blob: 26e5189cafaee7a468e10ab1062928e9d9b9f732 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <zircon/device/display-controller.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include "display.h"
#include "fuchsia/display/c/fidl.h"
#include "image.h"
typedef struct frame {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t x_pos;
uint32_t y_pos;
} frame_t;
typedef struct layer {
uint64_t id;
bool active;
frame_t src;
frame_t dest;
image_import_t import_info[2];
} layer_t;
// A layer whose output can appear on multiple displays.
class VirtualLayer {
VirtualLayer(Display* display);
VirtualLayer(const fbl::Vector<Display>& displays);
// Set* methods to configure the layer.
void SetImageDimens(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
image_width_ = width;
image_height_ = height;
src_frame_.width = width;
src_frame_.height = height;
dest_frame_.width = width;
dest_frame_.height = height;
void SetSrcFrame(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
src_frame_.width = width;
src_frame_.height = height;
void SetDestFrame(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
dest_frame_.width = width;
dest_frame_.height = height;
void SetLayerFlipping(bool flip) { layer_flipping_ = flip; }
void SetPanSrc(bool pan) { pan_src_ = pan; }
void SetPanDest(bool pan) { pan_dest_ = pan; }
void SetLayerToggle(bool toggle) { layer_toggle_ = toggle; }
// Finish initializing the layer. All Set* methods should be called before this.
bool Init(zx_handle_t channel);
// Steps the local layout state to frame_num.
void StepLayout(int32_t frame_num);
// Waits for the display controller to be done with the previous version of this frame.
bool WaitForReady();
// Sets the current layout to the display contorller.
void SendLayout(zx_handle_t channel);
// Renders the current frame (and signals the fence if necessary).
void Render(int32_t frame_num);
// Waits for the current layer configuration to be presented.
bool WaitForPresent();
// Gets the display controller layer ID for usage on the given display.
uint64_t id(uint64_t display_id) const {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < displays_.size(); i++) {
if (displays_[i]->id() == display_id) {
if (layers_[i].active) {
return layers_[i].id;
return INVALID_ID;
void SetLayerImages(zx_handle_t handle);
void SetLayerPositions(zx_handle_t handle);
bool Wait(uint32_t idx);
void InitImageDimens();
fbl::Vector<Display*> displays_;
fbl::Vector<layer_t> layers_;
uint32_t width_;
uint32_t height_;
uint32_t image_width_ = 0;
uint32_t image_height_ = 0;
uint32_t image_format_ = 0;
frame_t src_frame_ = {};
frame_t dest_frame_ = {};
bool layer_flipping_ = false;
bool pan_src_ = false;
bool pan_dest_ = false;
bool layer_toggle_ = false;
bool alt_image_ = false;
Image* images_[2];