blob: 6284e4cd4045ec709ce4cbbfc1b91156e08030af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "block.h"
#include <ddk/protocol/block.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <magenta/compiler.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <pretty/hexdump.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "trace.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
namespace virtio {
// DDK level ops
// queue an iotxn. iotxn's are always completed by its complete() op
void BlockDevice::virtio_block_iotxn_queue(void* ctx, iotxn_t* txn) {
LTRACEF("ctx %p, txn %p\n", ctx, txn);
BlockDevice* bd = static_cast<BlockDevice*>(ctx);
switch (txn->opcode) {
LTRACEF("READ offset %#" PRIx64 " length %#" PRIx64 "\n", txn->offset, txn->length);
LTRACEF("WRITE offset %#" PRIx64 " length %#" PRIx64 "\n", txn->offset, txn->length);
iotxn_complete(txn, -1, 0);
// optional: return the size (in bytes) of the readable/writable space
// of the device. Will default to 0 (non-seekable) if this is unimplemented
mx_off_t BlockDevice::virtio_block_get_size(void* ctx) {
LTRACEF("ctx %p\n", ctx);
BlockDevice* bd = static_cast<BlockDevice*>(ctx);
return bd->GetSize();
void BlockDevice::GetInfo(block_info_t* info) {
memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
info->block_size = GetBlockSize();
info->block_count = GetSize() / GetBlockSize();
info->max_transfer_size = (uint32_t)(PAGE_SIZE * (ring_size - 2));
mx_status_t BlockDevice::virtio_block_ioctl(void* ctx, uint32_t op, const void* in_buf, size_t in_len,
void* reply, size_t max, size_t* out_actual) {
LTRACEF("ctx %p, op %u\n", ctx, op);
BlockDevice* bd = static_cast<BlockDevice*>(ctx);
switch (op) {
block_info_t* info = reinterpret_cast<block_info_t*>(reply);
if (max < sizeof(*info))
*out_actual = sizeof(*info);
return MX_OK;
// rebind to reread the partition table
return device_rebind(bd->device());
BlockDevice::BlockDevice(mx_device_t* bus_device)
: Device(bus_device) {
// so that Bind() knows how much io space to allocate
bar0_size_ = 0x40;
BlockDevice::~BlockDevice() {
// TODO: clean up allocated physical memory
void BlockDevice::virtio_block_set_callbacks(void* ctx, block_callbacks_t* cb) {
BlockDevice* device = static_cast<BlockDevice*>(ctx);
device->callbacks_ = cb;
void BlockDevice::virtio_block_get_info(void* ctx, block_info_t* info) {
BlockDevice* device = static_cast<BlockDevice*>(ctx);
void BlockDevice::virtio_block_complete(iotxn_t* txn, void* cookie) {
BlockDevice* dev = (BlockDevice *)txn->extra[0];
dev->callbacks_->complete(cookie, txn->status);
void BlockDevice::block_do_txn(BlockDevice* dev, uint32_t opcode,
mx_handle_t vmo, uint64_t length,
uint64_t vmo_offset, uint64_t dev_offset, void* cookie) {
LTRACEF("vmo offset %#lx dev_offset %#lx length %#lx\n", vmo_offset, dev_offset, length);
if ((dev_offset % dev->GetBlockSize()) || (length % dev->GetBlockSize())) {
dev->callbacks_->complete(cookie, MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
uint64_t size = dev->GetSize();
if ((dev_offset >= size) || (length >= (size - dev_offset))) {
dev->callbacks_->complete(cookie, MX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
mx_status_t status;
iotxn_t* txn;
if ((status = iotxn_alloc_vmo(&txn, IOTXN_ALLOC_POOL,
vmo, vmo_offset, length)) != MX_OK) {
dev->callbacks_->complete(cookie, status);
txn->opcode = opcode;
txn->length = length;
txn->offset = dev_offset;
txn->complete_cb = virtio_block_complete;
txn->cookie = cookie;
txn->extra[0] = (uint64_t)dev;
iotxn_queue(dev->device_, txn);
void BlockDevice::virtio_block_read(void* ctx, mx_handle_t vmo,
uint64_t length, uint64_t vmo_offset,
uint64_t dev_offset, void* cookie) {
block_do_txn((BlockDevice*)ctx, IOTXN_OP_READ, vmo, length, vmo_offset, dev_offset, cookie);
