blob: 1bd06efc7cc6d393e36288cf031a22dccdddb708 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <blobfs/journal.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <lib/cksum.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <utility>
namespace blobfs {
// TODO(ZX-2415): Add tracing/metrics collection to journal related operations.
// Thread which asynchronously processes journal entries.
static int JournalThread(void* arg) {
Journal* journal = reinterpret_cast<Journal*>(arg);
return 0;
JournalEntry::JournalEntry(JournalBase* journal, EntryStatus status, size_t header_index,
size_t commit_index, fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work)
: journal_(journal), status_(static_cast<uint32_t>(status)), block_count_(0),
header_index_(header_index), commit_index_(commit_index), work_(std::move(work)) {
if (status != EntryStatus::kInit) {
// In the case of a sync request or error, return early.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(status == EntryStatus::kSync || status == EntryStatus::kError);
size_t work_blocks = work_->BlkCount();
// Ensure the work is valid.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work_blocks > 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work_blocks <= kMaxEntryDataBlocks);
// Copy all target blocks from the WritebackWork to the entry's header block.
for (size_t i = 0; i < work_->Requests().size(); i++) {
WriteRequest& request = work_->Requests()[i];
for (size_t j = request.dev_offset; j < request.dev_offset + request.length; j++) {
header_block_.target_blocks[block_count_++] = j;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work_blocks == block_count_);
// Set other information in the header/commit blocks.
header_block_.magic = kEntryHeaderMagic;
header_block_.num_blocks = block_count_;
header_block_.timestamp = zx_ticks_get();
commit_block_.magic = kEntryCommitMagic;
commit_block_.timestamp = header_block_.timestamp;
commit_block_.checksum = 0;
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> JournalEntry::TakeWork() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work_ != nullptr);
if (header_index_ != commit_index_) {
// If the journal entry contains any transactions, set the work closure to update the entry
// status on write completion. This currently assumes that a WritebackWork with associated
// transactions will NOT already have a closure attached. If we ever want to include
// transactions on a syncing WritebackWork, we will need to revisit this.
return std::move(work_);
ReadyCallback JournalEntry::CreateReadyCallback() {
return [this] () {
// If the entry is in a waiting state, it is ready to be written to disk.
return GetStatus() == EntryStatus::kWaiting;
SyncCallback JournalEntry::CreateSyncCallback() {
return [this] (zx_status_t result) {
// Signal the journal that an entry is ready for processing.
journal_->ProcessEntryResult(result, this);
void JournalEntry::SetStatusFromResult(zx_status_t result) {
// Set the state of the JournalEntry based on the last received result.
if (result != ZX_OK) {
EntryStatus last_status = SetStatus(EntryStatus::kPersisted);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(last_status == EntryStatus::kWaiting);
void JournalEntry::SetChecksum(uint32_t checksum) {
commit_block_.checksum = checksum;
zx_status_t Journal::Create(Blobfs* blobfs, uint64_t journal_blocks, uint64_t start_block,
fbl::unique_ptr<Journal>* out) {
// Create the buffer with 1 less than total journal blocks.
// (1 block must be reserved for journal info).
zx_status_t status;
fbl::unique_ptr<Buffer> buffer;
if ((status = Buffer::Create(blobfs, journal_blocks - 1, "blobfs-journal", &buffer)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Create another buffer for the journal info block.
fbl::unique_ptr<Buffer> info;
if ((status = Buffer::Create(blobfs, 1, "blobfs-journal-info", &info)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Reserve the only block in the info buffer so its impossible to copy transactions to it.
// Create the Journal with the newly created vmos.
fbl::unique_ptr<Journal> journal(new Journal(blobfs, std::move(info), std::move(buffer),
// Load contents of journal from disk.
if ((status = journal->Load()) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal: Failed to load from disk: %d\n", status);
return status;
*out = std::move(journal);
return ZX_OK;
Journal::~Journal() {
// Ensure that thread teardown has completed, or that it was never brought up to begin with.
