blob: 7bfd3170cb30b8bac51f655843962b7eca5eba28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "raw_ast.h"
#include "type_shape.h"
namespace fidl {
namespace flat {
template <typename T>
struct PtrCompare {
bool operator()(const T* left, const T* right) const {
return *left < *right;
struct Ordinal {
Ordinal(std::unique_ptr<raw::NumericLiteral> literal, uint32_t value)
: literal_(std::move(literal)), value_(value) {}
uint32_t Value() const { return value_; }
std::unique_ptr<raw::NumericLiteral> literal_;
uint32_t value_;
template <typename IntType>
struct IntConstant {
IntConstant(std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> raw_constant, IntType value)
: raw_constant_(std::move(raw_constant)), value_(value) {}
explicit IntConstant(IntType value)
: value_(value) {}
: value_(0) {}
IntType Value() const { return value_; }
static IntConstant Max() { return IntConstant(std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()); }
std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> raw_constant_;
IntType value_;
using Size = IntConstant<uint32_t>;
struct Decl;
class Library;
// TODO(TO-701) Handle multipart names.
struct Name {
: name_(SourceLocation()) {}
Name(const Library* library, std::vector<SourceLocation> nested_decls, SourceLocation name)
: library_(library), nested_decls_(std::move(nested_decls)), name_(name) {}
explicit Name(SourceLocation name)
: name_(name) {}
Name(Name&&) = default;
Name& operator=(Name&&) = default;
const Library* library() const { return library_; }
const std::vector<SourceLocation>& nested_decls() const { return nested_decls_; }
SourceLocation name() const { return name_; }
bool operator==(const Name& other) const {
return ==;
bool operator!=(const Name& other) const {
return !=;
bool operator<(const Name& other) const {
return <;
const Library* library_ = nullptr;
std::vector<SourceLocation> nested_decls_;
SourceLocation name_;
struct Decl {
virtual ~Decl() {}
enum struct Kind {
Decl(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name)
: kind(kind), attributes(std::move(attributes)), name(std::move(name)) {}
Decl(Decl&&) = default;
Decl& operator=(Decl&&) = default;
const Kind kind;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
const Name name;
struct Type {
virtual ~Type() {}
enum struct Kind {
explicit Type(Kind kind, uint32_t size)
: kind(kind), size(size) {}
const Kind kind;
// Set at construction time for most Types. Identifier types get
// this set later, during compilation.
uint32_t size;
bool operator<(const Type& other) const;
struct ArrayType : public Type {
ArrayType(uint32_t size, std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type, Size element_count)
: Type(Kind::Array, size),
element_count(std::move(element_count)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type;
Size element_count;
bool operator<(const ArrayType& other) const {
if (element_count.Value() != other.element_count.Value())
return element_count.Value() < other.element_count.Value();
return *element_type < *other.element_type;
struct VectorType : public Type {
VectorType(std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type, Size element_count,
types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::Vector, 16u),
element_count(std::move(element_count)), nullability(nullability) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type;
Size element_count;
types::Nullability nullability;
bool operator<(const VectorType& other) const {
if (element_count.Value() != other.element_count.Value())
return element_count.Value() < other.element_count.Value();
if (nullability != other.nullability)
return nullability < other.nullability;
return *element_type < *other.element_type;
struct StringType : public Type {
StringType(Size max_size, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::String, 16u), max_size(std::move(max_size)),
nullability(nullability) {}
Size max_size;
types::Nullability nullability;
bool operator<(const StringType& other) const {
if (max_size.Value() != other.max_size.Value())
return max_size.Value() < other.max_size.Value();
return nullability < other.nullability;
struct HandleType : public Type {
HandleType(types::HandleSubtype subtype, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::Handle, 4u), subtype(subtype), nullability(nullability) {}
types::HandleSubtype subtype;
types::Nullability nullability;
bool operator<(const HandleType& other) const {
if (subtype != other.subtype)
return subtype < other.subtype;
return nullability < other.nullability;
struct RequestHandleType : public Type {
RequestHandleType(Name name, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::RequestHandle, 4u), name(std::move(name)), nullability(nullability) {}
Name name;
types::Nullability nullability;
bool operator<(const RequestHandleType& other) const {
if (name !=
return name <;
return nullability < other.nullability;
struct PrimitiveType : public Type {
static uint32_t SubtypeSize(types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype) {
switch (subtype) {
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Bool:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Int8:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Uint8:
return 1u;
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Int16:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Uint16:
return 2u;
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Float32:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Status:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Int32:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Uint32:
return 4u;
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Float64:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Int64:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::Uint64:
return 8u;
explicit PrimitiveType(types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype)
: Type(Kind::Primitive, SubtypeSize(subtype)), subtype(subtype) {}
types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype;
bool operator<(const PrimitiveType& other) const {
return subtype < other.subtype;
struct IdentifierType : public Type {
IdentifierType(Name name, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::Identifier, 0u), name(std::move(name)), nullability(nullability) {}
Name name;
types::Nullability nullability;
bool operator<(const IdentifierType& other) const {
if (name !=
return name <;
return nullability < other.nullability;
inline bool Type::operator<(const Type& other) const {
if (kind != other.kind)
return kind < other.kind;
switch (kind) {
case Type::Kind::Array: {
auto left_array = static_cast<const ArrayType*>(this);
auto right_array = static_cast<const ArrayType*>(&other);
return *left_array < *right_array;
case Type::Kind::Vector: {
auto left_vector = static_cast<const VectorType*>(this);
auto right_vector = static_cast<const VectorType*>(&other);
return *left_vector < *right_vector;
case Type::Kind::String: {
auto left_string = static_cast<const StringType*>(this);
auto right_string = static_cast<const StringType*>(&other);
return *left_string < *right_string;
case Type::Kind::Handle: {
auto left_handle = static_cast<const HandleType*>(this);
auto right_handle = static_cast<const HandleType*>(&other);
return *left_handle < *right_handle;
case Type::Kind::RequestHandle: {
auto left_request = static_cast<const RequestHandleType*>(this);
auto right_request = static_cast<const RequestHandleType*>(&other);
return *left_request < *right_request;
case Type::Kind::Primitive: {
auto left_primitive = static_cast<const PrimitiveType*>(this);
auto right_primitive = static_cast<const PrimitiveType*>(&other);
return *left_primitive < *right_primitive;
case Type::Kind::Identifier: {
auto left_identifier = static_cast<const IdentifierType*>(this);
auto right_identifier = static_cast<const IdentifierType*>(&other);
return *left_identifier < *right_identifier;
struct Const : public Decl {
Const(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::unique_ptr<Type> type, std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> value)
: Decl(Kind::kConst, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), type(std::move(type)), value(std::move(value)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> value;
struct Enum : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(SourceLocation name, std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> value)
: name(name), value(std::move(value)) {}
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> value;
Enum(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, types::PrimitiveSubtype type, std::vector<Member> members)
: Decl(Kind::kEnum, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), type(type), members(std::move(members)) {}
types::PrimitiveSubtype type;
std::vector<Member> members;
TypeShape typeshape;
struct Interface : public Decl {
struct Method {
struct Parameter {
Parameter(std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name)
: type(std::move(type)), name(std::move(name)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
SourceLocation name;
// TODO(TO-758) Compute these.
FieldShape fieldshape;
struct Message {
std::vector<Parameter> parameters;
TypeShape typeshape;
Method(Method&&) = default;
Method& operator=(Method&&) = default;
Method(Ordinal ordinal, SourceLocation name,
std::unique_ptr<Message> maybe_request,
std::unique_ptr<Message> maybe_response)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)), name(std::move(name)),
maybe_response(std::move(maybe_response)) {
assert(this->maybe_request != nullptr || this->maybe_response != nullptr);
Ordinal ordinal;
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Message> maybe_request;
std::unique_ptr<Message> maybe_response;
Interface(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Method> methods)
: Decl(Kind::kInterface, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), methods(std::move(methods)) {}
std::vector<Method> methods;
struct Struct : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> maybe_default_value)
: type(std::move(type)), name(std::move(name)),
maybe_default_value(std::move(maybe_default_value)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> maybe_default_value;
// TODO(TO-758) Compute these.
FieldShape fieldshape;
Struct(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members)
: Decl(Kind::kStruct, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), members(std::move(members)) {}
std::vector<Member> members;
TypeShape typeshape;
struct Union : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name)
: type(std::move(type)), name(std::move(name)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
SourceLocation name;
// TODO(TO-758) Compute these.
FieldShape fieldshape;
Union(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members)
: Decl(Kind::kUnion, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), members(std::move(members)) {}
std::vector<Member> members;
// The offset of each of the union members is the same, so store
// it here as well.