void BlockDevice::virtio_block_write(void* ctx, mx_handle_t vmo,
uint64_t length, uint64_t vmo_offset,
uint64_t dev_offset, void* cookie) {
block_do_txn((BlockDevice*)ctx, IOTXN_OP_WRITE, vmo, length, vmo_offset, dev_offset, cookie);
mx_status_t BlockDevice::Init() {
// reset the device
// read our configuration
CopyDeviceConfig(&config_, sizeof(config_));
LTRACEF("capacity %#" PRIx64 "\n", config_.capacity);
LTRACEF("size_max %#x\n", config_.size_max);
LTRACEF("seg_max %#x\n", config_.seg_max);
LTRACEF("blk_size %#x\n", config_.blk_size);
// ack and set the driver status bit
// XXX check features bits and ack/nak them
// allocate the main vring
auto err = vring_.Init(0, ring_size);
if (err < 0) {
VIRTIO_ERROR("failed to allocate vring\n");
return err;
// allocate a queue of block requests
size_t size = sizeof(virtio_blk_req_t) * blk_req_count + sizeof(uint8_t) * blk_req_count;
mx_status_t r = map_contiguous_memory(size, (uintptr_t*)&blk_req_, &blk_req_pa_);
if (r < 0) {
VIRTIO_ERROR("cannot alloc blk_req buffers %d\n", r);
return r;
LTRACEF("allocated blk request at %p, physical address %#" PRIxPTR "\n", blk_req_, blk_req_pa_);
// responses are 32 words at the end of the allocated block
blk_res_pa_ = blk_req_pa_ + sizeof(virtio_blk_req_t) * blk_req_count;
blk_res_ = (uint8_t*)((uintptr_t)blk_req_ + sizeof(virtio_blk_req_t) * blk_req_count);
LTRACEF("allocated blk responses at %p, physical address %#" PRIxPTR "\n", blk_res_, blk_res_pa_);
// start the interrupt thread
// set DRIVER_OK
// initialize the mx_device and publish us
// point the ctx of our DDK device at ourself
device_ops_.iotxn_queue = &virtio_block_iotxn_queue;
device_ops_.get_size = &virtio_block_get_size;
device_ops_.ioctl = &virtio_block_ioctl;
device_block_ops_.set_callbacks = &virtio_block_set_callbacks;
device_block_ops_.get_info = &virtio_block_get_info; = &virtio_block_read;
device_block_ops_.write = &virtio_block_write;
device_add_args_t args = {};
args.version = DEVICE_ADD_ARGS_VERSION; = "virtio-block";
args.ctx = this;
args.ops = &device_ops_;
args.proto_id = MX_PROTOCOL_BLOCK_CORE;
args.proto_ops = &device_block_ops_;
auto status = device_add(bus_device_, &args, &device_);
if (status < 0) {
device_ = nullptr;
return status;
return MX_OK;
void BlockDevice::IrqRingUpdate() {
// parse our descriptor chain, add back to the free queue
auto free_chain = [this](vring_used_elem* used_elem) {
uint32_t i = (uint16_t)used_elem->id;
struct vring_desc* desc = vring_.DescFromIndex((uint16_t)i);
auto head_desc = desc; // save the first element
for (;;) {
int next;
if (desc->flags & VRING_DESC_F_NEXT) {
next = desc->next;
} else {
/* end of chain */
next = -1;
if (next < 0)
i = next;
desc = vring_.DescFromIndex((uint16_t)i);
// search our pending txn list to see if this completes it
iotxn_t* txn;
list_for_every_entry (&iotxn_list, txn, iotxn_t, node) {
if (txn->context == head_desc) {
LTRACEF("completes txn %p\n", txn);
free_blk_req((unsigned int)txn->extra[1]);
iotxn_complete(txn, MX_OK, txn->length);
// tell the ring to find free chains and hand it back to our lambda
void BlockDevice::IrqConfigChange() {
// given a iotxn, call back for every physical address run
// TODO: see if we can use the iotxn_phys_iter routines instead
template <typename callback>
static void ScatterGatherHelper(const iotxn_t *txn, callback callback_new_run) {
uint64_t run_start = -1;
uint64_t run_len = 0;
uint64_t offset = (txn->vmo_offset % PAGE_SIZE);
uint64_t remaining_len = txn->length;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < txn->phys_count; i++) {
uint64_t page_offset = offset % PAGE_SIZE;
if (txn->phys[i] != run_start + run_len) {
// starting a new run, complete the old one first
if (run_start != (uint64_t)-1)
callback_new_run(run_start, run_len);
