blob: d33c9906cf7dff5a30d7c649b1de64ede2b1022a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "attributes.h"
#include "error_reporter.h"
#include "raw_ast.h"
#include "type_shape.h"
namespace fidl {
namespace flat {
template <typename T>
struct PtrCompare {
bool operator()(const T* left, const T* right) const { return *left < *right; }
struct Decl;
class Library;
bool HasSimpleLayout(const Decl* decl);
// This is needed (for now) to work around declaration order issues.
std::string LibraryName(const Library* library, StringView separator);
// Name represents a scope name, i.e. a name within the context of a library
// or in the 'global' context. Names either reference (or name) things which
// appear in source, or are synthesized by the compiler (e.g. an anonymous
// struct name).
struct Name {
Name() {}
Name(const Library* library, const SourceLocation name)
: library_(library),
name_from_source_(std::make_unique<SourceLocation>(name)) {}
Name(const Library* library, const std::string& name)
: library_(library),
anonymous_name_(std::make_unique<std::string>(name)) {}
Name(Name&&) = default;
Name& operator=(Name&&) = default;
bool is_anonymous() const { return name_from_source_ == nullptr; }
const Library* library() const { return library_; }
const SourceLocation& source_location() const {
return *name_from_source_.get();
const StringView name_part() const {
if (is_anonymous())
return *anonymous_name_.get();
return name_from_source_->data();
bool operator==(const Name& other) const {
// TODO(pascallouis): Why are we lenient, and allow a name comparison,
// rather than require the more stricter pointer equality here?
if (LibraryName(library_, ".") != LibraryName(other.library_, "."))
return false;
return name_part() == other.name_part();
bool operator!=(const Name& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
bool operator<(const Name& other) const {
if (LibraryName(library_, ".") != LibraryName(other.library_, "."))
return LibraryName(library_, ".") < LibraryName(other.library_, ".");
return name_part() < other.name_part();
const Library* library_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<SourceLocation> name_from_source_;
std::unique_ptr<std::string> anonymous_name_;
struct ConstantValue {
virtual ~ConstantValue() {}
enum struct Kind {
virtual bool Convert(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue>* out_value) const = 0;
const Kind kind;
explicit ConstantValue(Kind kind)
: kind(kind) {}
template <typename ValueType>
struct NumericConstantValue : ConstantValue {
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<ValueType>::value && !std::is_same<ValueType, bool>::value,
"NumericConstantValue can only be used with a numeric ValueType!");
NumericConstantValue(ValueType value)
: ConstantValue(GetKind()), value(value) {}
operator ValueType() const { return value; }
friend bool operator==(const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& l,
const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& r) {
return l.value == r.value;
friend bool operator<(const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& l,
const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& r) {
return l.value < r.value;
friend bool operator>(const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& l,
const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& r) {
return l.value > r.value;
friend bool operator!=(const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& l,
const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& r) {
return l.value != r.value;
friend bool operator<=(const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& l,
const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& r) {
return l.value <= r.value;
friend bool operator>=(const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& l,
const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& r) {
return l.value >= r.value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NumericConstantValue<ValueType>& v) {
if constexpr (GetKind() == Kind::kInt8)
os << static_cast<int>(v.value);
else if constexpr (GetKind() == Kind::kUint8)
os << static_cast<unsigned>(v.value);
os << v.value;
return os;
virtual bool Convert(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue>* out_value) const override {
assert(out_value != nullptr);
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kInt8: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::lowest() ||
value > std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<int8_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kInt16: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::lowest() ||
value > std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<int16_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kInt32: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::lowest() ||
value > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<int32_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kInt64: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest() ||
value > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<int64_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kUint8: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < 0 || value > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<uint8_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kUint16: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < 0 || value > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<uint16_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kUint32: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < 0 || value > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<uint32_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kUint64: {