FieldShape fieldshape;
class Library {
explicit Library(const std::map<StringView, std::unique_ptr<Library>>* dependencies);
bool ConsumeFile(std::unique_ptr<raw::File> file);
bool Compile();
StringView name() const { return; }
bool CompileCompoundIdentifier(const raw::CompoundIdentifier* compound_identifier,
Name* name_out);
bool ParseSize(std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> raw_constant, Size* out_size);
bool RegisterDecl(Decl* decl);
bool ConsumeType(std::unique_ptr<raw::Type> type, std::unique_ptr<Type>* out_type);
bool ConsumeConstDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ConstDeclaration> const_declaration);
bool ConsumeEnumDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumDeclaration> enum_declaration);
bool ConsumeInterfaceDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::InterfaceDeclaration> interface_declaration);
bool ConsumeStructDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::StructDeclaration> struct_declaration);
bool ConsumeUnionDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionDeclaration> union_declaration);
// Returns nullptr when |type| does not correspond directly to a
// declaration. For example, if |type| refers to int32 or if it is
// a struct pointer, this will return null. If it is a struct, it
// will return a pointer to the declaration of the type.
Decl* LookupType(const flat::Type* type) const;
// Returns nullptr when the |name| cannot be resolved to a
// Name. Otherwise it returns the declaration.
Decl* LookupType(const Name& name) const;
std::set<Decl*> DeclDependencies(Decl* decl);
bool SortDeclarations();
bool CompileConst(Const* const_declaration);
bool CompileEnum(Enum* enum_declaration);
bool CompileInterface(Interface* interface_declaration);
bool CompileStruct(Struct* struct_declaration);
bool CompileUnion(Union* union_declaration);
bool CompileArrayType(ArrayType* array_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileVectorType(VectorType* vector_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileStringType(StringType* string_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileHandleType(HandleType* handle_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileRequestHandleType(RequestHandleType* request_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompilePrimitiveType(PrimitiveType* primitive_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileIdentifierType(IdentifierType* identifier_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileType(Type* type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
// TODO(TO-702) Add a validate literal function. Some things
// (e.g. array indexes) want to check the value but print the
// constant, say.
template <typename IntType>
bool ParseIntegerLiteral(const raw::NumericLiteral* literal, IntType* out_value) const {
if (!literal) {
return false;
auto data = literal->;
std::string string_data(, + data.size());
if (std::is_unsigned<IntType>::value) {
errno = 0;
unsigned long long value = strtoull(, nullptr, 0);
if (errno != 0)
return false;
if (value > std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max())
return false;
*out_value = static_cast<IntType>(value);
} else {
errno = 0;
long long value = strtoll(, nullptr, 0);
if (errno != 0) {
return false;
if (value > std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max()) {
return false;
if (value < std::numeric_limits<IntType>::min()) {
return false;
*out_value = static_cast<IntType>(value);
return true;
template <typename IntType>
bool ParseIntegerConstant(const raw::Constant* constant, IntType* out_value) const {
if (!constant) {
return false;
switch (constant->kind) {
case raw::Constant::Kind::Identifier: {
auto identifier_constant = static_cast<const raw::IdentifierConstant*>(constant);
auto identifier = identifier_constant->identifier.get();
// TODO(TO-701) Support more parts of names.
Name name(identifier->components[0]->location);
auto decl = LookupType(name);
if (!decl || decl->kind != Decl::Kind::kConst)
return false;
return ParseIntegerConstant(static_cast<Const*>(decl)->value.get(), out_value);
case raw::Constant::Kind::Literal: {
auto literal_constant = static_cast<const raw::LiteralConstant*>(constant);
switch (literal_constant->literal->kind) {
case raw::Literal::Kind::String:
case raw::Literal::Kind::True:
case raw::Literal::Kind::False:
case raw::Literal::Kind::Default: {
return false;
case raw::Literal::Kind::Numeric: {
auto numeric_literal =
static_cast<const raw::NumericLiteral*>(literal_constant->literal.get());
return ParseIntegerLiteral<IntType>(numeric_literal, out_value);
const std::map<StringView, std::unique_ptr<Library>>* dependencies_;
SourceLocation library_name_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Const>> const_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Enum>> enum_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Interface>> interface_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Struct>> struct_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Union>> union_declarations_;
// All Decl pointers here are non-null and are owned by the
// various foo_declarations_.
std::vector<Decl*> declaration_order_;
// All Name and Decl pointers here are non-null and are owned by the
// various foo_declarations_.
std::map<const Name*, Decl*, PtrCompare<Name>> declarations_;
} // namespace flat
} // namespace fidl