blob: 286c42d4aadb22851bfd2c5ead431638bdc63c91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2014 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <stdio.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <bits.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <arch/arch_ops.h>
#include <arch/arm64.h>
#include <arch/arm64/exceptions.h>
#include <arch/exception.h>
#include <arch/user_copy.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/stats.h>
#include <kernel/vm.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <vm/fault.h>
#include <magenta/syscalls/exception.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
#define DFSC_ALIGNMENT_FAULT 0b100001
static void arm64_thread_process_pending_signals(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe);
static void dump_iframe(const struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe)
printf("iframe %p:\n", iframe);
printf("x0 %#18" PRIx64 " x1 %#18" PRIx64 " x2 %#18" PRIx64 " x3 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[0], iframe->r[1], iframe->r[2], iframe->r[3]);
printf("x4 %#18" PRIx64 " x5 %#18" PRIx64 " x6 %#18" PRIx64 " x7 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[4], iframe->r[5], iframe->r[6], iframe->r[7]);
printf("x8 %#18" PRIx64 " x9 %#18" PRIx64 " x10 %#18" PRIx64 " x11 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[8], iframe->r[9], iframe->r[10], iframe->r[11]);
printf("x12 %#18" PRIx64 " x13 %#18" PRIx64 " x14 %#18" PRIx64 " x15 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[12], iframe->r[13], iframe->r[14], iframe->r[15]);
printf("x16 %#18" PRIx64 " x17 %#18" PRIx64 " x18 %#18" PRIx64 " x19 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[18], iframe->r[17], iframe->r[18], iframe->r[19]);
printf("x20 %#18" PRIx64 " x21 %#18" PRIx64 " x22 %#18" PRIx64 " x23 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[20], iframe->r[21], iframe->r[22], iframe->r[23]);
printf("x24 %#18" PRIx64 " x25 %#18" PRIx64 " x26 %#18" PRIx64 " x27 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[24], iframe->r[25], iframe->r[26], iframe->r[27]);
printf("x28 %#18" PRIx64 " x29 %#18" PRIx64 " lr %#18" PRIx64 " usp %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->r[28], iframe->r[29], iframe->lr, iframe->usp);
printf("elr %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->elr);
printf("spsr %#18" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->spsr);
__WEAK void arm64_syscall(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, bool is_64bit, uint64_t pc)
panic("unhandled syscall vector\n");
static status_t try_dispatch_user_data_fault_exception(
mx_excp_type_t type, struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe,
uint32_t esr, uint64_t far)
thread_t *thread = get_current_thread();
arch_exception_context_t context = {};
DEBUG_ASSERT(iframe != nullptr);
context.frame = iframe;
context.esr = esr;
context.far = far;
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread->arch.suspended_general_regs == nullptr);
thread->arch.suspended_general_regs = iframe;
status_t status = dispatch_user_exception(type, &context);
thread->arch.suspended_general_regs = nullptr;
return status;
static status_t try_dispatch_user_exception(
mx_excp_type_t type, struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint32_t esr)
return try_dispatch_user_data_fault_exception(type, iframe, esr, 0);
__NO_RETURN static void exception_die(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint32_t esr)
uint32_t ec = BITS_SHIFT(esr, 31, 26);
uint32_t il = BIT(esr, 25);
uint32_t iss = BITS(esr, 24, 0);
/* fatal exception, die here */
printf("ESR 0x%x: ec 0x%x, il 0x%x, iss 0x%x\n", esr, ec, il, iss);
static void arm64_unknown_handler(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags,
uint32_t esr)
/* this is for a lot of reasons, but most of them are undefined instructions */
if (unlikely((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0)) {
/* trapped inside the kernel, this is bad */
printf("unknown exception in kernel: PC at %#" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->elr);
exception_die(iframe, esr);
try_dispatch_user_exception(MX_EXCP_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION, iframe, esr);
static void arm64_brk_handler(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags,
uint32_t esr)
if (unlikely((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0)) {
/* trapped inside the kernel, this is bad */
printf("BRK in kernel: PC at %#" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->elr);
exception_die(iframe, esr);
try_dispatch_user_exception(MX_EXCP_SW_BREAKPOINT, iframe, esr);
static void arm64_fpu_handler(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags,
uint32_t esr)
if (unlikely((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0)) {
/* we trapped a floating point instruction inside our own EL, this is bad */
printf("invalid fpu use in kernel: PC at %#" PRIx64 "\n",
exception_die(iframe, esr);
arm64_fpu_exception(iframe, exception_flags);
static void arm64_syscall_handler(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags,
uint32_t esr)
uint32_t ec = BITS_SHIFT(esr, 31, 26);
if (unlikely((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0)) {
/* trapped inside the kernel, this is bad */
printf("syscall from in kernel: PC at %#" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->elr);
exception_die(iframe, esr);
arm64_syscall(iframe, (ec == 0x15) ? true : false, iframe->elr);
static void arm64_instruction_abort_handler(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags,
uint32_t esr)
/* read the FAR register */
uint64_t far = ARM64_READ_SYSREG(far_el1);
uint32_t ec = BITS_SHIFT(esr, 31, 26);
uint32_t iss = BITS(esr, 24, 0);
bool is_user = !BIT(ec, 0);
uint pf_flags = VMM_PF_FLAG_INSTRUCTION;
pf_flags |= is_user ? VMM_PF_FLAG_USER : 0;
/* Check if this was not permission fault */
if ((iss & 0b111100) != 0b001100) {
LTRACEF("instruction abort: PC at %#" PRIx64
", is_user %d, FAR %" PRIx64 ", esr 0x%x, iss 0x%x\n",
iframe->elr, is_user, far, esr, iss);
status_t err = vmm_page_fault_handler(far, pf_flags);
if (err >= 0)
// If this is from user space, let the user exception handler
// get a shot at it.
