blob: 53e85904f45b274facde98c90b913ce7ae782a2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <reg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <lib/cbuf.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <dev/interrupt.h>
#include <dev/uart.h>
#include <platform/debug.h>
#include <mdi/mdi.h>
#include <mdi/mdi-defs.h>
#include <pdev/driver.h>
#include <pdev/uart.h>
/* PL011 implementation */
#define UART_DR (0x00)
#define UART_RSR (0x04)
#define UART_FR (0x18)
#define UART_ILPR (0x20)
#define UART_IBRD (0x24)
#define UART_FBRD (0x28)
#define UART_LCRH (0x2c)
#define UART_CR (0x30)
#define UART_IFLS (0x34)
#define UART_IMSC (0x38)
#define UART_TRIS (0x3c)
#define UART_TMIS (0x40)
#define UART_ICR (0x44)
#define UART_DMACR (0x48)
#define UARTREG(base, reg) (*REG32((base) + (reg)))
#define RXBUF_SIZE 16
// values read from MDI
static uint64_t uart_base = 0;
static uint32_t uart_irq = 0;
static cbuf_t uart_rx_buf;
static void pl011_uart_irq(void *arg)
/* read interrupt status and mask */
uint32_t isr = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_TMIS);
if (isr & ((1<<4) | (1<<6))) { // rxmis
/* while fifo is not empty, read chars out of it */
while ((UARTREG(uart_base, UART_FR) & (1<<4)) == 0) {
/* if we're out of rx buffer, mask the irq instead of handling it */
if (cbuf_space_avail(&uart_rx_buf) == 0) {
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_IMSC) &= ~((1<<4)|(1<<6)); // !rxim
char c = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_DR);
cbuf_write_char(&uart_rx_buf, c);
static void pl011_uart_init(mdi_node_ref_t* node, uint level)
// create circular buffer to hold received data
cbuf_initialize(&uart_rx_buf, RXBUF_SIZE);
// assumes interrupts are contiguous
zx_status_t status = register_int_handler(uart_irq, &pl011_uart_irq, NULL);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// clear all irqs
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_ICR) = 0x3ff;
// set fifo trigger level
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_IFLS) = 0; // 1/8 rxfifo, 1/8 txfifo
// enable rx interrupt
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_IMSC) = (1 <<4 ) | // rxim
(1 << 6); // rtim
// enable receive
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_CR) |= (1<<9); // rxen
// enable interrupt
static int pl011_uart_putc(char c)
/* spin while fifo is full */
while (UARTREG(uart_base, UART_FR) & (1<<5))
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_DR) = c;
return 1;
static int pl011_uart_getc(bool wait)
char c;
if (cbuf_read_char(&uart_rx_buf, &c, wait) == 1) {
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_IMSC) = ((1<<4)|(1<<6)); // rxim
return c;
return -1;
/* panic-time getc/putc */
static int pl011_uart_pputc(char c)
/* spin while fifo is full */
while (UARTREG(uart_base, UART_FR) & (1<<5))
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_DR) = c;
return 1;
static int pl011_uart_pgetc(void)
if ((UARTREG(uart_base, UART_FR) & (1<<4)) == 0) {
return UARTREG(uart_base, UART_DR);
} else {
return -1;
static const struct pdev_uart_ops uart_ops = {
.putc = pl011_uart_putc,
.getc = pl011_uart_getc,
.pputc = pl011_uart_pputc,
.pgetc = pl011_uart_pgetc,
static void pl011_uart_init_early(mdi_node_ref_t* node, uint level) {
uint64_t uart_base_virt = 0;
bool got_uart_base_virt = false;
bool got_uart_irq = false;
mdi_node_ref_t child;
mdi_each_child(node, &child) {
switch (mdi_id(&child)) {
got_uart_base_virt = !mdi_node_uint64(&child, &uart_base_virt);
case MDI_IRQ:
got_uart_irq = !mdi_node_uint32(&child, &uart_irq);
if (!got_uart_base_virt) {
panic("pl011 uart: uart_base_virt not defined\n");
if (!got_uart_irq) {
panic("pl011 uart: uart_irq not defined\n");
uart_base = (uint64_t)uart_base_virt;
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_CR) = (1<<8)|(1<<0); // tx_enable, uarten
LK_PDEV_INIT(pl011_uart_init_early, MDI_ARM_PL011_UART, pl011_uart_init_early, LK_INIT_LEVEL_PLATFORM_EARLY);
LK_PDEV_INIT(pl011_uart_init, MDI_ARM_PL011_UART, pl011_uart_init, LK_INIT_LEVEL_PLATFORM);