blob: 051f5d75592542243652830e501463e673f0fa3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This file defines:
// * Initialization code for kernel/object module
// * Singleton instances and global locks
// * Helper functions
// TODO(dbort): Split this file into self-consistent pieces.
#include <pow2.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <kernel/cmdline.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <lib/oom.h>
#include <object/diagnostics.h>
#include <object/dispatcher.h>
#include <object/excp_port.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
#include <object/handles.h>
#include <object/job_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/policy_manager.h>
#include <object/port_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/process_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/resource_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/state_tracker.h>
#include <fbl/arena.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
#include <platform.h>
using fbl::AutoLock;
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
// The number of possible handles in the arena.
constexpr size_t kMaxHandleCount = 256 * 1024u;
// Warning level: high_handle_count() is called when
// there are this many outstanding handles.
constexpr size_t kHighHandleCount = (kMaxHandleCount * 7) / 8;
// The handle arena and its mutex. It also guards Dispatcher::handle_count_.
static fbl::Mutex handle_mutex;
static fbl::Arena TA_GUARDED(handle_mutex) handle_arena;
size_t internal::OutstandingHandles() {
AutoLock lock(&handle_mutex);
return handle_arena.DiagnosticCount();
// All jobs and processes are rooted at the |root_job|.
static fbl::RefPtr<JobDispatcher> root_job;
// The singleton policy manager, for jobs and processes. This is
// not a Dispatcher, just a plain class.
static PolicyManager* policy_manager;
// Masks for building a Handle's base_value, which ProcessDispatcher
// uses to create zx_handle_t values.
// base_value bit fields:
// [31..30]: Must be zero
// [29..kHandleGenerationShift]: Generation number
// Masked by kHandleGenerationMask
// [kHandleGenerationShift-1..0]: Index into handle_arena
// Masked by kHandleIndexMask
static constexpr uint32_t kHandleIndexMask = kMaxHandleCount - 1;
static_assert((kHandleIndexMask & kMaxHandleCount) == 0,
"kMaxHandleCount must be a power of 2");
static constexpr uint32_t kHandleGenerationMask =
~kHandleIndexMask & ~(3 << 30);
static constexpr uint32_t kHandleGenerationShift =
static_assert(((3 << (kHandleGenerationShift - 1)) & kHandleGenerationMask) ==
1 << kHandleGenerationShift,
"Shift is wrong");
static_assert((kHandleGenerationMask >> kHandleGenerationShift) >= 255,
"Not enough room for a useful generation count");
static_assert(((3 << 30) ^ kHandleGenerationMask ^ kHandleIndexMask) ==
"Masks do not agree");
// Returns a new |base_value| based on the value stored in the free
// |handle_arena| slot pointed to by |addr|. The new value will be different
// from the last |base_value| used by this slot.
static uint32_t GetNewHandleBaseValue(void* addr) TA_REQ(handle_mutex) {
// Get the index of this slot within handle_arena.
auto va = reinterpret_cast<Handle*>(addr) -
uint32_t handle_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(va);
DEBUG_ASSERT((handle_index & ~kHandleIndexMask) == 0);
// Check the free memory for a stashed base_value.
uint32_t v = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr);
uint32_t old_gen;
if (v == 0) {
// First time this slot has been allocated.
old_gen = 0;
} else {
// This slot has been used before.
DEBUG_ASSERT((v & kHandleIndexMask) == handle_index);
old_gen = (v & kHandleGenerationMask) >> kHandleGenerationShift;
return (((old_gen + 1) << kHandleGenerationShift) & kHandleGenerationMask) | handle_index;
// Destroys, but does not free, the Handle, and fixes up its memory to protect
// against stale pointers to it. Also stashes the Handle's base_value for reuse
// the next time this slot is allocated.
void internal::TearDownHandle(Handle* handle) TA_EXCL(handle_mutex) {
uint32_t base_value = handle->base_value();
// Calling the handle dtor can cause many things to happen, so it is
// important to call it outside the lock.
// There may be stale pointers to this slot. Zero out most of its fields
// to ensure that the Handle does not appear to belong to any process
// or point to any Dispatcher.
memset(handle, 0, sizeof(Handle));
// Hold onto the base_value for the next user of this slot, stashing
// it at the beginning of the free slot.
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(handle) = base_value;
// Double-check that the process_id field is zero, ensuring that
// no process can refer to this slot while it's free. This isn't
// completely legal since |handle| points to unconstructed memory,
// but it should be safe enough for an assertion.