if (is_user) {
if (try_dispatch_user_data_fault_exception(MX_EXCP_FATAL_PAGE_FAULT, iframe, esr, far) == MX_OK)
printf("instruction abort: PC at %#" PRIx64 ", is_user %d, FAR %" PRIx64 "\n",
iframe->elr, is_user, far);
exception_die(iframe, esr);
static void arm64_data_abort_handler(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags,
uint32_t esr)
/* read the FAR register */
uint64_t far = ARM64_READ_SYSREG(far_el1);
uint32_t ec = BITS_SHIFT(esr, 31, 26);
uint32_t iss = BITS(esr, 24, 0);
bool is_user = !BIT(ec, 0);
uint pf_flags = 0;
pf_flags |= BIT(iss, 6) ? VMM_PF_FLAG_WRITE : 0;
pf_flags |= is_user ? VMM_PF_FLAG_USER : 0;
/* Check if this was not permission fault */
if ((iss & 0b111100) != 0b001100) {
LTRACEF("data fault: PC at %#" PRIx64
", is_user %d, FAR %#" PRIx64 ", esr 0x%x, iss 0x%x\n",
iframe->elr, is_user, far, esr, iss);
uint32_t dfsc = BITS(iss, 5, 0);
if (likely(dfsc != DFSC_ALIGNMENT_FAULT)) {
status_t err = vmm_page_fault_handler(far, pf_flags);
if (err >= 0){
// Check if the current thread was expecting a data fault and
// we should return to its handler.
thread_t *thr = get_current_thread();
if (thr->arch.data_fault_resume != NULL) {
iframe->elr = (uintptr_t)thr->arch.data_fault_resume;
// If this is from user space, let the user exception handler
// get a shot at it.
if (is_user) {
mx_excp_type_t excp_type = MX_EXCP_FATAL_PAGE_FAULT;
if (unlikely(dfsc == DFSC_ALIGNMENT_FAULT)) {
if (try_dispatch_user_data_fault_exception(excp_type, iframe, esr, far) == MX_OK)
/* decode the iss */
if (BIT(iss, 24)) { /* ISV bit */
printf("data fault: PC at %#" PRIx64
", FAR %#" PRIx64 ", iss %#x (DFSC %#x)\n",
iframe->elr, far, iss, BITS(iss, 5, 0));
} else {
printf("data fault: PC at %#" PRIx64
", FAR %#" PRIx64 ", iss 0x%x\n",
iframe->elr, far, iss);
exception_die(iframe, esr);
static inline void arm64_restore_percpu_pointer() {
/* called from assembly */
extern "C" void arm64_sync_exception(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, uint exception_flags)
uint32_t esr = (uint32_t)ARM64_READ_SYSREG(esr_el1);
uint32_t ec = BITS_SHIFT(esr, 31, 26);
if (exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) {
// if we came from a lower level, restore the per cpu pointer
switch (ec) {
case 0b000000: /* unknown reason */
arm64_unknown_handler(iframe, exception_flags, esr);
case 0b111000: /* BRK from arm32 */
case 0b111100: /* BRK from arm64 */
arm64_brk_handler(iframe, exception_flags, esr);
case 0b000111: /* floating point */
arm64_fpu_handler(iframe, exception_flags, esr);
case 0b010001: /* syscall from arm32 */
case 0b010101: /* syscall from arm64 */
arm64_syscall_handler(iframe, exception_flags, esr);
case 0b100000: /* instruction abort from lower level */
case 0b100001: /* instruction abort from same level */
arm64_instruction_abort_handler(iframe, exception_flags, esr);
case 0b100100: /* data abort from lower level */
case 0b100101: /* data abort from same level */
arm64_data_abort_handler(iframe, exception_flags, esr);
default: {
/* TODO: properly decode more of these */
if (unlikely((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0)) {
/* trapped inside the kernel, this is bad */
printf("unhandled exception in kernel: PC at %#" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->elr);
exception_die(iframe, esr);
/* let the user exception handler get a shot at it */
if (try_dispatch_user_exception(MX_EXCP_GENERAL, iframe, esr) == MX_OK)
printf("unhandled synchronous exception\n");
exception_die(iframe, esr);
/* if we came from user space, check to see if we have any signals to handle */
if (unlikely(exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL)) {
/* in the case of receiving a kill signal, this function may not return,
* but the scheduler would have been invoked so it's fine.
