blob: b45577c7df8006055188398509bbcf5f13484e50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <region-alloc/region-alloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <utility>
#include "common.h"
namespace {
static bool ralloc_region_pools_test() {
// Create a default constructed allocator on the stack.
RegionAllocator alloc;
// Make sure that it refuses to perform any operations because it has no
// RegionPool assigned to it yet.
RegionAllocator::Region::UPtr tmp;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, alloc.AddRegion({ 0u, 1u }));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, alloc.GetRegion(1, tmp));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, alloc.GetRegion({ 0u, 1u }, tmp));
EXPECT_NULL(alloc.GetRegion({ 0u, 1u }));
// Make a region pool to manage bookkeeping allocations.
auto pool = RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE);
// Assign our pool to our allocator, but hold onto the pool for now.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, alloc.SetRegionPool(pool));
// Create another allocator and transfer ownership of our region pool
// reference to it. Then let the allocator go out of scope.
RegionAllocator alloc2(std::move(pool));
// Add some regions to our allocator.
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(GOOD_REGIONS); ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, alloc.AddRegion(GOOD_REGIONS[i]));
// Make a new pool and try to assign it to the allocator. This should fail
// because the allocator is currently using resources from its currently
// assigned pool.
auto pool2 = RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, alloc.SetRegionPool(pool2));
// Add a bunch of adjacent regions to our pool. Try to add so many
// that we would normally run out of bookkeeping space. We should not
// actually run out, however, because the regions should get merged as they
// get added.
ralloc_region_t tmp = { .base = GOOD_MERGE_REGION_BASE,
for (size_t i = 0; i < OOM_RANGE_LIMIT; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, alloc.AddRegion(tmp));
tmp.base += tmp.size;
// Attempt (and fail) to add some bad regions (regions which overlap,
// regions which wrap the address space)
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(BAD_REGIONS); ++i)
// Force the region bookkeeping pool to run out of memory by adding more and
// more regions until we eventually run out of room. Make sure that the
// regions are not adjacent, or the internal bookkeeping will just merge
// them.
size_t i;
ralloc_region_t tmp = { .base = BAD_MERGE_REGION_BASE,
for (i = 0; i < OOM_RANGE_LIMIT; ++i) {
zx_status_t res;
res = alloc.AddRegion(tmp);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
tmp.base += tmp.size + 1;
// Reset allocator. All of the existing available regions we had previously
// added will be returned to the pool.
// Now assign pool2 to the allocator. Now that it is no longer using any
// resources, this should succeed.
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, alloc.SetRegionPool(std::move(pool2)));
static bool ralloc_by_size_test() {
// Make a pool and attach it to an allocator. Then add the test regions to it.
RegionAllocator alloc(RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE));
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(ALLOC_BY_SIZE_REGIONS); ++i)
// Run the alloc by size tests. Hold onto the regions it allocates so they
// don't automatically get returned to the pool.
RegionAllocator::Region::UPtr regions[fbl::count_of(ALLOC_BY_SIZE_TESTS)];
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(ALLOC_BY_SIZE_TESTS); ++i) {
const alloc_by_size_alloc_test_t* TEST = ALLOC_BY_SIZE_TESTS + i;
zx_status_t res = alloc.GetRegion(TEST->size, TEST->align, regions[i]);
// Make sure we get the test result we were expecting.
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->res, res);
// If the allocation claimed to succeed, we should have gotten
// back a non-null region. Otherwise, we should have gotten a
// null region back.
if (res == ZX_OK) {
} else {
// If the allocation succeeded, and we expected it to succeed,
// the allocation should have come from the test region we
// expect and be aligned in the way we asked.
if ((res == ZX_OK) && (TEST->res == ZX_OK)) {
ASSERT_LT(TEST->region, fbl::count_of(ALLOC_BY_SIZE_TESTS));
EXPECT_TRUE(region_contains_region(ALLOC_BY_SIZE_REGIONS + TEST->region,
EXPECT_EQ(0u, regions[i]->base & (TEST->align - 1));
// No need for any explicit cleanup. Our region references will go out of
// scope first and be returned to the allocator. Then the allocator will
// clean up, and release its bookkeeping pool reference in the process.
static bool ralloc_specific_test() {
// Make a pool and attach it to an allocator. Then add the test regions to it.