DEBUG_ASSERT(handle->process_id() == 0);
static void high_handle_count(size_t count) {
// TODO: Avoid calling this for every handle after kHighHandleCount;
// printfs are slow and |handle_mutex| is held by our caller.
printf("WARNING: High handle count: %zu handles\n", count);
Handle* MakeHandle(fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher> dispatcher, zx_rights_t rights) {
uint32_t* handle_count = nullptr;
void* addr;
uint32_t base_value;
AutoLock lock(&handle_mutex);
addr = handle_arena.Alloc();
const size_t outstanding_handles = handle_arena.DiagnosticCount();
if (addr == nullptr) {
printf("WARNING: Could not allocate new handle (%zu outstanding)\n",
return nullptr;
if (outstanding_handles > kHighHandleCount)
handle_count = dispatcher->get_handle_count_ptr();
if (*handle_count != 2u)
handle_count = nullptr;
base_value = GetNewHandleBaseValue(addr);
auto state_tracker = dispatcher->get_state_tracker();
if (state_tracker != nullptr)
return new (addr) Handle(fbl::move(dispatcher), rights, base_value);
Handle* DupHandle(Handle* source, zx_rights_t rights, bool is_replace) {
fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher> dispatcher(source->dispatcher());
uint32_t* handle_count;
void* addr;
uint32_t base_value;
AutoLock lock(&handle_mutex);
addr = handle_arena.Alloc();
const size_t outstanding_handles = handle_arena.DiagnosticCount();
if (addr == nullptr) {
printf("WARNING: Could not allocate duplicate handle (%zu outstanding)\n",
return nullptr;
if (outstanding_handles > kHighHandleCount)
handle_count = dispatcher->get_handle_count_ptr();
if (*handle_count != 2u)
handle_count = nullptr;
base_value = GetNewHandleBaseValue(addr);
auto state_tracker = dispatcher->get_state_tracker();
if (!is_replace && (state_tracker != nullptr))
return new (addr) Handle(source, rights, base_value);
void DeleteHandle(Handle* handle) {
fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher> dispatcher(handle->dispatcher());
auto state_tracker = dispatcher->get_state_tracker();
if (state_tracker) {
// Destroys, but does not free, the Handle, and fixes up its memory
// to protect against stale pointers to it. Also stashes the Handle's
// base_value for reuse the next time this slot is allocated.
bool zero_handles = false;
uint32_t* handle_count;
AutoLock lock(&handle_mutex);
handle_count = dispatcher->get_handle_count_ptr();
if (*handle_count == 0u)
zero_handles = true;
else if (*handle_count != 1u)
handle_count = nullptr;
if (zero_handles) {
if (state_tracker)
// If |dispatcher| is the last reference then the dispatcher object
// gets destroyed here.
bool HandleInRange(void* addr) {
AutoLock lock(&handle_mutex);
return handle_arena.in_range(addr);
Handle* MapU32ToHandle(uint32_t value) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
auto index = value & kHandleIndexMask;
auto va = &reinterpret_cast<Handle*>(handle_arena.start())[index];
if (!HandleInRange(va))
return nullptr;
Handle* handle = reinterpret_cast<Handle*>(va);
return handle->base_value() == value ? handle : nullptr;
void internal::DumpHandleTableInfo() {
AutoLock lock(&handle_mutex);
zx_status_t SetSystemExceptionPort(fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> eport) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(eport->type() == ExceptionPort::Type::JOB);
return root_job->SetExceptionPort(fbl::move(eport));
bool ResetSystemExceptionPort() {
return root_job->ResetExceptionPort(false /* quietly */);
fbl::RefPtr<JobDispatcher> GetRootJobDispatcher() {
return root_job;
PolicyManager* GetSystemPolicyManager() {
return policy_manager;
zx_status_t validate_resource(zx_handle_t handle, uint32_t kind) {
auto up = ProcessDispatcher::GetCurrent();
fbl::RefPtr<ResourceDispatcher> resource;
auto status = up->GetDispatcher(handle, &resource);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
uint32_t rkind = resource->get_kind();
if ((rkind == ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT) || (rkind == kind)) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t validate_ranged_resource(zx_handle_t handle, uint32_t kind, uint64_t low,
uint64_t high) {
auto up = ProcessDispatcher::GetCurrent();
fbl::RefPtr<ResourceDispatcher> resource;
auto status = up->GetDispatcher(handle, &resource);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
uint32_t rsrc_kind = resource->get_kind();
if (rsrc_kind == ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT) {
// root resource is valid for everything
return ZX_OK;
} else if (rsrc_kind == kind) {
uint64_t rsrc_low, rsrc_high;
resource->get_range(&rsrc_low, &rsrc_high);
if (low >= rsrc_low && high <= rsrc_high) {
return ZX_OK;
// Counts and optionally prints all job/process descendants of a job.
namespace {
class OomJobEnumerator final : public JobEnumerator {
// If |prefix| is non-null, also prints each job/process.
