blob: 377e7715686a501649a89fceb817273e3c289efe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/counter.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/histogram.h>
#include <fbl/atomic.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
namespace cobalt_client {
namespace internal {
// Forward Declarations.
class RemoteHistogram;
class RemoteCounter;
struct Metadata;
class Logger;
} // namespace internal
// Defines the options for initializing the Collector.
struct CollectorOptions {
// Callback used when reading the config to create a cobalt logger.
// Returns true when the write was successfull. The VMO will be transferred
// to the cobalt service.
fbl::Function<bool(zx::vmo*)> load_config;
// We need this information for pre-allocating storage
// and guaranteeing no dangling pointers, plus contiguos
// memory for cache friendlyness.
// Number of histograms to be used.
size_t max_histograms;
// Number of counters to be used.
size_t max_counters;
// This class acts as a peer for instantiating Hisotgrams and Counters. All
// objects instantiated through this class act as a view, which means that
// their lifetime is coupled to this object's lifetime. This class does require
// the number of different configurations on construction.
// The Sink provides an API for persisiting the supported data types. This is
// exposed to simplify testing.
// This class is moveable, but not copyable or assignable.
// This class is thread-compatible.
class Collector {
// TODO(gevalentino): Once the cobalt client is written add a factory method to return
// an instance of |Collector|. The cobalt client will implement the logger interface,
// we do this to simplify testing.
// static Collector Create(const Collector& options);
Collector(const CollectorOptions& options, fbl::unique_ptr<internal::Logger> logger);
Collector(const Collector&) = delete;
Collector& operator=(const Collector&) = delete;
Collector& operator=(Collector&&) = delete;
// Returns a histogram to log events for a given |metric_id|, |event_type_index|
// on a histogram described by |options|.
Histogram AddHistogram(uint64_t metric_id, uint32_t event_type_index,
const HistogramOptions& options);
// Returns a counter to log events for a given |metric_id| and |event_type_index|
// as a raw counter.
Counter AddCounter(uint64_t metric_id, uint32_t event_type_index);
// Flushes the content of all flushable metrics into |sink_|. The |sink_| is
// in charge of persisting the data.
void Flush();
void LogHistogram(internal::RemoteHistogram* histogram);
void LogCounter(internal::RemoteCounter* counter);
fbl::Vector<HistogramOptions> histogram_options_;
fbl::Vector<internal::RemoteHistogram> remote_histograms_;
fbl::Vector<internal::RemoteCounter> remote_counters_;
fbl::unique_ptr<internal::Logger> logger_;
fbl::atomic<bool> flushing_;
} // namespace cobalt_client