blob: 2e106175009dc10d4e6cd7be340ab9b8449c3d6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/new.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
namespace fbl {
namespace internal {
// Checks if |T| is null. Defaults to false. |Comparison| is the type yielded by
// comparing a T value with nullptr.
template <typename T, typename Comparison = bool>
struct NullEq {
static constexpr bool Test(const T&) { return false; }
// Partial specialization for |T| values comparable to nullptr.
template <typename T>
struct NullEq<T, decltype(*static_cast<T*>(nullptr) == nullptr)> {
// This is intended for a T that's a function pointer type. However, it
// also matches for a T that can be implicitly coerced to a function
// pointer type, such as a function type or a captureless lambda's closure
// type. In that case, the compiler might complain that the comparison is
// always false because the address of a function can never be a null
// pointer. It's possible to do template selection to match function
// types, but it's not possible to match captureless lambda closure types
// that way. So just suppress the warning. The compiler will optimize
// away the always-false comparison.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress"
static constexpr bool Test(const T& v) { return v == nullptr; }
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsNull(const T& v) {
return NullEq<T>::Test(v);
template <typename Result, typename... Args>
class FunctionTarget {
FunctionTarget() = default;
virtual ~FunctionTarget() = default;
virtual bool is_null() const = 0;
virtual Result operator()(Args... args) const = 0;
virtual void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) = 0;
template <typename Result, typename... Args>
class NullFunctionTarget final : public FunctionTarget<Result, Args...> {
NullFunctionTarget() = default;
~NullFunctionTarget() final = default;
bool is_null() const final { return true; }
Result operator()(Args... args) const final {
ZX_PANIC("Attempted to invoke fbl::Function with a null target.");
void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) final {
new (ptr) NullFunctionTarget();
template <typename Callable, typename Result, typename... Args>
class InlineFunctionTarget final : public FunctionTarget<Result, Args...> {
explicit InlineFunctionTarget(Callable target)
: target_(fbl::move(target)) {}
InlineFunctionTarget(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac)
: target_(fbl::move(target)) { ac->arm(0u, true); }
InlineFunctionTarget(InlineFunctionTarget&& other)
: target_(fbl::move(other.target_)) {}
~InlineFunctionTarget() final = default;
bool is_null() const final { return false; }
Result operator()(Args... args) const final {
return target_(fbl::forward<Args>(args)...);
void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) final {
new (ptr) InlineFunctionTarget(fbl::move(*this));
mutable Callable target_;
template <typename Callable, typename Result, typename... Args>
class HeapFunctionTarget final : public FunctionTarget<Result, Args...> {
explicit HeapFunctionTarget(Callable target)
: target_ptr_(fbl::make_unique<Callable>(fbl::move(target))) {}
HeapFunctionTarget(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac)
: target_ptr_(fbl::make_unique_checked<Callable>(ac, fbl::move(target))) {}
HeapFunctionTarget(HeapFunctionTarget&& other)
: target_ptr_(fbl::move(other.target_ptr_)) {}
~HeapFunctionTarget() final = default;
bool is_null() const final { return false; }
Result operator()(Args... args) const final {
return (*target_ptr_)(fbl::forward<Args>(args)...);
void MoveInitializeTo(void* ptr) final {
new (ptr) HeapFunctionTarget(fbl::move(*this));
fbl::unique_ptr<Callable> target_ptr_;
// Holds a function target.
// If a callable object is small enough, it will be stored as an |InlineFunctionTarget|.
// Otherwise it will be stored as a |HeapFunctionTarget|.