if (std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < 0 || value > std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<uint64_t>>(
return true;
case Kind::kFloat32: {
if (!std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() ||
value > std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<float>>(static_cast<float>(value));
return true;
case Kind::kFloat64: {
if (!std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value ||
value < std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() ||
value > std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
return false;
*out_value = std::make_unique<NumericConstantValue<double>>(static_cast<double>(value));
return true;
case Kind::kString:
case Kind::kBool:
return false;
static NumericConstantValue<ValueType> Min() {
return NumericConstantValue<ValueType>(std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::lowest());
static NumericConstantValue<ValueType> Max() {
return NumericConstantValue<ValueType>(std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max());
ValueType value;
constexpr static Kind GetKind() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, uint64_t>)
return Kind::kUint64;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, int64_t>)
return Kind::kInt64;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, uint32_t>)
return Kind::kUint32;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, int32_t>)
return Kind::kInt32;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, uint16_t>)
return Kind::kUint16;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, int16_t>)
return Kind::kInt16;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, uint8_t>)
return Kind::kUint8;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, int8_t>)
return Kind::kInt8;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, double>)
return Kind::kFloat64;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ValueType, float>)
return Kind::kFloat32;
using Size = NumericConstantValue<uint32_t>;
struct BoolConstantValue : ConstantValue {
BoolConstantValue(bool value)
: ConstantValue(ConstantValue::Kind::kBool), value(value) {}
operator bool() const { return value; }
friend bool operator==(const BoolConstantValue& l, const BoolConstantValue& r) {
return l.value == r.value;
friend bool operator!=(const BoolConstantValue& l, const BoolConstantValue& r) {
return l.value != r.value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BoolConstantValue& v) {
os << v.value;
return os;
virtual bool Convert(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue>* out_value) const override {
assert(out_value != nullptr);
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kBool:
*out_value = std::make_unique<BoolConstantValue>(value);
return true;
return false;
bool value;
struct StringConstantValue : ConstantValue {
explicit StringConstantValue(StringView value)
: ConstantValue(ConstantValue::Kind::kString), value(value) {}
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StringConstantValue& v) {
os <<;
return os;
virtual bool Convert(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue>* out_value) const override {
assert(out_value != nullptr);
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kString:
*out_value = std::make_unique<StringConstantValue>(StringView(value));
return true;
return false;
StringView value;
struct Constant {
virtual ~Constant() {}
enum struct Kind {
explicit Constant(Kind kind)
: kind(kind), value_(nullptr) {}
bool IsResolved() const { return value_ != nullptr; }
void ResolveTo(std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue> value) {
assert(value != nullptr);
assert(!IsResolved() && "Constants should only be resolved once!");
value_ = std::move(value);
const ConstantValue& Value() const {
assert(IsResolved() && "Accessing the value of an unresolved Constant!");
return *value_;
const Kind kind;
std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue> value_;
struct IdentifierConstant : Constant {
explicit IdentifierConstant(Name name)
: Constant(Kind::kIdentifier), name(std::move(name)) {}
Name name;
struct LiteralConstant : Constant {
explicit LiteralConstant(std::unique_ptr<raw::Literal> literal)
: Constant(Kind::kLiteral), literal(std::move(literal)) {}
std::unique_ptr<raw::Literal> literal;
struct SynthesizedConstant : Constant {
explicit SynthesizedConstant(std::unique_ptr<ConstantValue> value)
: Constant(Kind::kSynthesized) {
struct Decl {
virtual ~Decl() {}
enum struct Kind {
Decl(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name)
: kind(kind), attributes(std::move(attributes)), name(std::move(name)) {}
const Kind kind;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
const Name name;
bool HasAttribute(fidl::StringView name) const;
fidl::StringView GetAttribute(fidl::StringView name) const;
std::string GetName() const;
bool compiling = false;
bool compiled = false;
struct Type {
virtual ~Type() {}
enum struct Kind {
explicit Type(Kind kind, uint32_t size, types::Nullability nullability)
: kind(kind), size(size), nullability(nullability) {}
const Kind kind;
// Set at construction time for most types. Identifier types get
// this set later, during compilation.
uint32_t size;
const types::Nullability nullability;
// Comparison helper object.
class Comparison {
Comparison() = default;
template <class T>
Comparison Compare(const T& a, const T& b) const {
if (result_ != 0)
return Comparison(result_);
if (a < b)
return Comparison(-1);
if (b < a)
return Comparison(1);
return Comparison(0);
bool IsLessThan() const {
return result_ < 0;
Comparison(int result)
: result_(result) {}
const int result_ = 0;
bool operator<(const Type& other) const {
if (kind != other.kind)
return kind < other.kind;
return Compare(other).IsLessThan();
// Compare this object against 'other'.
