blob: c1d1dc0d0f27f8c4e0e43b5e38b338250c1169a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <hw/reg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pl061.h"
// GPIO register offsets
#define GPIODATA(mask) ((mask) << 2) // Data registers, mask provided as index
#define GPIODIR 0x400 // Data direction register (0 = IN, 1 = OUT)
#define GPIOIS 0x404 // Interrupt sense register (0 = edge, 1 = level)
#define GPIOIBE 0x408 // Interrupt both edges register (1 = both)
#define GPIOIEV 0x40C // Interrupt event register (0 = falling, 1 = rising)
#define GPIOIE 0x410 // Interrupt mask register (1 = interrupt masked)
#define GPIORIS 0x414 // Raw interrupt status register
#define GPIOMIS 0x418 // Masked interrupt status register
#define GPIOIC 0x41C // Interrupt clear register
#define GPIOAFSEL 0x420 // Mode control select register
#define GPIOS_PER_PAGE 8
static mx_status_t pl061_gpio_config(void* ctx, unsigned pin, gpio_config_flags_t flags) {
pl061_gpios_t* gpios = ctx;
pin -= gpios->gpio_start;
volatile uint8_t* regs = gpios->buffer.vaddr + PAGE_SIZE * (pin / GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t bit = 1 << (pin % GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t dir = readb(regs + GPIODIR);
if ((flags & GPIO_DIR_MASK) == GPIO_DIR_OUT) {
dir |= bit;
} else {
dir &= ~bit;
writeb(dir, regs + GPIODIR);
uint8_t trigger = readb(regs + GPIOIS);
trigger |= bit;
} else {
trigger &= ~bit;
writeb(trigger, regs + GPIOIS);
uint8_t be = readb(regs + GPIOIBE);
uint8_t iev = readb(regs + GPIOIEV);
&& (flags & GPIO_TRIGGER_FALLING)) {
be |= bit;
} else {
be &= ~bit;
&& !(flags & GPIO_TRIGGER_FALLING)) {
iev |= bit;
} else {
iev &= ~bit;
writeb(be, regs + GPIOIBE);
writeb(iev, regs + GPIOIEV);
return MX_OK;
static mx_status_t pl061_gpio_read(void* ctx, unsigned pin, unsigned* out_value) {
pl061_gpios_t* gpios = ctx;
pin -= gpios->gpio_start;
volatile uint8_t* regs = gpios->buffer.vaddr + PAGE_SIZE * (pin / GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t bit = 1 << (pin % GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
*out_value = !!(readb(regs + GPIODATA(0)) & bit);
return MX_OK;
static mx_status_t pl061_gpio_write(void* ctx, unsigned pin, unsigned value) {
pl061_gpios_t* gpios = ctx;
pin -= gpios->gpio_start;
volatile uint8_t* regs = gpios->buffer.vaddr + PAGE_SIZE * (pin / GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t bit = 1 << (pin % GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
writeb((value ? bit : 0), regs + GPIODATA(bit));
return MX_OK;
static mx_status_t pl061_gpio_int_enable(void* ctx, unsigned pin, bool enable) {
pl061_gpios_t* gpios = ctx;
pin -= gpios->gpio_start;
volatile uint8_t* regs = gpios->buffer.vaddr + PAGE_SIZE * (pin / GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t bit = 1 << (pin % GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t ie = readb(regs + GPIOIE);
if (enable) {
ie |= bit;
} else {
ie &= ~bit;
writeb(ie, regs + GPIOIE);
return MX_OK;
static mx_status_t pl061_gpio_get_int_status(void* ctx, unsigned pin, bool* out_status) {
pl061_gpios_t* gpios = ctx;
pin -= gpios->gpio_start;
volatile uint8_t* regs = gpios->buffer.vaddr + PAGE_SIZE * (pin / GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t bit = 1 << (pin % GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
*out_status = !!(readb(regs + GPIOMIS) & bit);
return MX_OK;
static mx_status_t pl061_gpio_int_clear(void* ctx, unsigned pin) {
pl061_gpios_t* gpios = ctx;
pin -= gpios->gpio_start;
volatile uint8_t* regs = gpios->buffer.vaddr + PAGE_SIZE * (pin / GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t bit = 1 << (pin % GPIOS_PER_PAGE);
uint8_t ic = readb(regs + GPIOIC);
ic |= bit;
writeb(ic, regs + GPIOIC);
return MX_OK;
gpio_protocol_ops_t pl061_proto_ops = {
.config = pl061_gpio_config,
.read = pl061_gpio_read,
.write = pl061_gpio_write,
.int_enable = pl061_gpio_int_enable,
.get_int_status = pl061_gpio_get_int_status,
.int_clear = pl061_gpio_int_clear,