// Ensure that work and producer queues are currently empty.
zx_status_t Journal::Teardown() {
WritebackState state;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
state = state_;
// Signal the background thread.
unmounting_ = true;
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
if (state != WritebackState::kInit && state != WritebackState::kReady) {
// Block until the thread completes itself.
int result = -1;
int success = thrd_join(thread_, &result);
if (result != 0 || success != thrd_success) {
return status;
zx_status_t Journal::Load() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kInit);
// Load info block and journal entries into their respective buffers.
fs::ReadTxn txn(blobfs_);
info_->Load(&txn, start_block_);
entries_->Load(&txn, start_block_ + 1);
zx_status_t status = txn.Transact();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
JournalInfo* info = GetInfo();
// Verify the journal magic matches.
if (info->magic != kJournalMagic) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal info bad magic\n");
if (info->start_block > 0 || info->num_blocks > 0 || info->timestamp > 0) {
// Who checks the checksum? (It's us. We are doing it.)
uint32_t old_checksum = info->checksum;
info->checksum = 0;
uint8_t* info_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(info);
info->checksum = crc32(0, info_ptr, sizeof(JournalInfo));
if (old_checksum != info->checksum) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal info checksum corrupt\n");
return status;
zx_status_t Journal::Replay() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kInit);
uint64_t timestamp = 0;
size_t start = GetInfo()->start_block;
size_t length = GetInfo()->num_blocks;
size_t total_entries = 0;
size_t total_blocks = 0;
// Replay entries until we find one that isn't valid.
while (true) {
uint64_t entry_blocks;
// |start| is the header index of the next entry.
zx_status_t status = ReplayEntry(start, length, &entry_blocks, &timestamp);
if (status == ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
} else if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
total_blocks += entry_blocks;
start += entry_blocks;
start %= entries_->capacity();
if (length) {
length -= entry_blocks;
// TODO(planders): Sync to ensure that all entries have been written out before resetting the
// on-disk state of the journal.
if (total_entries > 0) {
printf("Found and replayed %zu total blobfs journal entries starting from index %zu, "
"including %zu total blocks.\n",
total_entries, GetInfo()->start_block, total_blocks);
} else if (start == 0 && length == 0) {
// If no entries were found and journal is already in its default state,
// return without writing out any changes.
state_ = WritebackState::kReady;
return ZX_OK;
// We expect length to be 0 at this point, assuming the journal was not corrupted and replay
// completed successfully. However, in the case of corruption of the journal this may not be the
// case. Since we cannot currently recover from this situation we should proceed as normal.
zx_status_t status = CommitReplay();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Now that we've resolved any remaining entries, we are ready to start journal writeback.
state_ = WritebackState::kReady;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Journal::InitWriteback() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kReady);
if (entries_->start() > 0 || entries_->length() > 0) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Cannot initialize journal writeback - entries may still exist.\n");
if (thrd_create_with_name(&thread_, JournalThread, this, "blobfs-journal") !=
thrd_success) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to create journal thread.\n");
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Journal::Enqueue(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work) {
// Verify that the work exists and has not already been prepared for writeback.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work != nullptr);
// Block count will be the number of blocks in the transaction + header + commit.
size_t blocks = work->BlkCount();
// By default set the header/commit indices to the buffer capacity,
// since this will be an invalid index value.
size_t header_index = entries_->capacity();
size_t commit_index = entries_->capacity();
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
if (IsReadOnly()) {
// If we are in "read only" mode, set an error status.
status = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
} else if (blocks) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kRunning);
// If the work contains no blocks (i.e. it is a sync work), proceed to create an entry
// without enqueueing any data to the buffer.
// Add 2 blocks to the block count for the journal entry's header/commit blocks.
blocks += 2;
// Ensure we have enough space to write the current entry to the buffer.
// If not, wait until space becomes available.
if (IsReadOnly()) {
// The Journal is in a bad state and is no longer accepting new entries.
status = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
} else {
// Assign header index of journal entry to the next available value before we attempt to
// copy the meat of the entry to the buffer.
header_index = entries_->ReserveIndex();
// Copy the data from WritebackWork to the journal buffer. We can wait to write out the
// header and commit blocks asynchronously, since this will involve calculating the
// checksum.
// TODO(planders): Release the lock while transaction is being copied.
// Assign commit_index immediately after copying to the buffer.
