blob: e26107076ba68023e0ea2de94bb743dcd1977741 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include <port/port.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/device/display-controller.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/processargs.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include "fuchsia/display/c/fidl.h"
#include "vc.h"
static port_handler_t dc_ph;
static int dc_fd;
typedef struct display_info {
uint64_t id;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t stride;
zx_pixel_format_t format;
uint64_t image_id;
uint64_t layer_id;
struct list_node node;
} display_info_t;
static struct list_node display_list = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(display_list);
static display_info_t* cur_display = nullptr;
// remember whether the virtual console controls the display
bool g_vc_owns_display = false;
static zx_status_t vc_set_mode(uint8_t mode) {
fuchsia_display_ControllerSetVirtconModeRequest request;
request.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerSetVirtconModeOrdinal;
request.mode = mode;
return zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0, &request, sizeof(request), nullptr, 0);
void vc_toggle_framebuffer() {
if (cur_display == nullptr) {
zx_status_t status = vc_set_mode(!g_vc_owns_display ?
fuchsia_display_VirtconMode_FORCED : fuchsia_display_VirtconMode_FALLBACK);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to toggle ownership %d\n", status);
static zx_status_t decode_message(void* bytes, uint32_t num_bytes) {
fidl_message_header_t* header = (fidl_message_header_t*) bytes;
if (num_bytes < sizeof(fidl_message_header_t)) {
printf("vc: Unexpected short message (size=%d)\n", num_bytes);
zx_status_t res;
const fidl_type_t* table = nullptr;
if (header->ordinal == fuchsia_display_ControllerDisplaysChangedOrdinal) {
table = &fuchsia_display_ControllerDisplaysChangedEventTable;
} else if (header->ordinal == fuchsia_display_ControllerClientOwnershipChangeOrdinal) {
table = &fuchsia_display_ControllerClientOwnershipChangeEventTable;
if (table != nullptr) {
const char* err;
if ((res = fidl_decode(table, bytes, num_bytes, nullptr, 0, &err)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Error decoding message %d: %s\n", header->ordinal, err);
} else {
printf("vc: Error unknown ordinal %d\n", header->ordinal);
return res;
static void destroy_layer(uint64_t layer_id) {
fuchsia_display_ControllerDestroyLayerRequest destroy_msg;
destroy_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerDestroyLayerOrdinal;
destroy_msg.layer_id = layer_id;
if (zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0, &destroy_msg, sizeof(destroy_msg), nullptr, 0) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to destroy layer\n");
static void handle_ownership_change(fuchsia_display_ControllerClientOwnershipChangeEvent* evt) {
g_vc_owns_display = evt->has_ownership;
// If we've gained it, repaint
if (g_vc_owns_display && g_active_vc) {
static zx_status_t handle_display_added(fuchsia_display_Info* info, fuchsia_display_Mode* mode,
int32_t pixel_format) {
fuchsia_display_ControllerComputeLinearImageStrideRequest stride_msg;
stride_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerComputeLinearImageStrideOrdinal;
stride_msg.width = mode->horizontal_resolution;
stride_msg.pixel_format = pixel_format;
fuchsia_display_ControllerComputeLinearImageStrideResponse stride_rsp;
zx_channel_call_args_t stride_call = {};
stride_call.wr_bytes = &stride_msg;
stride_call.rd_bytes = &stride_rsp;
stride_call.wr_num_bytes = sizeof(stride_msg);
stride_call.rd_num_bytes = sizeof(stride_rsp);
uint32_t actual_bytes, actual_handles;
zx_status_t status, read_status;
if ((status = zx_channel_call(dc_ph.handle, 0, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &stride_call,
&actual_bytes, &actual_handles, &read_status)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to compute fb stride %d %d\n", status, read_status);
return status == ZX_ERR_CALL_FAILED ? read_status : status;
if (stride_rsp.stride < mode->horizontal_resolution) {
printf("vc: Got bad stride\n");
display_info_t* display_info =
if (!display_info) {
printf("vc: failed to alloc display info\n");
display_info->id = info->id;
display_info->width = mode->horizontal_resolution;
display_info->height = mode->vertical_resolution;
display_info->stride = stride_rsp.stride;
display_info->format = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(info->[0];
list_add_tail(&display_list, &display_info->node);
return ZX_OK;
static void handle_display_removed(uint64_t id) {
display_info_t* info = nullptr;
display_info_t* to_remove = nullptr;