// It's guaranteed that this->kind == other.kind.
// Return <0 if *this < other, ==0 if *this == other, and >0 if *this > other.
// Derived types should override this, but also call this implementation.
virtual Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const {
assert(kind == other.kind);
return Comparison()
.Compare(nullability, other.nullability);
struct ArrayType : public Type {
ArrayType(SourceLocation name, std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> element_count)
: Type(Kind::kArray, 0u, types::Nullability::kNonnullable), name(name),
element_count(std::move(element_count)) {}
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> element_count;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = static_cast<const ArrayType&>(other);
return Type::Compare(o)
.Compare(static_cast<const Size&>(element_count->Value()).value,
static_cast<const Size&>(o.element_count->Value()).value)
.Compare(*element_type, *o.element_type);
struct VectorType : public Type {
VectorType(SourceLocation name, std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> element_count, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::kVector, 16u, nullability), name(name), element_type(std::move(element_type)),
element_count(std::move(element_count)) {}
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Type> element_type;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> element_count;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = static_cast<const VectorType&>(other);
return Type::Compare(o)
.Compare(static_cast<const Size&>(element_count->Value()).value,
static_cast<const Size&>(o.element_count->Value()).value)
.Compare(*element_type, *o.element_type);
struct StringType : public Type {
StringType(SourceLocation name, std::unique_ptr<Constant> max_size,
types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::kString, 16u, nullability), name(name), max_size(std::move(max_size)) {}
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> max_size;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = static_cast<const StringType&>(other);
return Type::Compare(o)
.Compare(static_cast<const Size&>(max_size->Value()).value,
static_cast<const Size&>(o.max_size->Value()).value);
struct HandleType : public Type {
HandleType(types::HandleSubtype subtype, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::kHandle, 4u, nullability), subtype(subtype) {}
const types::HandleSubtype subtype;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = *static_cast<const HandleType*>(&other);
return Type::Compare(o)
.Compare(subtype, o.subtype);
struct RequestHandleType : public Type {
RequestHandleType(Name name, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::kRequestHandle, 4u, nullability), name(std::move(name)) {}
Name name;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = static_cast<const RequestHandleType&>(other);
return Type::Compare(o)
struct PrimitiveType : public Type {
static uint32_t SubtypeSize(types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype) {
switch (subtype) {
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kBool:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt8:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint8:
return 1u;
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt16:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint16:
return 2u;
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kFloat32:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt32:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint32:
return 4u;
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kFloat64:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt64:
case types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint64:
return 8u;
explicit PrimitiveType(types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype)
: Type(Kind::kPrimitive, SubtypeSize(subtype), types::Nullability::kNonnullable),
subtype(subtype) {}
types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = static_cast<const PrimitiveType&>(other);
return Type::Compare(o)
.Compare(subtype, o.subtype);
struct IdentifierType : public Type {
IdentifierType(Name name, types::Nullability nullability)
: Type(Kind::kIdentifier, 0u, nullability), name(std::move(name)) {}
Name name;
Comparison Compare(const Type& other) const override {
const auto& o = static_cast<const RequestHandleType&>(other);
return Type::Compare(o)
struct Using {
Using(Name name, const PrimitiveType* type)
: name(std::move(name)), type(type) {}
const Name name;
const PrimitiveType* type;
struct Const : public Decl {
Const(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::unique_ptr<Type> type,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value)
: Decl(Kind::kConst, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), type(std::move(type)),
value(std::move(value)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
struct Enum : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(SourceLocation name, std::unique_ptr<Constant> value, std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: name(name), value(std::move(value)), attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
Enum(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<raw::IdentifierType> maybe_subtype,
std::vector<Member> members)
: Decl(Kind::kEnum, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
members(std::move(members)) {}
// Set during construction.