// Increase length_ accordingly.
commit_index = entries_->ReserveIndex();
// Make sure that commit index matches what we expect
// based on header index, block count, and buffer size.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(commit_index == (header_index + blocks - 1) % entries_->capacity());
// Create the journal entry and push it onto the work queue.
fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> entry = CreateEntry(header_index, commit_index, std::move(work));
if (entry->GetStatus() == EntryStatus::kInit) {
// If we have a non-sync work, there is some extra preparation we need to do.
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// Prepare a WritebackWork to write out the entry to disk. Note that this does not
// fully prepare the buffer for writeback, so a ready callback is added to the work as
// part of this step.
PrepareWork(entry.get(), &work);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work != nullptr);
status = EnqueueEntryWork(std::move(work));
} else {
// If the status is not okay (i.e. we are in a readonly state), do no additional
// processing but set the entry state to error.
// Queue the entry to be processed asynchronously.
// Signal the JournalThread that there is at least one entry ready to be processed.
return status;
void Journal::SendSignalLocked(zx_status_t status) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// Once writeback has entered a read only state, no further transactions should succeed.
ZX_ASSERT(state_ != WritebackState::kReadOnly);
} else {
state_ = WritebackState::kReadOnly;
consumer_signalled_ = true;
bool Journal::IsRunning() const {
switch (state_) {
case WritebackState::kRunning:
case WritebackState::kReadOnly:
return true;
return false;
fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> Journal::CreateEntry(uint64_t header_index, uint64_t commit_index,
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work) {
EntryStatus status = EntryStatus::kInit;
if (work->BlkCount() == 0) {
// If the work has no transactions, this is a sync work - we can return early.
// Right now we make the assumption that if a WritebackWork has any transactions, it cannot
// have a corresponding sync callback. We may need to revisit this later.
status = EntryStatus::kSync;
} else if (IsReadOnly()) {
// If the journal is in a read only state, set the entry status to error.
status = EntryStatus::kError;
return fbl::make_unique<JournalEntry>(this, status, header_index, commit_index,
void Journal::PrepareWork(JournalEntry* entry, fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork>* out) {
size_t header_index = entry->GetHeaderIndex();
size_t commit_index = entry->GetCommitIndex();
size_t block_count = entry->BlockCount();
if (block_count == 0) {
// If journal entry has size 0, it is an empty sync entry, and we don't need to write
// anything to the journal.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(header_index == entries_->capacity());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(commit_index == entries_->capacity());
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work = CreateWork();
// Update work with transactions for the current entry.
AddEntryTransaction(header_index, block_count, work.get());
// Make sure the work is prepared for the writeback queue.
*out = std::move(work);
void Journal::ProcessEntryResult(zx_status_t result, JournalEntry* entry) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
// Since it is possible for the entry to be deleted immediately after updating its status
// (if the journal is being processed at the time), it is safer to update the entry status
// under the journal lock.
void Journal::PrepareBuffer(JournalEntry* entry) {
size_t header_index = entry->GetHeaderIndex();
size_t commit_index = entry->GetCommitIndex();
size_t block_count = entry->BlockCount();
if (block_count == 0) {
// If journal entry has size 0, it is an empty sync entry, and we don't need to write
// anything to the journal.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(header_index == entries_->capacity());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(commit_index == entries_->capacity());
// Copy header block of the journal entry into the journal buffer. We must write the header
// block into the buffer before the commit block so we can generate the checksum.
void* data = entries_->MutableData(header_index);
memset(data, 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
memcpy(data, &entry->GetHeaderBlock(), sizeof(HeaderBlock));
// Now that the header block has been written to the buffer, we can calculate a checksum for
// the header + all journaled metadata blocks and set it in the entry's commit block.
entry->SetChecksum(GenerateChecksum(header_index, commit_index));
// Write the commit block (now with checksum) to the journal buffer.
data = entries_->MutableData(commit_index);
memset(data, 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
memcpy(data, &entry->GetCommitBlock(), sizeof(CommitBlock));
void Journal::PrepareDelete(JournalEntry* entry, WritebackWork* work) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work != nullptr);
size_t header_index = entry->GetHeaderIndex();
size_t commit_index = entry->GetCommitIndex();
size_t block_count = entry->BlockCount();
if (block_count == 0) {
// If journal entry has size 0, it is an empty sync entry, and we don't need to write
// anything to the journal.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(header_index == entries_->capacity());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(commit_index == entries_->capacity());
// Overwrite the header & commit block in the buffer with empty data.