/* if we're returning to kernel space, make sure we restore the correct x18 */
if ((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0) {
iframe->r[18] = (uint64_t)arm64_read_percpu_ptr();
/* called from assembly */
extern "C" uint32_t arm64_irq(struct arm64_iframe_short *iframe, uint exception_flags)
if (exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) {
// if we came from a lower level, restore the per cpu pointer
LTRACEF("iframe %p, flags 0x%x\n", iframe, exception_flags);
enum handler_return ret = platform_irq(iframe);
/* if we came from user space, check to see if we have any signals to handle */
if (unlikely(exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL)) {
uint32_t exit_flags = 0;
if (thread_is_signaled(get_current_thread()))
exit_flags |= ARM64_IRQ_EXIT_RESCHEDULE;
return exit_flags;
/* preempt the thread if the interrupt has signaled it */
/* if we're returning to kernel space, make sure we restore the correct x18 */
if ((exception_flags & ARM64_EXCEPTION_FLAG_LOWER_EL) == 0) {
iframe->r[18] = (uint64_t)arm64_read_percpu_ptr();
return 0;
/* called from assembly */
extern "C" void arm64_finish_user_irq(uint32_t exit_flags, struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe)
// we came from a lower level, so restore the per cpu pointer
/* in the case of receiving a kill signal, this function may not return,
* but the scheduler would have been invoked so it's fine.
if (unlikely(exit_flags & ARM64_IRQ_EXIT_THREAD_SIGNALED)) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(iframe != nullptr);
/* preempt the thread if the interrupt has signaled it */
if (exit_flags & ARM64_IRQ_EXIT_RESCHEDULE)
/* called from assembly */
extern "C" void arm64_invalid_exception(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe, unsigned int which)
// restore the percpu pointer (x18) unconditionally
printf("invalid exception, which 0x%x\n", which);
static void arm64_thread_process_pending_signals(struct arm64_iframe_long *iframe)
thread_t *thread = get_current_thread();
DEBUG_ASSERT(iframe != nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread->arch.suspended_general_regs == nullptr);
thread->arch.suspended_general_regs = iframe;
thread->arch.suspended_general_regs = nullptr;
void arch_dump_exception_context(const arch_exception_context_t *context)
uint32_t ec = BITS_SHIFT(context->esr, 31, 26);
uint32_t iss = BITS(context->esr, 24, 0);
switch (ec) {
case 0b100000: /* instruction abort from lower level */
case 0b100001: /* instruction abort from same level */
printf("instruction abort: PC at %#" PRIx64
", address %#" PRIx64 " IFSC %#x %s\n",
context->frame->elr, context->far,
BITS(context->esr, 5, 0),
BIT(ec, 0) ? "" : "user ");
case 0b100100: /* data abort from lower level */
case 0b100101: /* data abort from same level */
printf("data abort: PC at %#" PRIx64
", address %#" PRIx64 " %s%s\n",
context->frame->elr, context->far,
BIT(ec, 0) ? "" : "user ",
BIT(iss, 6) ? "write" : "read");
// try to dump the user stack
if (is_user_address(context->frame->usp)) {
uint8_t buf[256];
if (arch_copy_from_user(buf, (void *)context->frame->usp, sizeof(buf)) == MX_OK) {
printf("bottom of user stack at 0x%lx:\n", (vaddr_t)context->frame->usp);
hexdump_ex(buf, sizeof(buf), context->frame->usp);
void arch_fill_in_exception_context(const arch_exception_context_t *arch_context, mx_exception_report_t *report)
mx_exception_context_t* mx_context = &report->context;
mx_context->arch.u.arm_64.esr = arch_context->esr;
// If there was a fatal page fault, fill in the address that caused the fault.
if (MX_EXCP_FATAL_PAGE_FAULT == report->header.type) {
mx_context->arch.u.arm_64.far = arch_context->far;
} else {
mx_context->arch.u.arm_64.far = 0;
status_t arch_dispatch_user_policy_exception(void)
struct arm64_iframe_long frame = {};
arch_exception_context_t context = {};
context.frame = &frame;
return dispatch_user_exception(MX_EXCP_POLICY_ERROR, &context);