std::unique_ptr<raw::IdentifierType> maybe_subtype;
std::vector<Member> members;
// Set during compilation.
const PrimitiveType* type = nullptr;
TypeShape typeshape;
struct Struct : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type(std::move(type)), name(std::move(name)),
attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
FieldShape fieldshape;
Struct(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::vector<Member> members, bool anonymous = false)
: Decl(Kind::kStruct, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
members(std::move(members)), anonymous(anonymous) {
std::vector<Member> members;
const bool anonymous;
TypeShape typeshape;
bool recursive = false;
struct Table : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal> ordinal, std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)),
maybe_used(std::make_unique<Used>(std::move(type), std::move(name),
std::move(attributes))) {}
Member(std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal> ordinal)
: ordinal(std::move(ordinal)) {}
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal> ordinal;
struct Used {
Used(std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type(std::move(type)), name(std::move(name)),
attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
TypeShape typeshape;
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used;
Table(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members)
: Decl(Kind::kTable, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), members(std::move(members)) {
std::vector<Member> members;
TypeShape typeshape;
bool recursive = false;
struct Union : public Decl {
struct Member {
Member(std::unique_ptr<Type> type, SourceLocation name, std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes)
: type(std::move(type)), name(std::move(name)), attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Type> type;
SourceLocation name;
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
FieldShape fieldshape;
Union(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members)
: Decl(Kind::kUnion, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)), members(std::move(members)) {}
std::vector<Member> members;
TypeShape typeshape;
// The offset of each of the union members is the same, so store
// it here as well.
FieldShape membershape;
bool recursive = false;
struct Interface : public Decl {
struct Method {
Method(Method&&) = default;
Method& operator=(Method&&) = default;
Method(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes,
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal> ordinal, SourceLocation name,
Struct* maybe_request,
Struct* maybe_response)
: attributes(std::move(attributes)), ordinal(std::move(ordinal)), name(std::move(name)),
maybe_request(maybe_request), maybe_response(maybe_response) {
assert(this->maybe_request != nullptr || this->maybe_response != nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes;
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal> ordinal;
SourceLocation name;
Struct* maybe_request;
Struct* maybe_response;
Interface(std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::vector<Name> superinterfaces, std::vector<Method> methods)
: Decl(Kind::kInterface, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
superinterfaces(std::move(superinterfaces)), methods(std::move(methods)) {}
std::vector<Name> superinterfaces;
std::vector<Method> methods;
// Pointers here are set after superinterfaces are compiled, and
// are owned by the correspending superinterface.
std::vector<const Method*> all_methods;
// Typespace provides builders for all types (e.g. array, vector, string), and
// ensures canonicalization, i.e. the same type is represented by one object,
// shared amongst all uses of said type. For instance, while the text
// `vector<uint8>:7` may appear multiple times in source, these all indicate
// the same type.
class Typespace {
enum LookupMode {
// Lookup looks up a type by its name, or alias, and returns the type
// which corresponds, whilst respecting the nullability qualifier.
// If the type exists, returns the type, otherwise returns nullptr.
// If forward references are allowed, a placeholder type is returned
// if the type does not exist yet. This allows forward references to be
// made, and later resolved.
// See also RegisterDecl, RegisterAlias, and
// EnsureAllTypesHaveBeenResolved.
Type* Lookup(const flat::Name& name, types::Nullability nullability,
LookupMode lookup_mode);
// ArrayType creates or returns an array type for the |element_type|,
// and |element_count|.
ArrayType* ArrayType(Type* element_type, Size element_count);
// VectorType creates or returns a vector type for the |element_type|,
// |max_size|, and |nullability|.