memset(entries_->MutableData(header_index), 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
memset(entries_->MutableData(commit_index), 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
// Enqueue transactions for the header/commit blocks.
entries_->AddTransaction(header_index, start_block_ + 1 + header_index, 1, work);
entries_->AddTransaction(commit_index, start_block_ + 1 + commit_index, 1, work);
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> Journal::CreateWork() {
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work;
blobfs_->CreateWork(&work, nullptr);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work != nullptr);
return work;
zx_status_t Journal::EnqueueEntryWork(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work) {
return blobfs_->EnqueueWork(std::move(work), EnqueueType::kData);
bool Journal::VerifyEntryMetadata(size_t header_index, uint64_t last_timestamp, bool expect_valid) {
HeaderBlock* header = GetHeaderBlock(header_index);
// If length_ > 0, the next entry should be guaranteed.
if (header->magic != kEntryHeaderMagic || header->timestamp <= last_timestamp) {
// If the next calculated header block is either 1) not a header block, or 2) does not
// have a timestamp strictly later than the previous entry, it is not a valid entry and
// should not be replayed. This is only a journal replay "error" if, according to the
// journal super block, we still have some entries left to process (i.e. length_ > 0).
if (expect_valid) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal Replay Error: invalid header found.\n");
return false;
size_t commit_index = (header_index + header->num_blocks + 1) % entries_->capacity();
CommitBlock* commit = GetCommitBlock(commit_index);
if (commit->magic != kEntryCommitMagic) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal Replay Error: commit magic does not match expected\n");
return false;
if (commit->timestamp != header->timestamp) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal Replay Error: commit timestamp does not match expected\n");
return false;
// Calculate the checksum of the entry data to verify the commit block's checksum.
uint32_t checksum = GenerateChecksum(header_index, commit_index);
// Since we already found a valid header, we expect this to be a valid entry. If something
// in the commit block does not match what we expect, this is an error.
if (commit->checksum != checksum) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal Replay Error: commit checksum does not match expected\n");
return false;
return true;
zx_status_t Journal::ReplayEntry(size_t header_index, size_t remaining_length,
uint64_t* entry_blocks, uint64_t* timestamp) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kInit);
bool expect_valid = remaining_length > 0;
if (!VerifyEntryMetadata(header_index, *timestamp, expect_valid)) {
HeaderBlock* header = GetHeaderBlock(header_index);
*timestamp = header->timestamp;
*entry_blocks = header->num_blocks + 2;
// We have found a valid entry - ensure that remaining_length is valid
// (either 0 remaining, or enough to fit this entry).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(remaining_length == 0 || remaining_length >= *entry_blocks);
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work = CreateWork();
// Enqueue one block at a time, since they may not end up being contiguous on disk.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < header->num_blocks; i++) {
size_t vmo_block = (header_index + i + 1) % entries_->capacity();
entries_->AddTransaction(vmo_block, header->target_blocks[i], 1, work.get());
// Replay (and therefore mount) will fail if we cannot enqueue the replay work. Since the
// journal itself is not corrupt (at least up to this point), we would expect replay to
// succeed on a subsequent attempt, so we should keep any existing entries intact. (i.e.,
// do not reset the journal metadata in this failure case).
zx_status_t status = EnqueueEntryWork(std::move(work));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal replay failed with status %d\n", status);
return status;
zx_status_t Journal::CommitReplay() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kInit);
// Overwrite the first journal entry block to 0. Since we are resetting the info block to point
// to 0 as the first entry, we expect that block 0 will not contain a valid entry. Overwriting
// it will ensure that this is not the case.
memset(entries_->MutableData(0), 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work = CreateWork();
entries_->AddTransaction(0, start_block_ + 1, 1, work.get());
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = EnqueueEntryWork(std::move(work))) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal replay failed with status %d\n", status);
return status;
// Write out the updated info block to disk.
if ((status = WriteInfo(entries_->start(), entries_->length())) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal replay failed with status %d\n", status);
return status;
// Wait for any replayed entries to complete before completing replay.
work = CreateWork();
sync_completion_t completion;
work->SetSyncCallback([&completion, &status](zx_status_t new_status) {
status = new_status;
if ((status = EnqueueEntryWork(std::move(work))) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Journal replay failed with status %d\n", status);
return status;
sync_completion_wait(&completion, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
// Return a successful status, even if we detected corrupt metadata or entries.
