blob: 492527c620f80af5f74d0f38894be971bdf56838 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <async/task.h>
#include <async/wait.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
namespace async {
// C++ wrapper for a pending wait operation with an associated timeout.
// Use |MX_TIME_INFINITE| as the deadline to wait indefinitely.
// This class is NOT thread-safe; it can only be used with single-threaded
// asynchronous dispatchers.
// Implementation note: The task's flags are managed internally by this object
// so they are not exposed to the client unlike the wait flags.
class WaitWithTimeout final : private async_wait_t, private async_task_t {
// Handles completion of asynchronous wait operations or a timeout.
// Reports the |status| of the wait. If the status is |MX_OK| then |signal|
// describes the signal which was received, otherwise |signal| is null.
// Timeouts are indicated with status |MX_ERR_TIMED_OUT|.
// The result indicates whether the wait should be repeated; it may
// modify the wait's properties (such as the trigger) before returning.
// The result must be |ASYNC_WAIT_FINISHED| if |status| was not |MX_OK|.
// It is safe for the handler to destroy itself when returning |ASYNC_WAIT_FINISHED|.
using Handler = fbl::Function<async_wait_result_t(async_t* async,
mx_status_t status,
const mx_packet_signal_t* signal)>;
// Initializes the properties of the wait with timeout operation.
explicit WaitWithTimeout(mx_handle_t object = MX_HANDLE_INVALID,
mx_signals_t trigger = MX_SIGNAL_NONE,
mx_time_t deadline = MX_TIME_INFINITE,
uint32_t flags = 0u);
// Destroys the wait with timeout operation.
// This object must not be destroyed until the wait has completed, been
// successfully canceled, timed out, or the asynchronous dispatcher itself
// has been destroyed.
// Gets or sets the handler to invoke when the wait completes.
// Must be set before beginning the wait.
const Handler& handler() const { return handler_; }
void set_handler(Handler handler) { handler_ = fbl::move(handler); }
// The object to wait for signals on.
mx_handle_t object() const { return async_wait_t::object; }
void set_object(mx_handle_t object) { async_wait_t::object = object; }
// The set of signals to wait for.
mx_signals_t trigger() const { return async_wait_t::trigger; }
void set_trigger(mx_signals_t trigger) { async_wait_t::trigger = trigger; }
// The time when the timeout should occur.
mx_time_t deadline() const { return async_task_t::deadline; }
void set_deadline(mx_time_t deadline) { async_task_t::deadline = deadline; }
uint32_t flags() const { return async_wait_t::flags; }
void set_flags(uint32_t flags) { async_wait_t::flags = flags; }
// Begins asynchronously waiting for the object to receive one or more of
// the trigger signals or for the timeout deadline to elapse.
// See |async_begin_wait()| for details.
mx_status_t Begin(async_t* async);
// Cancels the wait and its associated timeout.
// See |async_cancel_wait()| for details.
mx_status_t Cancel(async_t* async);
static async_wait_result_t WaitHandler(async_t* async, async_wait_t* wait,
mx_status_t status,
const mx_packet_signal_t* signal);
static async_task_result_t TimeoutHandler(async_t* async, async_task_t* task,
mx_status_t status);
Handler handler_;
} // namespace async
#endif // __cplusplus