VectorType* VectorType(Type* element_type, Size max_size,
types::Nullability nullability);
// StringType creates or returns a string type for |max_size|,
// and |nullability|.
StringType* StringType(Size max_size, types::Nullability nullability);
// HandleType creates or returns a handle type for the |subtype|,
// and |nullability|.
HandleType* HandleType(types::HandleSubtype subtype, types::Nullability nullability);
// RequestType creates or returns an interface request type for the |name|,
// and |nullability|.
RequestHandleType* RequestType(Name name, types::Nullability nullability);
// RegisterDecl registers a declaration under a specific name. Registering
// a declaration resolves all prior references to this named type, i.e.
// earlier lookups from forward references.
// This method returns true if there was no name conflict, false otherwise.
bool RegisterDecl(Name name, Decl* decl);
// RegisterAlias registers a type alias, such as `using int = int32;`. An
// aliased type can be referenced by either name, with no behavioral
// difference.
// This method returns true if there was no name conflict, false otherwise.
bool RegisterAlias(Name name, Name alias);
// EnsureAllTypesHaveBeenResolved checks that all forward references have
// been propertly resolved.
bool EnsureAllTypesHaveBeenResolved();
// BoostrapRootTypes creates a instance with all primitive types. It is
// meant to be used as the top-level types lookup mechanism, providing
// definitional meaning to names such as `int64`, or `bool`.
static Typespace RootTypes() {
Typespace root_typespace;
ByName primitive_types;
auto add = [&](const std::string name, types::PrimitiveSubtype subtype) {
std::make_unique<Name>(nullptr, name));
add("bool", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kBool);
add("int8", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt8);
add("int16", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt16);
add("int32", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt32);
add("int64", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kInt64);
add("uint8", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint8);
add("uint16", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint16);
add("uint32", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint32);
add("uint64", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint64);
add("float32", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kFloat32);
add("float64", types::PrimitiveSubtype::kFloat64);
types::Nullability::kNonnullable, std::move(primitive_types));
return root_typespace;
// CreateForwardDeclaredType creates a placeholder for the named type. As
// the name suggest, this type must be resolved by registering a named type
// for it.
// See also RegisterDecl, RegisterAlias, and
// EnsureAllTypesHaveBeenResolved.
Type* CreateForwardDeclaredType(const flat::Name& name, types::Nullability nullability);
struct cmpName {
bool operator()(const flat::Name* a, const flat::Name* b) const {
return *a < *b;
using BySize = std::map<const Size, std::unique_ptr<Type>>;
using ByNullability = std::map<types::Nullability, std::unique_ptr<Type>>;
using ByName = std::map<const flat::Name*, std::unique_ptr<Type>, cmpName>;
using ByHandleSubtype = std::map<types::HandleSubtype, std::unique_ptr<Type>>;
using ByNullabilityThenBySize = std::map<types::Nullability, BySize>;
using ByNullabilityThenByName = std::map<types::Nullability, ByName>;
using ByNullabilityThenByHandleSubtype = std::map<types::Nullability, ByHandleSubtype>;
std::map<const Type*, BySize> array_types_;
std::map<const Type*, ByNullabilityThenBySize> vector_types_;
ByNullabilityThenBySize string_types_;
ByNullabilityThenByHandleSubtype handle_types_;
ByNullabilityThenByName request_types_;
ByNullabilityThenByName named_types_;
ByName aliases_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Name>> owned_names_;
// AttributeSchema defines a schema for attributes. This includes:
// - The allowed placement of an attribute (e.g. on a method, on a struct
// declaration);
// - The allowed values which an attribute can take.