// Our metadata should still be in a consistent state so it will be safe to mount regardless.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Journal::WriteInfo(uint64_t start, uint64_t length) {
JournalInfo* info = GetInfo();
if (start == info->start_block && length == info->num_blocks) {
// If the current buffer start/len match the info block, skip the writing step.
return ZX_OK;
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work;
blobfs_->CreateWork(&work, nullptr);
info->start_block = start;
info->num_blocks = length;
info->timestamp = zx_ticks_get();
// Set the checksum to 0 so we can calculate the checksum of the rest of the info block.
info->checksum = 0;
uint8_t* info_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(info);
info->checksum = crc32(0, info_ptr, sizeof(JournalInfo));
info_->AddTransaction(0, start_block_, 1, work.get());
return blobfs_->EnqueueWork(std::move(work), EnqueueType::kData);
void Journal::EnsureSpaceLocked(size_t blocks) {
while (!entries_->IsSpaceAvailable(blocks)) {
// Not enough room to write back work, yet. Wait until room is available.
Waiter w;
do {
cnd_wait(&producer_cvar_, lock_.GetInternal());
} while ((&producer_queue_.front() != &w) && // We are first in line to enqueue...
(!entries_->IsSpaceAvailable(blocks))); // ... and there is enough space for us.
void Journal::AddEntryTransaction(size_t start, size_t length, WritebackWork* work) {
// Ensure the request fits within the buffer.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start < entries_->capacity());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length > 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length < entries_->capacity());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work != nullptr);
// Adjust the length of the first transaction in
// case it wraps around to the front of the buffer.
size_t first_length = length;
if (start + length > entries_->capacity()) {
first_length = entries_->capacity() - start;
// Ensure we do not have an empty transaction.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_length > 0);
// Enqueue the first part of the transaction.
size_t disk_start = start_block_ + 1;
entries_->AddTransaction(start, disk_start + start, first_length, work);
// If we wrapped around to the front of the journal,
// enqueue a second transaction with the remaining data + commit block.
if (first_length < length) {
entries_->AddTransaction(0, disk_start, length - first_length, work);
uint32_t Journal::GenerateChecksum(size_t header_index, size_t commit_index) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(commit_index != header_index);
size_t first_length = 0;
// Determine how long the first part of the transaction is.
if (commit_index < header_index) {
first_length = entries_->capacity() - header_index;
} else {
first_length = commit_index - header_index;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_length > 0);
// Calculate checksum.
uint8_t* data_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(entries_->MutableData(header_index));
uint32_t checksum = crc32(0, data_ptr, first_length * kBlobfsBlockSize);
// If the transaction wraps around the buffer, update checksum for the second half.
if (commit_index < header_index) {
data_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(entries_->MutableData(0));
checksum = crc32(checksum, data_ptr, commit_index * kBlobfsBlockSize);
return checksum;
fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> Journal::GetNextEntry() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
return work_queue_.pop();
void Journal::ProcessQueues(JournalProcessor* processor) {
// Process all entries in the work queue.
fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> entry;
while ((entry = GetNextEntry()) != nullptr) {
// TODO(planders): For each entry that we process, we can potentially verify that the
// indices fit within the expected start/len of the journal buffer, and do
// not collide with other entries.
// Since the processor queues are accessed exclusively by the async thread,
// we do not need to hold the lock while we access them.
// If we processed any entries during the work step,
// enqueue the dummy work to kick off the writeback queue.
// TODO(planders): Instead of immediately processing all wait items, wait until some
// condition is fulfilled (e.g. journal is x% full, y total entries are
// waiting, z time has passed, etc.) and write all entries out to disk at
// once.
// Process all entries in the "wait" queue. These are all transactions with entries that
// have been enqueued to disk, and are waiting to verify that the write has completed.
// TODO(planders): Similarly to the wait queue, instead of immediately processing all delete
// items, wait until some condition is fulfilled and process all journal
// deletions at once.
