blob: a291e43eef74d3213d1df7c0b7471abade621338 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/ethernet.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
namespace {
// These tests are testing interfaces that get included via multiple inheritance, and thus we must
// make sure we get all the casts correct. We record the value of the "this" pointer in the
// constructor, and then verify in each call the "this" pointer was the same as the original. (The
// typical way for this to go wrong is to take a EthmacIfc<D>* instead of a D* in a function
// signature.)
#define get_this() reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this)
class TestEthmacIfc : public ddk::Device<TestEthmacIfc>,
public ddk::EthmacIfc<TestEthmacIfc> {
TestEthmacIfc() : ddk::Device<TestEthmacIfc>(nullptr) {
this_ = get_this();
void DdkRelease() {}
void EthmacIfcStatus(uint32_t status) {
status_this_ = get_this();
status_called_ = true;
void EthmacIfcRecv(const void* data, size_t length, uint32_t flags) {
recv_this_ = get_this();
recv_called_ = true;
void EthmacIfcCompleteTx(ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf, zx_status_t status) {
complete_tx_this_ = get_this();
complete_tx_called_ = true;
bool VerifyCalls() const {
EXPECT_EQ(this_, status_this_, "");
EXPECT_EQ(this_, recv_this_, "");
EXPECT_EQ(this_, complete_tx_this_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(status_called_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(recv_called_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(complete_tx_called_, "");
ethmac_ifc_t ethmac_ifc() { return {&ethmac_ifc_ops_, this}; }
zx_status_t StartProtocol(ddk::EthmacProtocolClient* client) {
return client->Start(this, &ethmac_ifc_ops_);
uintptr_t this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t status_this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t recv_this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t complete_tx_this_ = 0u;
bool status_called_ = false;
bool recv_called_ = false;
bool complete_tx_called_ = false;
class TestEthmacProtocol : public ddk::Device<TestEthmacProtocol, ddk::GetProtocolable>,
public ddk::EthmacProtocol<TestEthmacProtocol, ddk::base_protocol> {
: ddk::Device<TestEthmacProtocol, ddk::GetProtocolable>(nullptr) {
this_ = get_this();
zx_status_t DdkGetProtocol(uint32_t proto_id, void* out) {
ddk::AnyProtocol* proto = static_cast<ddk::AnyProtocol*>(out);
proto->ops = &ethmac_protocol_ops_;
proto->ctx = this;
return ZX_OK;
void DdkRelease() {}
zx_status_t EthmacQuery(uint32_t options, ethmac_info_t* info) {
query_this_ = get_this();
query_called_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
void EthmacStop() {
stop_this_ = get_this();
stop_called_ = true;
zx_status_t EthmacStart(const ethmac_ifc_t* ifc) {
start_this_ = get_this();
client_ = fbl::make_unique<ddk::EthmacIfcClient>(ifc);
start_called_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t EthmacQueueTx(uint32_t options, ethmac_netbuf_t* netbuf) {
queue_tx_this_ = get_this();
queue_tx_called_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t EthmacSetParam(uint32_t param, int32_t value, const void* data, size_t data_size) {
set_param_this_ = get_this();
set_param_called_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
void EthmacGetBti(zx::bti* bti) { bti->reset();}
bool VerifyCalls() const {
EXPECT_EQ(this_, query_this_, "");
EXPECT_EQ(this_, start_this_, "");
EXPECT_EQ(this_, stop_this_, "");
EXPECT_EQ(this_, queue_tx_this_, "");
EXPECT_EQ(this_, set_param_this_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(query_called_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(start_called_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(stop_called_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(queue_tx_called_, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(set_param_called_, "");
bool TestIfc() {
if (!client_) return false;
// Use the provided client to test the ifc client.