// For attributes which may be placed on declarations (e.g. interface, struct,
// union, table), a schema may additionally include:
// - A constraint which must be met by the declaration.
class AttributeSchema {
using Constraint = fit::function<bool(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
const raw::Attribute* attribute,
const Decl* decl)>;
// Placement indicates the placement of an attribute, e.g. whether an
// attribute is placed on an enum declaration, method, or union
// member.
enum class Placement {
AttributeSchema(const std::set<Placement>& allowed_placements,
const std::set<std::string> allowed_values,
Constraint constraint = NoOpConstraint);
AttributeSchema(AttributeSchema&& schema) = default;
void ValidatePlacement(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
const raw::Attribute* attribute,
Placement placement) const;
void ValidateValue(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
const raw::Attribute* attribute) const;
void ValidateConstraint(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
const raw::Attribute* attribute,
const Decl* decl) const;
static bool NoOpConstraint(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
const raw::Attribute* attribute,
const Decl* decl) {
return true;
std::set<Placement> allowed_placements_;
std::set<std::string> allowed_values_;
Constraint constraint_;
class Libraries {
// Insert |library|.
bool Insert(std::unique_ptr<Library> library);
// Lookup a library by its |library_name|.
bool Lookup(const std::vector<StringView>& library_name,
Library** out_library) const;
void AddAttributeSchema(const std::string& name, AttributeSchema schema) {
auto iter = attribute_schemas_.emplace(name, std::move(schema));
assert(iter.second && "do not add schemas twice");
const AttributeSchema* RetrieveAttributeSchema(ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
const raw::Attribute* attribute) const;
std::map<std::vector<StringView>, std::unique_ptr<Library>> all_libraries_;
std::map<std::string, AttributeSchema> attribute_schemas_;
class Dependencies {
// Register a dependency to a library. The newly recorded dependent library
// will be referenced by its name, and may also be optionally be referenced
// by an alias.
bool Register(StringView filename, Library* dep_library,
const std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>& maybe_alias);
// Lookup a dependent library by |filename| and |name|.
bool Lookup(StringView filename, const std::vector<StringView>& name,
Library** out_library);
const std::set<Library*>& dependencies() const { return dependencies_aggregate_; };
bool InsertByName(StringView filename, const std::vector<StringView>& name,
Library* library);
using ByName = std::map<std::vector<StringView>, Library*>;
using ByFilename = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ByName>>;
ByFilename dependencies_;
std::set<Library*> dependencies_aggregate_;
class Library {
Library(const Libraries* all_libraries, ErrorReporter* error_reporter, Typespace* typespace)
: all_libraries_(all_libraries), error_reporter_(error_reporter), typespace_(typespace) {}
bool ConsumeFile(std::unique_ptr<raw::File> file);
bool Compile();
const std::vector<StringView>& name() const { return library_name_; }
const std::vector<std::string>& errors() const { return error_reporter_->errors(); }
bool Fail(StringView message);
bool Fail(const SourceLocation& location, StringView message);
bool Fail(const Name& name, StringView message) {
if (name.is_anonymous()) {
return Fail(message);
return Fail(name.source_location(), message);
bool Fail(const Decl& decl, StringView message) { return Fail(, message); }
void ValidateAttributesPlacement(AttributeSchema::Placement placement,
const raw::AttributeList* attributes);
void ValidateAttributesConstraints(const Decl* decl,
const raw::AttributeList* attributes);
Name NextAnonymousName();
bool CompileCompoundIdentifier(const raw::CompoundIdentifier* compound_identifier,
SourceLocation location, Name* out_name);
void RegisterConst(Const* decl);
bool RegisterDecl(Decl* decl);
bool ConsumeConstant(std::unique_ptr<raw::Constant> raw_constant, SourceLocation location,
std::unique_ptr<Constant>* out_constant);
bool ConsumeType(std::unique_ptr<raw::Type> raw_type, SourceLocation location,
std::unique_ptr<Type>* out_type);
bool ConsumeUsing(std::unique_ptr<raw::Using> using_directive);
bool ConsumeTypeAlias(std::unique_ptr<raw::Using> using_directive);
bool ConsumeConstDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::ConstDeclaration> const_declaration);
bool ConsumeEnumDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumDeclaration> enum_declaration);
ConsumeInterfaceDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::InterfaceDeclaration> interface_declaration);
bool ConsumeParameterList(std::unique_ptr<raw::ParameterList> parameter_list,
Struct** out_struct_decl);
bool ConsumeStructDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::StructDeclaration> struct_declaration);
bool ConsumeTableDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::TableDeclaration> table_declaration);
bool ConsumeUnionDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionDeclaration> union_declaration);
bool TypeCanBeConst(const Type* type);
const Type* TypeResolve(const Type* type);
bool TypeIsConvertibleTo(const Type* from_type, const Type* to_type);
// Given a const declaration of the form
// const type foo = name;
// return the declaration corresponding to name.