list_for_every_entry(&display_list, info, display_info_t, node) {
if (info->id == id) {
to_remove = info;
if (to_remove == nullptr) {
printf("vc: Tried to remove unknown display %ld\n", id);
if (to_remove == cur_display) {
// If we're removing the current display, clean up resources from rebind_display
cur_display = nullptr;
fuchsia_display_ControllerReleaseImageRequest release_msg;
release_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerReleaseImageOrdinal;
release_msg.image_id = to_remove->image_id;
zx_status_t status = zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0, &release_msg,
sizeof(release_msg), nullptr, 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to release image\n");
static zx_status_t allocate_vmo(uint32_t size, zx_handle_t* vmo_out) {
fuchsia_display_ControllerAllocateVmoRequest alloc_msg;
alloc_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerAllocateVmoOrdinal;
alloc_msg.size = size;
fuchsia_display_ControllerAllocateVmoResponse alloc_rsp;
zx_channel_call_args_t call_args = {};
call_args.wr_bytes = &alloc_msg;
call_args.rd_bytes = &alloc_rsp;
call_args.rd_handles = vmo_out;
call_args.wr_num_bytes = sizeof(alloc_msg);
call_args.rd_num_bytes = sizeof(alloc_rsp);
call_args.rd_num_handles = 1;
uint32_t actual_bytes, actual_handles;
zx_status_t status, read_status;
if ((status = zx_channel_call(dc_ph.handle, 0, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &call_args,
&actual_bytes, &actual_handles, &read_status)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to alloc vmo %d %d\n", status, read_status);
return status == ZX_ERR_CALL_FAILED ? read_status : status;
if (alloc_rsp.res != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to alloc vmo %d\n", alloc_rsp.res);
return alloc_rsp.res;
return actual_handles == 1 ? ZX_OK : ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
static zx_status_t import_vmo(display_info* display, zx_handle_t vmo, uint64_t* id) {
zx_handle_t vmo_dup;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = zx_handle_duplicate(vmo, ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &vmo_dup)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to dup fb handle %d\n", status);
return status;
fuchsia_display_ControllerImportVmoImageRequest import_msg;
import_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerImportVmoImageOrdinal;
import_msg.image_config.height = display->height;
import_msg.image_config.width = display->width;
import_msg.image_config.pixel_format = display->format;
import_msg.image_config.type = IMAGE_TYPE_SIMPLE;
import_msg.vmo = FIDL_HANDLE_PRESENT;
import_msg.offset = 0;
fuchsia_display_ControllerImportVmoImageResponse import_rsp;
zx_channel_call_args_t call_args = {};
call_args.wr_bytes = &import_msg;
call_args.wr_handles = &vmo_dup;
call_args.rd_bytes = &import_rsp;
call_args.wr_num_bytes = sizeof(import_msg);
call_args.wr_num_handles = 1;
call_args.rd_num_bytes = sizeof(import_rsp);
uint32_t actual_bytes, actual_handles;
zx_status_t read_status;
if ((status = zx_channel_call(dc_ph.handle, 0, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &call_args,
&actual_bytes, &actual_handles, &read_status)) != ZX_OK) {
if (status != ZX_ERR_CALL_FAILED) {
printf("vc: Failed to import vmo call %d\n", status);
return status == ZX_ERR_CALL_FAILED ? read_status : status;
if (import_rsp.res != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to import vmo %d\n", import_rsp.res);
return import_rsp.res;
*id = import_rsp.image_id;
return ZX_OK;
static zx_status_t create_layer(uint64_t* layer_id) {
fuchsia_display_ControllerCreateLayerRequest create_layer_msg;
create_layer_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerCreateLayerOrdinal;
fuchsia_display_ControllerCreateLayerResponse create_layer_rsp;
zx_channel_call_args_t call_args = {};
call_args.wr_bytes = &create_layer_msg;
call_args.rd_bytes = &create_layer_rsp;
call_args.wr_num_bytes = sizeof(create_layer_msg);
call_args.rd_num_bytes = sizeof(create_layer_rsp);
uint32_t actual_bytes, actual_handles;
zx_status_t status, read_status;
if ((status = zx_channel_call(dc_ph.handle, 0, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &call_args,
&actual_bytes, &actual_handles, &read_status)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Create layer call failed %d %d\n", status, read_status);
return status;
if (create_layer_rsp.res != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to create layer %d\n", create_layer_rsp.res);
return create_layer_rsp.res;
*layer_id = create_layer_rsp.layer_id;
return ZX_OK;
static zx_status_t configure_layer(display_info_t* display, uint64_t layer_id) {
// Put the layer on the display