// Track which entries have been fully persisted to their final on disk-location. Once we
// have received verification that they have successfully completed, we can remove them
// from the journal buffer to make space for new entries.
if (processor->HasError()) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
// The thread signalling us should already be setting the Journal to read_only_, but in
// case we managed to grab the lock first, set it again here.
state_ = WritebackState::kReadOnly;
// Reset the journal length to unblock transactions awaiting space,
// No more writes to the buffer will be allowed.
// Reset any pending delete requests (if any exist).
} else if (processor->GetBlocksProcessed() > 0) {
uint64_t start, length;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
// Update the journal start/len to reflect the number of blocks that have been fully
// processed.
start = entries_->start();
length = entries_->length();
// The journal start/len have changed, so write out the info block.
WriteInfo(start, length);
// After the super block update has been queued for writeback, we can now "delete"
// the entries that were previously pointed to by the info block. This must be done
// after the info block write so that the info block does not point to invalid
// entries.
// If we are not in an error state and did not process any blocks, then the
// JournalProcessor's work should be not have been initialized. This condition will be
// checked at the beginning of the next call to ProcessQueue.
// Since none of the methods in the kSync profile indicate that an entry should be added to
// the next queue, it should be fine to pass a null output queue here.
void Journal::ProcessLoop() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(state_ == WritebackState::kReady);
state_ = WritebackState::kRunning;
JournalProcessor processor(this);
while (true) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
// Signal the producer queue that space in the journal has (possibly) been freed up.
// Before waiting, we should check if we're unmounting.
if (unmounting_ && work_queue_.is_empty() && processor.IsEmpty() &&
producer_queue_.is_empty()) {
// Only return if we are unmounting AND all entries in all queues have been
// processed. This includes producers which are currently waiting to be enqueued.
state_ = WritebackState::kComplete;
// If we received a signal while we were processing other queues,
// immediately start processing again.
if (!consumer_signalled_) {
cnd_wait(&consumer_cvar_, lock_.GetInternal());
consumer_signalled_ = false;
void JournalProcessor::ProcessWorkEntry(fbl::unique_ptr<JournalEntry> entry) {
ProcessResult result = ProcessEntry(entry.get());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(result == ProcessResult::kContinue);
// Enqueue the entry into the wait_queue, even in the case of error. This is so that
// all works contained by journal entries will be processed in the second step, even if
// we do not plan to send them along to the writeback queue.
void JournalProcessor::ProcessWaitQueue() {
ProcessQueue(&wait_queue_, &delete_queue_);
void JournalProcessor::ProcessDeleteQueue() {
ProcessQueue(&delete_queue_, &sync_queue_);
void JournalProcessor::ProcessSyncQueue() {
ProcessQueue(&sync_queue_, nullptr);
void JournalProcessor::SetContext(ProcessorContext context) {
if (context_ != context) {
// If we are switching from the sync profile, sync queue must be empty.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(context_ != ProcessorContext::kSync || sync_queue_.is_empty());
switch (context) {
case ProcessorContext::kDefault:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(context_ == ProcessorContext::kSync);
case ProcessorContext::kWork:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(context_ == ProcessorContext::kDefault ||
context_ == ProcessorContext::kSync);
case ProcessorContext::kWait:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(context_ != ProcessorContext::kDelete);
case ProcessorContext::kDelete:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(context_ == ProcessorContext::kWait);
case ProcessorContext::kSync:
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(context_ == ProcessorContext::kDelete);
// Make sure that if a WritebackWork was established,
// it was removed before we attempt to switch profiles.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(work_ == nullptr);
blocks_processed_ = 0;
context_ = context;
void JournalProcessor::ProcessQueue(EntryQueue* in_queue, EntryQueue* out_queue) {
// Process queue entries until there are none left, or we are told to wait.
while (!in_queue->is_empty()) {
// Process the entry before removing it from the queue.
// If its status is kWaiting, we don't want to remove it.
ProcessResult result = ProcessEntry(&in_queue->front());
if (result == ProcessResult::kWait) {
auto entry = in_queue->pop();
if (result == ProcessResult::kContinue) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(out_queue != nullptr);
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(result == ProcessResult::kRemove);
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessEntry(JournalEntry* entry) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(entry != nullptr);
// Retrieve the entry status once up front so we don't have to keep atomically loading it.
