blob: 20c9a308d30cf0c0cef057608a76a84e9cb18b7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <magenta/compiler.h>
#include <magenta/types.h>
#include <magenta/pixelformat.h>
#include <magenta/device/display.h>
* protocol/display.h - display protocol definitions
typedef void (*mx_display_cb_t)(bool acquired, void* cookie);
typedef struct display_protocol_ops {
// sets the display mode
mx_status_t (*set_mode)(void* ctx, mx_display_info_t* info);
// gets the display mode
mx_status_t (*get_mode)(void* ctx, mx_display_info_t* info);
// gets a pointer to the framebuffer
mx_status_t (*get_framebuffer)(void* ctx, void** framebuffer);
// flushes the framebuffer
void (*flush)(void* ctx);
// Controls ownership of the display between multiple display clients.
// Useful for switching to and from the gfxconsole.
// If the framebuffer is visible, release ownership of the display and
// allow other clients to scanout buffers.
// If the framebuffer is not visible, make it visible and acquire ownership
// of the display, preventing other clients from scanning out buffers.
// If the display is owned when when a new graphics client is created,
// ownership will automatically be released.
void (*acquire_or_release_display)(void* ctx, bool acquire);
// Registers a callback to be invoked when display ownership changes.
// The provided callback will be invoked with a value of true if the display
// has been acquired, false if it has been released.
void (*set_ownership_change_callback)(void* ctx, mx_display_cb_t callback, void* cookie);
} display_protocol_ops_t;
typedef struct mx_display_protocol {
display_protocol_ops_t* ops;
void* ctx;
} display_protocol_t;