uint8_t fidl_bytes[sizeof(fuchsia_display_ControllerSetDisplayLayersRequest)
+ FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(uint64_t))];
auto set_display_layer_request =
set_display_layer_request->hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerSetDisplayLayersOrdinal;
set_display_layer_request->display_id = display->id;
set_display_layer_request->layer_ids.count = 1;
set_display_layer_request-> = reinterpret_cast<void*>(FIDL_ALLOC_PRESENT);
*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(set_display_layer_request + 1) = layer_id;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0,
fidl_bytes, sizeof(fidl_bytes), nullptr, 0)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to set display layers %d\n", status);
return status;
fuchsia_display_ControllerSetLayerPrimaryConfigRequest layer_cfg_msg;
layer_cfg_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerSetLayerPrimaryConfigOrdinal;
layer_cfg_msg.layer_id = layer_id;
layer_cfg_msg.image_config.height = display->height;
layer_cfg_msg.image_config.width = display->width;
layer_cfg_msg.image_config.pixel_format = display->format;
layer_cfg_msg.image_config.type = IMAGE_TYPE_SIMPLE;
if ((status = zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0, &layer_cfg_msg,
sizeof(layer_cfg_msg), nullptr, 0)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to set layer config %d\n", status);
return status;
return ZX_OK;
static zx_status_t set_active_image(uint64_t layer_id, uint64_t image_id) {
zx_status_t status;
// Set our framebuffer as the active framebuffer
fuchsia_display_ControllerSetLayerImageRequest set_msg;
set_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerSetLayerImageOrdinal;
set_msg.layer_id = layer_id;
set_msg.image_id = image_id;
if ((status = zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0,
&set_msg, sizeof(set_msg), nullptr, 0)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to set image %d\n", status);
return status;
// Validate and then apply the new configuration
fuchsia_display_ControllerCheckConfigRequest check_msg;
fuchsia_display_ControllerCheckConfigResponse check_rsp;
check_msg.discard = false;
check_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerCheckConfigOrdinal;
zx_channel_call_args_t call_args = {};
call_args.wr_bytes = &check_msg;
call_args.rd_bytes = &check_rsp;
call_args.wr_num_bytes = sizeof(check_msg);
call_args.rd_num_bytes = sizeof(check_rsp);
uint32_t actual_bytes, actual_handles;
zx_status_t read_status;
if ((status = zx_channel_call(dc_ph.handle, 0, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &call_args,
&actual_bytes, &actual_handles, &read_status)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to make validate display config %d\n", status);
return status == ZX_ERR_CALL_FAILED ? read_status : status;
if (check_rsp.res.count != 0) {
printf("vc: Config not valid\n");
fuchsia_display_ControllerApplyConfigRequest apply_msg;
apply_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerApplyConfigOrdinal;
if ((status = zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0,
&apply_msg, sizeof(apply_msg), nullptr, 0)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Applying config failed %d\n", status);
return status;
return ZX_OK;
static zx_status_t rebind_display() {
if (cur_display != nullptr) {
return ZX_OK;
// Pick an arbitrary display
display_info* display = list_peek_head_type(&display_list, display_info, node);
if (display == nullptr) {
printf("vc: No display to bind to\n");
zx_status_t status;
zx_handle_t vmo = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
uint64_t image_id = INVALID_ID;
uint64_t layer_id = INVALID_ID;
uint32_t size = display->stride * display->height * ZX_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYTES(display->format);
if ((status = allocate_vmo(size, &vmo)) != ZX_OK) {
goto fail;
if ((status = import_vmo(display, vmo, &image_id)) != ZX_OK) {
goto fail;
if ((status = create_layer(&layer_id)) != ZX_OK) {
goto fail;
if ((status = configure_layer(display, layer_id)) != ZX_OK) {
goto fail;
if ((status = set_active_image(display->id, image_id)) != ZX_OK) {
goto fail;
if ((status = vc_init_gfx(vmo, display->width, display->height,
display->format, display->stride)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: failed to initialize graphics for new display %d\n", status);
goto fail;
cur_display = display;
cur_display->image_id = image_id;
cur_display->layer_id = layer_id;
// Only listen for logs when we have somewhere to print them. Also,
// use a repeating wait so that we don't add/remove observers for each
// log message (which is helpful when tracing the addition/removal of
// observers).