EntryStatus entry_status = entry->GetStatus();
if (entry_status == EntryStatus::kWaiting) {
// If the entry at the front of the queue is still waiting, we are done processing this
// queue for the time being.
return ProcessResult::kWait;
if (error_ && entry_status != EntryStatus::kSync) {
// If we are in an error state and the entry is not a "sync" entry,
// set the state to error so we do not do any unnecessary work.
// Since the error state takes precedence over the entry state,
// we do not also have to set the entry state to error.
entry_status = EntryStatus::kError;
if (entry_status == EntryStatus::kInit && context_ == ProcessorContext::kWork) {
return ProcessWorkDefault(entry);
if (entry_status == EntryStatus::kPersisted) {
if (context_ == ProcessorContext::kWait) {
return ProcessWaitDefault(entry);
if (context_ == ProcessorContext::kDelete) {
return ProcessDeleteDefault(entry);
if (entry_status == EntryStatus::kSync) {
if (context_ == ProcessorContext::kSync) {
return ProcessSyncComplete(entry);
if (context_ != ProcessorContext::kDefault) {
return ProcessSyncDefault(entry);
if (entry_status == EntryStatus::kError) {
if (context_ == ProcessorContext::kWork) {
return ProcessErrorDefault();
if (context_ == ProcessorContext::kWait || context_ == ProcessorContext::kDelete) {
return ProcessErrorComplete(entry);
return ProcessUnsupported();
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessWorkDefault(JournalEntry* entry) {
// If the entry is in the "init" state, we can now prepare its header/commit blocks
// in the journal buffer.
EntryStatus last_status = entry->SetStatus(EntryStatus::kWaiting);
if (last_status == EntryStatus::kError) {
// If the WritebackThread has failed and set our journal entry to an error
// state in the time it's taken to prepare the buffer, set error state to
// true. If we do not check this and continue having set the status to
// kWaiting, we will never get another callback for this journal entry and
// we will be stuck forever waiting for it to complete.
error_ = true;
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(last_status == EntryStatus::kInit);
if (work_ == nullptr) {
// Prepare a "dummy" work to kick off the writeback queue now that our entry is ready.
// This is unnecessary in the case of an error, since the writeback queue will already
// be failing all incoming transactions.
work_ = journal_->CreateWork();
return ProcessResult::kContinue;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessWaitDefault(JournalEntry* entry) {
EntryStatus last_status = entry->SetStatus(EntryStatus::kWaiting);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(last_status == EntryStatus::kPersisted);
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work = entry->TakeWork();
return ProcessResult::kContinue;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessDeleteDefault(JournalEntry* entry) {
if (work_ == nullptr) {
// Use this work to enqueue any "delete" transactions we may encounter,
// to be written after the info block is updated.
work_ = journal_->CreateWork();
// The entry has now been fully persisted to disk, so we can remove the entry from
// the journal. To ensure that it does not later get replayed unnecessarily, clear
// out the header and commit blocks.
journal_->PrepareDelete(entry, work_.get());
// Track the number of blocks that have been fully processed so we can update the buffer.
blocks_processed_ += entry->BlockCount();
// We have fully processed this entry - do not add it to the next queue.
return ProcessResult::kRemove;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessSyncDefault(JournalEntry* entry) {
// This is a sync request. Since there is no actual data to update,
// we can just verify it and send it along to the next queue.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(entry->BlockCount() == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(entry->GetHeaderIndex() == journal_->GetCapacity());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(entry->GetCommitIndex() == journal_->GetCapacity());
// Always push the sync entry into the output queue.
return ProcessResult::kContinue;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessSyncComplete(JournalEntry* entry) {
// Call the default sync method to ensure the entry matches what we expect.
// Remove and enqueue the sync work.
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work = entry->TakeWork();
// The sync entry is complete; do not re-enqueue it.
return ProcessResult::kRemove;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessErrorDefault() {
error_ = true;
return ProcessResult::kContinue;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessErrorComplete(JournalEntry* entry) {
// If we are in an error state, force reset the entry's work. This will remove all
// requests and call the sync closure (if it exists), thus completing this entry.
error_ = true;
// Since all work is completed for this entry, we no longer need to send it along
// to the next queue. Instead proceed to process the next entry.
return ProcessResult::kRemove;
ProcessResult JournalProcessor::ProcessUnsupported() {
return ProcessResult::kRemove;
} // blobfs