blob: c63dd53cbe9da57a39554af51e9f5d2a590fd90f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/protocol/i2c.h>
#include <ddk/protocol/platform-device.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/device-internal.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <zx/vmo.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <audio-proto/audio-proto.h>
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-channel.h>
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-execution-domain.h>
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-timer.h>
#include <soc/aml-a113/aml-tdm.h>
namespace audio {
namespace gauss {
struct TdmOutputStreamProtocol : public ddk::internal::base_protocol {
explicit TdmOutputStreamProtocol() {
class TdmOutputStream;
using TdmAudioStreamBase = ddk::Device<TdmOutputStream,
class TdmOutputStream : public TdmAudioStreamBase,
public TdmOutputStreamProtocol,
public fbl::RefCounted<TdmOutputStream> {
static zx_status_t Create(zx_device_t* parent);
//void PrintDebugPrefix() const;
// DDK device implementation
void DdkUnbind();
void DdkRelease();
zx_status_t DdkIoctl(uint32_t op,
const void* in_buf, size_t in_len,
void* out_buf, size_t out_len, size_t* out_actual);
static int IrqThread(void* arg);
friend class fbl::RefPtr<TdmOutputStream>;
// TODO(hollande) - the fifo bytes are adjustable on the audio fifos and should be scaled
// with the desired sample rate. Since this first pass has a fixed sample
// sample rate we will set as constant for now.
// We are using fifo C at this stage, which is max of 128 (64-bit wide)
// Using 64 levels for now.
static constexpr uint8_t kFifoDepth = 0x40;
TdmOutputStream(zx_device_t* parent,
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::ExecutionDomain>&& default_domain)
: TdmAudioStreamBase(parent),
create_time_(zx_time_get(ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)) { }
virtual ~TdmOutputStream();
zx_status_t Bind(const char* devname);
void ReleaseRingBufferLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
zx_status_t AddFormats(fbl::Vector<audio_stream_format_range_t>* supported_formats);
// Thunks for dispatching stream channel events.
zx_status_t ProcessStreamChannel(dispatcher::Channel* channel, bool privileged);
void DeactivateStreamChannel(const dispatcher::Channel* channel);
zx_status_t OnGetStreamFormatsLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const audio_proto::StreamGetFmtsReq& req)
zx_status_t OnSetStreamFormatLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const audio_proto::StreamSetFmtReq& req,
bool privileged)
zx_status_t OnGetGainLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel, const audio_proto::GetGainReq& req)
zx_status_t OnSetGainLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel, const audio_proto::SetGainReq& req)
zx_status_t OnPlugDetectLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const audio_proto::PlugDetectReq& req) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Thunks for dispatching ring buffer channel events.
zx_status_t ProcessRingBufferChannel(dispatcher::Channel * channel);
void DeactivateRingBufferChannel(const dispatcher::Channel* channel);
zx_status_t SetModuleClocks();
zx_status_t ProcessRingNotification();
// Stream command handlers
// Ring buffer command handlers
zx_status_t OnGetFifoDepthLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const audio_proto::RingBufGetFifoDepthReq& req) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
zx_status_t OnGetBufferLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel,
const audio_proto::RingBufGetBufferReq& req) __TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
zx_status_t OnStartLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel, const audio_proto::RingBufStartReq& req)
zx_status_t OnStopLocked(dispatcher::Channel* channel, const audio_proto::RingBufStopReq& req)
fbl::Mutex lock_;
fbl::Mutex req_lock_ __TA_ACQUIRED_AFTER(lock_);
// Dispatcher framework state
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::Channel> stream_channel_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::Channel> rb_channel_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_);
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::ExecutionDomain> default_domain_;
// control registers for the tdm block
aml_tdm_regs_t* regs_ = nullptr;
zx::vmo regs_vmo_;
fbl::RefPtr<dispatcher::Timer> notify_timer_;
// TODO(johngro) : support parsing and selecting from all of the format
// descriptors present for a stream, not just a single format (with multiple
// sample rates).
fbl::Vector<audio_stream_format_range_t> supported_formats_;
i2c_protocol_t i2c_;
fbl::unique_ptr<Tas57xx> left_sub_;
fbl::unique_ptr<Tas57xx> right_sub_;
fbl::unique_ptr<Tas57xx> tweeters_;
float current_gain_= -20.0;
uint32_t frame_size_;
uint32_t fifo_bytes_;
const zx_time_t create_time_;
uint32_t us_per_notification_ = 0;
volatile bool running_;
zx::vmo ring_buffer_vmo_;
void* ring_buffer_virt_ = nullptr;
uint32_t ring_buffer_phys_ = 0;
uint32_t ring_buffer_size_ = 0;
} // namespace usb
} // namespace audio