Decl* LookupConstant(const Type* type, const Name& name);
// Given a name, checks whether that name corresponds to a primitive type. If
// so, returns the type. Otherwise, returns nullptr.
const PrimitiveType* LookupPrimitiveType(const Name& name) const;
// Given a name, checks whether that name corresponds to a type alias. If
// so, returns the type. Otherwise, returns nullptr.
const PrimitiveType* LookupTypeAlias(const Name& name) const;
// Returns nullptr when |type| does not correspond directly to a
// declaration. For example, if |type| refers to int32 or if it is
// a struct pointer, this will return null. If it is a struct, it
// will return a pointer to the declaration of the type.
enum class LookupOption {
Decl* LookupDeclByType(const flat::Type* type, LookupOption option) const;
bool DeclDependencies(Decl* decl, std::set<Decl*>* out_edges);
bool SortDeclarations();
bool CompileLibraryName();
bool CompileConst(Const* const_declaration);
bool CompileEnum(Enum* enum_declaration);
bool CompileInterface(Interface* interface_declaration);
bool CompileStruct(Struct* struct_declaration);
bool CompileTable(Table* table_declaration);
bool CompileUnion(Union* union_declaration);
// Compiling a type both validates the type, and computes shape
// information for the type. In particular, we validate that
// optional identifier types refer to things that can in fact be
// nullable (ie not enums).
bool CompileArrayType(ArrayType* array_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileVectorType(VectorType* vector_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileStringType(StringType* string_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileHandleType(HandleType* handle_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileRequestHandleType(RequestHandleType* request_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompilePrimitiveType(PrimitiveType* primitive_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileIdentifierType(IdentifierType* identifier_type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool CompileType(Type* type, TypeShape* out_type_metadata);
bool ResolveConstant(Constant* constant, const Type* type);
bool ResolveIdentifierConstant(IdentifierConstant* identifier_constant, const Type* type);
bool ResolveLiteralConstant(LiteralConstant* literal_constant, const Type* type);
template <typename MemberType>
bool ValidateEnumMembers(Enum* enum_decl);
// Returns nullptr when the |name| cannot be resolved to a
// Name. Otherwise it returns the declaration.
Decl* LookupDeclByName(const Name& name) const;
template <typename NumericType>
bool ParseNumericLiteral(const raw::NumericLiteral* literal, NumericType* out_value) const;
bool HasAttribute(fidl::StringView name) const;
const std::set<Library*>& dependencies() const;
std::vector<StringView> library_name_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Using>> using_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Const>> const_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Enum>> enum_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Interface>> interface_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Struct>> struct_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Table>> table_declarations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Union>> union_declarations_;
// All Decl pointers here are non-null and are owned by the
// various foo_declarations_.
std::vector<Decl*> declaration_order_;
const PrimitiveType kSizeType = PrimitiveType(types::PrimitiveSubtype::kUint32);
std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList> attributes_;
Dependencies dependencies_;
const Libraries* all_libraries_;
// All Name, Constant, Using, and Decl pointers here are non-null and are
// owned by the various foo_declarations_.
std::map<const Name*, Using*, PtrCompare<Name>> type_aliases_;
std::map<const Name*, Decl*, PtrCompare<Name>> declarations_;
std::map<const Name*, Const*, PtrCompare<Name>> constants_;
ErrorReporter* error_reporter_;
Typespace* typespace_;
uint32_t anon_counter_ = 0;
} // namespace flat
} // namespace fidl