printf("vc: Successfully attached to display %ld\n", display->id);
return ZX_OK;
if (image_id != INVALID_ID) {
fuchsia_display_ControllerReleaseImageRequest release_msg;
release_msg.hdr.ordinal = fuchsia_display_ControllerReleaseImageOrdinal;
release_msg.image_id = image_id;
if ((status = zx_channel_write(dc_ph.handle, 0, &release_msg,
sizeof(release_msg), nullptr, 0)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to release image\n");
if (layer_id != INVALID_ID) {
if (vmo != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
return rebind_display();
static zx_status_t handle_display_changed(fuchsia_display_ControllerDisplaysChangedEvent* evt) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < evt->added.count; i++) {
fuchsia_display_Info* info = reinterpret_cast<fuchsia_display_Info*>(evt-> + i;
fuchsia_display_Mode* mode = reinterpret_cast<fuchsia_display_Mode*>(info->;
int32_t pixel_format = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(info->[0];
zx_status_t status = handle_display_added(info, mode, pixel_format);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < evt->removed.count; i++) {
return rebind_display();
static zx_status_t dc_callback_handler(port_handler_t* ph, zx_signals_t signals, uint32_t evt) {
if (signals & ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED) {
printf("vc: Displays lost\n");
while (!list_is_empty(&display_list)) {
handle_display_removed(list_peek_head_type(&display_list, display_info_t, node)->id);
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
zx_status_t status;
uint32_t actual_bytes, actual_handles;
uint8_t fidl_buffer[ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES];
if ((status = zx_channel_read(dc_ph.handle, 0,
fidl_buffer, nullptr, ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES, 0,
&actual_bytes, &actual_handles)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Error reading display message %d\n", status);
return ZX_OK;
if (decode_message(fidl_buffer, actual_bytes) != ZX_OK) {
return ZX_OK;
fidl_message_header_t* header = (fidl_message_header_t*) fidl_buffer;
switch (header->ordinal) {
case fuchsia_display_ControllerDisplaysChangedOrdinal: {
case fuchsia_display_ControllerClientOwnershipChangeOrdinal: {
auto evt = reinterpret_cast<fuchsia_display_ControllerClientOwnershipChangeEvent*>(
printf("vc: Unknown display callback message %d\n", header->ordinal);
return ZX_OK;
bool vc_display_init() {
for (;;) {
if ((dc_fd= open("/dev/class/display-controller/000/virtcon", O_RDWR)) >= 0) {
if (ioctl_display_controller_get_handle(dc_fd, &dc_ph.handle) != sizeof(zx_handle_t)) {
printf("vc: failed to get display controller handle\n");
return false;
zx_status_t status = vc_set_mode(getenv("virtcon.hide-on-boot") == nullptr ?
fuchsia_display_VirtconMode_FALLBACK : fuchsia_display_VirtconMode_INACTIVE);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to set initial ownership %d\n", status);
return false;
dc_ph.func = dc_callback_handler;
if ((status = port_wait(&port, &dc_ph)) != ZX_OK) {
printf("vc: Failed to set port waiter %d\n", status);
return false;
return true;