OomJobEnumerator(const char* prefix)
: prefix_(prefix) { reset_counts(); }
void reset_counts() {
num_jobs_ = 0;
num_processes_ = 0;
num_running_processes_ = 0;
size_t num_jobs() const { return num_jobs_; }
size_t num_processes() const { return num_processes_; }
size_t num_running_processes() const { return num_running_processes_; }
bool OnJob(JobDispatcher* job) final {
if (prefix_ != nullptr) {
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
printf("%sjob %6" PRIu64 " '%s'\n", prefix_, job->get_koid(), name);
return true;
bool OnProcess(ProcessDispatcher* process) final {
// Since we want to free memory by actually killing something, only
// count running processes that aren't attached to a debugger.
// It's a race, but will stop us from re-killing a job that only has
// blocked-by-debugger processes.
zx_info_process_t info = {};
if (info.started && !info.exited && !info.debugger_attached) {
if (prefix_ != nullptr) {
const char* tag = "new";
if (info.started) {
tag = "run";
if (info.exited) {
tag = "dead";
if (info.debugger_attached) {
tag = "dbg";
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
printf("%sproc %5" PRIu64 " %4s '%s'\n",
prefix_, process->get_koid(), tag, name);
return true;
const char* prefix_;
size_t num_jobs_;
size_t num_processes_;
size_t num_running_processes_;
} // namespace
// Called from a dedicated kernel thread when the system is low on memory.
static void oom_lowmem(size_t shortfall_bytes) {
printf("OOM: oom_lowmem(shortfall_bytes=%zu) called\n", shortfall_bytes);
printf("OOM: Process mapped committed bytes:\n");
DumpProcessMemoryUsage("OOM: ", /*min_pages=*/8 * MB / PAGE_SIZE);
printf("OOM: Finding a job to kill...\n");
OomJobEnumerator job_counter(nullptr);
OomJobEnumerator job_printer("OOM: + ");
bool killed = false;
int next = 3; // Used to print a few "up next" jobs.
JobDispatcher::ForEachJobByImportance([&](JobDispatcher* job) {
// TODO(dbort): Consider adding an "immortal" bit on jobs and skip them
// here if they (and and all of their ancestors) have it set.
bool kill = false;
if (!killed) {
// We want to kill a job that will actually free memory by dying, so
// look for one with running process descendants (i.e., started,
// non-exited, not blocked in a debugger).
job->EnumerateChildren(&job_counter, /*recurse=*/true);
kill = job_counter.num_running_processes() > 0;
const char* tag;
if (kill) {
tag = "*KILL*";
} else if (!killed) {
tag = "(skip)";
} else {
tag = "(next)";
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
printf("OOM: %s job %6" PRIu64 " '%s'\n", tag, job->get_koid(), name);
if (kill) {
// Print the descendants of the job we're about to kill.
job->EnumerateChildren(&job_printer, /*recurse=*/true);
printf("OOM: = %zu running procs (%zu total), %zu jobs\n",
job_printer.num_processes(), job_printer.num_jobs());
// TODO(dbort): Join on dying processes/jobs to make sure we've
// freed memory before returning control to the OOM thread?
// TODO(ZX-961): 'kill -9' these processes (which will require new
// ProcessDispatcher features) so we can reclaim the memory of
// processes that are stuck in a debugger or in the crashlogger.
killed = true;
} else if (killed) {
if (--next == 0) {
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_OK;
static void object_glue_init(uint level) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
handle_arena.Init("handles", sizeof(Handle), kMaxHandleCount);
root_job = JobDispatcher::CreateRootJob();
policy_manager = PolicyManager::Create();
// Be sure to update if any of these defaults change.
oom_init(cmdline_get_bool("kernel.oom.enable", true),
LK_SEC(cmdline_get_uint64("kernel.oom.sleep-sec", 1)),
cmdline_get_uint64("kernel.oom.redline-mb", 50) * MB,
LK_INIT_HOOK(libobject, object_glue_init, LK_INIT_LEVEL_THREADING);