blob: fed1a4d1cdadf7dcf608fde762006a12a4f98aec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#include <err.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_single_list.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/recycler.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <object/state_observer.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
class Handle;
struct CookieJar {
zx_koid_t scope_ = ZX_KOID_INVALID;
uint64_t cookie_ = 0u;
template <typename T> struct DispatchTag;
class T; \
template <> struct DispatchTag<T> { \
static constexpr zx_obj_type_t ID = E; \
DECLARE_DISPTAG(BusTransactionInitiatorDispatcher, ZX_OBJ_TYPE_BTI)
// Base class for all kernel objects that can be exposed to user-mode via
// the syscall API and referenced by handles.
// It implements RefCounted because handles are abstractions to a multiple
// references from user mode or kernel mode that control the lifetime o
// the object.
// It implements Recyclable because upon final Release() on the RefPtr
// it might be necessary to implement a destruction pattern that avoids
// deep recursion since the kernel stack is very limited.
// You rarely derive directly from this class; instead consider deriving
// from SoloDispatcher or PeeredDispatcher.
class Dispatcher : private fbl::RefCounted<Dispatcher>,
private fbl::Recyclable<Dispatcher> {
using fbl::RefCounted<Dispatcher>::AddRef;
using fbl::RefCounted<Dispatcher>::Release;
using fbl::RefCounted<Dispatcher>::Adopt;
using fbl::RefCounted<Dispatcher>::AddRefMaybeInDestructor;
// At construction, the object's state tracker is asserting
// |signals|.
explicit Dispatcher(zx_signals_t signals = 0u);
// Dispatchers are either Solo or Peered. They handle refcounting
// and locking differently.
virtual ~Dispatcher();
zx_koid_t get_koid() const { return koid_; }
// Must be called under the handle table lock.
void increment_handle_count() {
// Must be called under the handle table lock.
// Returns true exactly when the handle count goes to zero.
bool decrement_handle_count() {
return handle_count_ == 0u;
// Must be called under the handle table lock.
uint32_t current_handle_count() const {
return handle_count_;
// The following are only to be called when |has_state_tracker| reports true.
using ObserverList = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<StateObserver*, StateObserverListTraits>;
// Add an observer.
void AddObserver(StateObserver* observer, const StateObserver::CountInfo* cinfo);
void AddObserverLocked(StateObserver* observer,
const StateObserver::CountInfo* cinfo) TA_REQ(get_lock());
// Remove an observer (which must have been added).
void RemoveObserver(StateObserver* observer);
// Called when observers of the handle's state (e.g., waits on the handle) should be
// "cancelled", i.e., when a handle (for the object that owns this StateTracker) is being
// destroyed or transferred. Returns true if at least one observer was found.
bool Cancel(Handle* handle);
// Like Cancel() but issued via via zx_port_cancel().
bool CancelByKey(Handle* handle, const void* port, uint64_t key);
// Accessors for CookieJars
// These live with the state tracker so they can make use of the state tracker's
// lock (since not all objects have their own locks, but all Dispatchers that are
// cookie-capable have state trackers)
zx_status_t SetCookie(CookieJar* cookiejar, zx_koid_t scope, uint64_t cookie);
zx_status_t GetCookie(CookieJar* cookiejar, zx_koid_t scope, uint64_t* cookie);
zx_status_t InvalidateCookie(CookieJar *cookiejar);
zx_status_t InvalidateCookieLocked(CookieJar *cookiejar) TA_REQ(get_lock());
// Interface for derived classes.
virtual zx_obj_type_t get_type() const = 0;
virtual bool has_state_tracker() const { return false; }
virtual zx_status_t add_observer(StateObserver* observer);
virtual zx_status_t user_signal(uint32_t clear_mask, uint32_t set_mask, bool peer);
virtual void on_zero_handles() { }
virtual zx_koid_t get_related_koid() const { return 0ULL; }
// get_name() will return a null-terminated name of ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1 or fewer
// characters. For objects that don't have names it will be "".
virtual void get_name(char out_name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN]) const { out_name[0] = 0; }
// set_name() will truncate to ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1 and ensure there is a
// terminating null
virtual zx_status_t set_name(const char* name, size_t len) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Dispatchers that support get/set cookie must provide
// a CookieJar for those cookies to be stored in.
virtual CookieJar* get_cookie_jar() { return nullptr; }
struct DeleterListTraits {
static fbl::SinglyLinkedListNodeState<Dispatcher*>& node_state(
Dispatcher& obj) {
return obj.deleter_ll_;
// Notify others of a change in state (possibly waking them). (Clearing satisfied signals or
// setting satisfiable signals should not wake anyone.)
void UpdateState(zx_signals_t clear_mask, zx_signals_t set_mask);
void UpdateStateLocked(zx_signals_t clear_mask, zx_signals_t set_mask) TA_REQ(get_lock());
zx_signals_t GetSignalsStateLocked() const TA_REQ(get_lock()) {
return signals_;
// Dispatcher subtypes should use this lock to protect their internal state.
virtual fbl::Mutex* get_lock() const = 0;
friend class fbl::Recyclable<Dispatcher>;
void fbl_recycle();
// The common implementation of UpdateState and UpdateStateLocked.
template <typename Mutex>
void UpdateStateHelper(zx_signals_t clear_mask,
zx_signals_t set_mask,
Mutex* mutex);
// The common implementation of AddObserver and AddObserverLocked.
template <typename Mutex>
void AddObserverHelper(StateObserver* observer,
const StateObserver::CountInfo* cinfo, Mutex* mutex);
// Returns flag kHandled if one of the observers have been signaled.