RegionAllocator alloc(RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE));
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(ALLOC_SPECIFIC_REGIONS); ++i)
// Run the alloc specific tests. Hold onto the regions it allocates so they
// don't automatically get returned to the pool.
RegionAllocator::Region::UPtr regions[fbl::count_of(ALLOC_SPECIFIC_TESTS)];
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(ALLOC_SPECIFIC_TESTS); ++i) {
const alloc_specific_alloc_test_t* TEST = ALLOC_SPECIFIC_TESTS + i;
zx_status_t res = alloc.GetRegion(TEST->req, regions[i]);
// Make sure we get the test result we were expecting.
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->res, res);
// If the allocation claimed to succeed, we should have gotten back a
// non-null region which exactly matches our requested region.
if (res == ZX_OK) {
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->req.base, regions[i]->base);
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->req.size, regions[i]->size);
} else {
// No need for any explicit cleanup. Our region references will go out of
// scope first and be returned to the allocator. Then the allocator will
// clean up, and release its bookkeeping pool reference in the process.
static bool ralloc_add_overlap_test() {
// Make a pool and attach it to an allocator. Then add the test regions to it.
RegionAllocator alloc(RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE));
// Add each of the regions specified by the test and check the expected results.
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(ADD_OVERLAP_TESTS); ++i) {
const alloc_add_overlap_test_t* TEST = ADD_OVERLAP_TESTS + i;
zx_status_t res = alloc.AddRegion(TEST->reg, TEST->ovl);
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->res, res);
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->cnt, alloc.AvailableRegionCount());
static bool ralloc_subtract_test() {
// Make a pool and attach it to an allocator. Then add the test regions to it.
RegionAllocator alloc(RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE));
// Run the test sequence, adding and subtracting regions and verifying the results.
for (size_t i = 0; i < fbl::count_of(SUBTRACT_TESTS); ++i) {
const alloc_subtract_test_t* TEST = SUBTRACT_TESTS + i;
zx_status_t res;
if (TEST->add)
res = alloc.AddRegion(TEST->reg);
res = alloc.SubtractRegion(TEST->reg, TEST->incomplete);
EXPECT_EQ(TEST->cnt, alloc.AvailableRegionCount());
static bool ralloc_alloc_walk_test() {
const ralloc_region_t test_regions[] = {
{ .base = 0x00000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x10000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x20000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x30000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x40000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x50000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x60000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x70000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x80000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
{ .base = 0x90000000, .size = 1 << 20 },
constexpr size_t r_cnt = fbl::count_of(test_regions);
RegionAllocator alloc(RegionAllocator::RegionPool::Create(REGION_POOL_MAX_SIZE));
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, alloc.AddRegion({ .base = 0, .size = UINT64_MAX}));
// Pull each region defined above out of the allocator and stash their UPtrs
// for the time being. Then the lambda can walk the allocated regions and
// verify that they are in-order and match the expected values.
RegionAllocator::Region::UPtr r[r_cnt];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < r_cnt; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, alloc.GetRegion(test_regions[i], r[i]));
uint8_t pos = 0;
uint64_t end = 0;
auto f = [&](const ralloc_region_t* r) -> bool {
ASSERT_EQ(r->base, test_regions[pos].base);
ASSERT_EQ(r->size, test_regions[pos].size);
// attempt to exit early if end is set to a value > 0
return (end) ? (pos != end) : true;
ASSERT_EQ(r_cnt, pos);
// Test that exiting early works, no matter where we are in the region list.
// Every time the function is called we increment the counter and then at
// the end ensure we've only been called as many times as expected, within
// the bounds of [1, r_cnt].
for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < 1024; cnt++) {
pos = 0;
end = (rand() % r_cnt) + 1;
ASSERT_EQ(pos, end);
} //namespace
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Region Pools", ralloc_region_pools_test)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Alloc by size", ralloc_by_size_test)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Alloc specific", ralloc_specific_test)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Add/Overlap", ralloc_add_overlap_test)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Subtract", ralloc_subtract_test)
RUN_NAMED_TEST("Allocated Walk", ralloc_alloc_walk_test)