run_start = txn->phys[i] + page_offset;
run_len = 0;
run_len += fbl::min(PAGE_SIZE - page_offset, remaining_len);
remaining_len -= fbl::min(PAGE_SIZE - page_offset, remaining_len);
offset += PAGE_SIZE - page_offset;
// if there is still len left
if (remaining_len > 0)
run_len += remaining_len;
// handle the last partial run
if (run_len > 0)
callback_new_run(run_start, run_len);
void BlockDevice::QueueReadWriteTxn(iotxn_t* txn) {
LTRACEF("txn %p, pflags %#x\n", txn, txn->pflags);
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
bool write = (txn->opcode == IOTXN_OP_WRITE);
// offset must be aligned to block size
if (txn->offset % config_.blk_size) {
LTRACEF("offset %#" PRIx64 " is not aligned to sector size %u!\n", txn->offset, config_.blk_size);
iotxn_complete(txn, MX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, 0);
// trim length to a multiple of the block size
if (txn->length % config_.blk_size) {
txn->length = ROUNDDOWN(txn->length, config_.blk_size);
// constrain to device capacity
txn->length = fbl::min(txn->length, GetSize() - txn->offset);
if (txn->length == 0) {
iotxn_complete(txn, MX_OK, 0);
// allocate and start filling out a block request
auto index = alloc_blk_req();
if (index >= blk_req_count) {
TRACEF("too many block requests queued (%zu)!\n", index);
iotxn_complete(txn, MX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES, 0);
auto req = &blk_req_[index];
req->type = write ? VIRTIO_BLK_T_OUT : VIRTIO_BLK_T_IN;
req->ioprio = 0;
req->sector = txn->offset / 512;
LTRACEF("blk_req type %u ioprio %u sector %" PRIu64 "\n",
req->type, req->ioprio, req->sector);
// save the req index into the txn->extra[1] slot so we can free it when we complete the transfer
txn->extra[1] = index;
// get the physical map for the transfer
auto status = iotxn_physmap(txn);
LTRACEF("status %d, pflags %#x\n", status, txn->pflags);
LTRACEF("phys %p, phys_count %#lx\n", txn->phys, txn->phys_count);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < txn->phys_count; i++) {
LTRACEF("phys %lu: %#lx\n", i, txn->phys[i]);
// count the number of physical runs we're going to need
size_t run_count = 0;
auto new_run_callback = [&run_count](uint64_t start, uint64_t len) {
LTRACEF("start %#lx len %#lx\n", start, len);
ScatterGatherHelper(txn, new_run_callback);
LTRACEF("run count %lu\n", run_count);
assert(run_count > 0);
/* put together a transfer */
uint16_t i;
auto desc = vring_.AllocDescChain((uint16_t)(2u + run_count), &i);
if (!desc) {
TRACEF("failed to allocate descriptor chain of length %zu\n", 2u + run_count);
// TODO: handle this scenario by requeing the transfer in smaller runs
iotxn_complete(txn, MX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES, 0);
LTRACEF("after alloc chain desc %p, i %u\n", desc, i);
/* point the iotxn at this head descriptor */
txn->context = desc;
/* set up the descriptor pointing to the head */
desc->addr = blk_req_pa_ + index * sizeof(virtio_blk_req_t);
desc->len = sizeof(virtio_blk_req_t);
desc->flags |= VRING_DESC_F_NEXT;
auto new_run_callback = [this, write, &desc](uint64_t start, uint64_t len) {
/* set up the descriptor pointing to the buffer */
desc = vring_.DescFromIndex(desc->next);
desc->addr = start;
desc->len = (uint32_t)len;
LTRACEF("pa %#lx, len %#x\n", desc->addr, desc->len);
if (!write)
desc->flags |= VRING_DESC_F_WRITE; /* mark buffer as write-only if its a block read */
desc->flags |= VRING_DESC_F_NEXT;
ScatterGatherHelper(txn, new_run_callback);
/* set up the descriptor pointing to the response */
desc = vring_.DescFromIndex(desc->next);
desc->addr = blk_res_pa_ + index;
desc->len = 1;
desc->flags = VRING_DESC_F_WRITE;
// save the iotxn in a list
list_add_tail(&iotxn_list, &txn->node);
/* submit the transfer */
/* kick it off */
} // namespace virtio