StateObserver::Flags UpdateInternalLocked(ObserverList* obs_to_remove,
zx_signals_t signals) TA_REQ(get_lock());
const zx_koid_t koid_;
uint32_t handle_count_;
zx_signals_t signals_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
// Active observers are elements in |observers_|.
ObserverList observers_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
// Used to store this dispatcher on the dispatcher deleter list.
fbl::SinglyLinkedListNodeState<Dispatcher*> deleter_ll_;
// PeeredDispatchers have opposing endpoints to coordinate state
// with. For example, writing into one endpoint of a Channel needs to
// modify zx_signal_t state (for the readability bit) on the opposite
// side. To coordinate their state, they share a mutex, which is held
// by the PeerHolder. Both endpoints have a RefPtr back to the
// PeerHolder; no one else ever does.
// Thus creating a pair of peered objects will typically look
// something like
// // Make the two RefPtrs for each endpoint's handle to the mutex.
// auto holder0 = AdoptRef(new PeerHolder<Foo>(...));
// auto holder1 = peer_holder0;
// // Create the opposing sides.
// auto foo0 = AdoptRef(new Foo(std::move(holder0, ...));
// auto foo1 = AdoptRef(new Foo(std::move(holder1, ...));
// // Initialize the opposing sides, teaching them about each other.
// foo0->Init(&foo1);
// foo1->Init(&foo0);
// TODO(kulakowski) We should investigate turning this into one
// allocation. This would mean PeerHolder would have two EndPoint
// members, and that PeeredDispatcher would have custom refcounting.
template <typename Endpoint>
class PeerHolder : public fbl::RefCounted<PeerHolder<Endpoint>> {
PeerHolder() = default;
~PeerHolder() = default;
fbl::Mutex* get_lock() const { return &lock_; }
mutable fbl::Mutex lock_;
template <typename Self>
class PeeredDispatcher : public Dispatcher {
// At construction, the object's state tracker is asserting
// |signals|.
explicit PeeredDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<PeerHolder<Self>> holder,
zx_signals_t signals = 0u)
: Dispatcher(signals),
holder_(fbl::move(holder)) {}
virtual ~PeeredDispatcher() = default;
zx_koid_t get_related_koid() const final TA_REQ(get_lock()) { return peer_koid_; }
fbl::Mutex* get_lock() const override { return holder_->get_lock(); }
zx_koid_t peer_koid_ = 0u;
fbl::RefPtr<Self> peer_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
const fbl::RefPtr<PeerHolder<Self>> holder_;
// SoloDispatchers stand alone. Since they have no peer to coordinate
// with, they directly contain their state lock.
class SoloDispatcher : public Dispatcher {
// At construction, the object's state tracker is asserting
// |signals|.
explicit SoloDispatcher(zx_signals_t signals = 0u) : Dispatcher(signals) {}
fbl::Mutex* get_lock() const override { return &lock_; }
mutable fbl::Mutex lock_;
// DownCastDispatcher checks if a RefPtr<Dispatcher> points to a
// dispatcher of a given dispatcher subclass T and, if so, moves the
// reference to a RefPtr<T>, otherwise it leaves the
// RefPtr<Dispatcher> alone. Must be called with a pointer to a valid
// (non-null) dispatcher.
// Note that the Dispatcher -> Dispatcher versions come up in generic
// code, and so aren't totally vacuous.
// Dispatcher -> FooDispatcher
template <typename T>
fbl::RefPtr<T> DownCastDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher>* disp) {
return (likely(DispatchTag<T>::ID == (*disp)->get_type())) ?
fbl::RefPtr<T>::Downcast(fbl::move(*disp)) :
// Dispatcher -> Dispatcher
template <>
inline fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher> DownCastDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher>* disp) {
return fbl::move(*disp);
// const Dispatcher -> const FooDispatcher
template <typename T>
fbl::RefPtr<T> DownCastDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<const Dispatcher>* disp) {
static_assert(fbl::is_const<T>::value, "");
return (likely(DispatchTag<typename fbl::remove_const<T>::type>::ID == (*disp)->get_type())) ?
fbl::RefPtr<T>::Downcast(fbl::move(*disp)) :
// const Dispatcher -> const Dispatcher
template <>
inline fbl::RefPtr<const Dispatcher> DownCastDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<const Dispatcher>* disp) {
return fbl::move(*disp);
// The same, but for Dispatcher* and FooDispatcher* instead of RefPtr.
// Dispatcher -> FooDispatcher
template <typename T>
T* DownCastDispatcher(Dispatcher* disp) {
return (likely(DispatchTag<T>::ID == disp->get_type())) ?
reinterpret_cast<T*>(disp) : nullptr;
// Dispatcher -> Dispatcher
template <>
inline Dispatcher* DownCastDispatcher(Dispatcher* disp) {
return disp;
// const Dispatcher -> const FooDispatcher
template <typename T>
const T* DownCastDispatcher(const Dispatcher* disp) {
static_assert(fbl::is_const<T>::value, "");
return (likely(DispatchTag<typename fbl::remove_const<T>::type>::ID == disp->get_type())) ?
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(disp) : nullptr;
// const Dispatcher -> const Dispatcher
template <>
inline const Dispatcher* DownCastDispatcher(const Dispatcher* disp) {
return disp;