client_->Recv(nullptr, 0, 0);
client_->CompleteTx(nullptr, ZX_OK);
return true;
uintptr_t this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t query_this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t stop_this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t start_this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t queue_tx_this_ = 0u;
uintptr_t set_param_this_ = 0u;
bool query_called_ = false;
bool stop_called_ = false;
bool start_called_ = false;
bool queue_tx_called_ = false;
bool set_param_called_ = false;
fbl::unique_ptr<ddk::EthmacIfcClient> client_;
static bool test_ethmac_ifc() {
TestEthmacIfc dev;
auto ifc = dev.ethmac_ifc();
ethmac_ifc_status(&ifc, 0);
ethmac_ifc_recv(&ifc, nullptr, 0, 0);
ethmac_ifc_complete_tx(&ifc, nullptr, ZX_OK);
EXPECT_TRUE(dev.VerifyCalls(), "");
static bool test_ethmac_ifc_client() {
TestEthmacIfc dev;
const ethmac_ifc_t ifc = dev.ethmac_ifc();
ddk::EthmacIfcClient client(&ifc);
client.Recv(nullptr, 0, 0);
client.CompleteTx(nullptr, ZX_OK);
EXPECT_TRUE(dev.VerifyCalls(), "");
static bool test_ethmac_protocol() {
TestEthmacProtocol dev;
// Normally we would use device_op_get_protocol, but we haven't added the device to devmgr so
// its ops table is currently invalid.
ethmac_protocol_t proto;
auto status = dev.DdkGetProtocol(0, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&proto));
status = dev.DdkGetProtocol(ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHMAC, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&proto));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, status, "");
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, ethmac_query(&proto, 0, nullptr), "");
ethmac_ifc_t ifc = {nullptr, nullptr};
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, ethmac_start(&proto, ifc.ctx, ifc.ops), "");
ethmac_netbuf_t netbuf = {};
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, ethmac_queue_tx(&proto, 0, &netbuf), "");
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, ethmac_set_param(&proto, 0, 0, nullptr, 0), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(dev.VerifyCalls(), "");
static bool test_ethmac_protocol_client() {
// The EthmacProtocol device to wrap. This would live in the parent device
// our driver was binding to.
TestEthmacProtocol protocol_dev;
ethmac_protocol_t proto;
auto status = protocol_dev.DdkGetProtocol(ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHMAC, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&proto));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, status, "");
// The client device to wrap the ops + device that represent the parent
// device.
ddk::EthmacProtocolClient client(&proto);
// The EthmacIfc to hand to the parent device.
TestEthmacIfc ifc_dev;
ethmac_ifc_t ifc = ifc_dev.ethmac_ifc();
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, client.Query(0, nullptr), "");
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, client.Start(ifc.ctx, ifc.ops), "");
ethmac_netbuf_t netbuf = {};
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, client.QueueTx(0, &netbuf), "");
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, client.SetParam(0, 0, nullptr, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(protocol_dev.VerifyCalls(), "");
static bool test_ethmac_protocol_ifc_client() {
// We create a protocol device that we will start from an ifc device. The protocol device will
// then use the pointer passed to it to call methods on the ifc device. This ensures the void*
// casting is correct.
TestEthmacProtocol protocol_dev;
ethmac_protocol_t proto;
auto status = protocol_dev.DdkGetProtocol(ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHMAC, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&proto));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, status, "");
ddk::EthmacProtocolClient client(&proto);
TestEthmacIfc ifc_dev;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, ifc_dev.StartProtocol(&client), "");
// Execute the EthmacIfc methods
ASSERT_TRUE(protocol_dev.TestIfc(), "");
// Verify that they were called
EXPECT_TRUE(ifc_dev.VerifyCalls(), "");
} // namespace
RUN_NAMED_TEST("ddk::EthmacIfc", test_ethmac_ifc);
RUN_NAMED_TEST("ddk::EthmacIfcClient", test_ethmac_ifc_client);
RUN_NAMED_TEST("ddk::EthmacProtocol", test_ethmac_protocol);
RUN_NAMED_TEST("ddk::EthmacProtocolClient", test_ethmac_protocol_client);
RUN_NAMED_TEST("EthmacProtocol using EthmacIfcClient", test_ethmac_protocol_ifc_client);
test_case_element* test_case_ddktl_ethernet_device = TEST_CASE_ELEMENT(ddktl_ethernet_device);