size_t iotxn_phys_iter_next(iotxn_phys_iter_t* iter, mx_paddr_t* out_paddr) {
iotxn_t* txn = iter->txn;
mx_off_t offset = iter->offset;
size_t max_length = iter->max_length;
size_t length = txn->length;
if (offset >= length) {
return 0;
size_t remaining = length - offset;
mx_paddr_t* phys_addrs = txn->phys;
size_t align_adjust = txn->vmo_offset & (PAGE_SIZE - 1);
mx_paddr_t phys = phys_addrs[iter->page];
size_t return_length = 0;
if (txn->phys_count == 1) {
// simple contiguous case
*out_paddr = phys_addrs[0] + offset + align_adjust;
return_length = remaining;
if (return_length > max_length) {
// end on a page boundary
return_length = max_length - align_adjust;
iter->offset += return_length;
return return_length;
if (offset == 0 && align_adjust > 0) {
// if vmo_offset is unaligned we need to adjust out_paddr, accumulate partial page length
// in return_length and skip to next page.
// we will make sure the range ends on a page boundary so we don't need to worry about
// alignment for subsequent iterations.
*out_paddr = phys + align_adjust;
return_length = PAGE_SIZE - align_adjust;
remaining -= return_length;
iter->page = 1;
if (iter->page > iter->last_page || phys + PAGE_SIZE != phys_addrs[iter->page]) {
iter->offset += return_length;
return return_length;
phys = phys_addrs[iter->page];
} else {
*out_paddr = phys;
// below is more complicated case where we need to watch for discontinuities
// in the physical address space.
// loop through physical addresses looking for discontinuities
while (remaining > 0 && iter->page <= iter->last_page) {
const size_t increment = MIN(PAGE_SIZE, remaining);
if (return_length + increment > max_length) {
return_length += increment;
remaining -= increment;
if (iter->page > iter->last_page) {
mx_paddr_t next = phys_addrs[iter->page];
if (phys + PAGE_SIZE != next) {
phys = next;
if (return_length > max_length) {
return_length = max_length;
iter->offset += return_length;
return return_length;