template <size_t target_size, typename Result, typename... Args>
struct FunctionTargetHolder final {
FunctionTargetHolder() = default;
void InitializeNullTarget() {
using NullFunctionTarget = fbl::internal::NullFunctionTarget<Result, Args...>;
static_assert(sizeof(NullFunctionTarget) <= target_size,
"NullFunctionTarget should fit in FunctionTargetHolder.");
new (&bits_) NullFunctionTarget();
template <typename Callable>
struct TargetHelper {
using InlineFunctionTarget = fbl::internal::InlineFunctionTarget<Callable, Result, Args...>;
using HeapFunctionTarget = fbl::internal::HeapFunctionTarget<Callable, Result, Args...>;
static constexpr bool can_inline = (sizeof(InlineFunctionTarget) <= target_size);
using Type = typename fbl::conditional<can_inline, InlineFunctionTarget, HeapFunctionTarget>::type;
static_assert(sizeof(Type) <= target_size, "Target should fit in FunctionTargetHolder.");
template <typename Callable>
void InitializeTarget(Callable target) {
new (&bits_) typename TargetHelper<Callable>::Type(fbl::move(target));
template <typename Callable>
void InitializeTarget(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac) {
new (&bits_) typename TargetHelper<Callable>::Type(fbl::move(target), ac);
void MoveInitializeTargetFrom(FunctionTargetHolder& other) {;
void DestroyTarget() {
using FunctionTarget = fbl::internal::FunctionTarget<Result, Args...>;
FunctionTarget& target() { return *reinterpret_cast<FunctionTarget*>(&bits_); }
const FunctionTarget& target() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const FunctionTarget*>(&bits_); }
alignas(max_align_t) union { char data[target_size]; } bits_;
template <size_t inline_callable_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
class Function;
template <size_t inline_callable_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
class Function<inline_callable_size, require_inline, Result(Args...)> {
struct FakeCallable {
alignas(max_align_t) char bits[fbl::round_up(inline_callable_size, sizeof(void*))];
static constexpr size_t inline_target_size =
sizeof(InlineFunctionTarget<FakeCallable, Result, Args...>);
static constexpr size_t heap_target_size =
sizeof(HeapFunctionTarget<FakeCallable, Result, Args...>);
static constexpr size_t target_size = require_inline ? inline_target_size
: fbl::max(inline_target_size, heap_target_size);
using TargetHolder = FunctionTargetHolder<target_size, Result, Args...>;
using result_type = Result;
Function() { holder_.InitializeNullTarget(); }
Function(decltype(nullptr)) { holder_.InitializeNullTarget(); }
Function(Function&& other) {
template <typename Callable>
Function(Callable target) {
template <typename Callable>
Function(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac) {
InitializeTarget(fbl::move(target), ac);
~Function() {
explicit operator bool() const {
return !;
Result operator()(Args... args) const {
Function& operator=(decltype(nullptr)) {
return *this;
Function& operator=(Function&& other) {
return *this;
template <typename Callable>
Function& operator=(Callable target) {
return *this;
template <typename Callable>
void SetTarget(Callable target) {
template <typename Callable>
void SetTarget(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac) {
InitializeTarget(fbl::move(target), ac);
void swap(Function& other) {
TargetHolder temp;
template <typename Callable>
void InitializeTarget(Callable target) {
static_assert(!require_inline || sizeof(Callable) <= inline_callable_size,
"Callable too large for InlineFunction.");
if (IsNull(target)) {
} else {
template <typename Callable>
void InitializeTarget(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac) {
static_assert(!require_inline || sizeof(Callable) <= inline_callable_size,
"Callable too large for InlineFunction.");
if (IsNull(target)) {
} else {
holder_.InitializeTarget(fbl::move(target), ac);
TargetHolder holder_;
// Helper used by |BindMember| to invoke a pointer to member function.
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
class MemberInvoker final {
using MemFn = R (T::*)(Args...);
MemberInvoker(T* instance, MemFn fn)
: instance_(instance), fn_(fn) {}
R operator()(Args... args) const {
return (instance_->*fn_)(fbl::forward<Args>(args)...);
T* const instance_;
MemFn const fn_;
} // namespace internal
// The default size allowance for callable objects which can be inlined within
// a function object. This default allows for inline storage of callables
// consiting of a function pointer and an object pointer (or similar callables
// of the same size).
constexpr size_t kDefaultInlineCallableSize = sizeof(void*) * 2;
// A move-only callable object wrapper.
// fbl::Function<T> behaves like std::function<T> except that it is move-only
// instead of copyable. This means it can hold mutable lambdas without requiring
// a reference-counted wrapper.
// Small callable objects (smaller than |kDefaultInlineCallableSize|) are stored
// inline within the function. Larger callable objects will be copied to the heap
// if necessary.
// See also fbl::SizedFunction<T, size> and fbl::InlineFunction<T, size>
// for more control over allocation behavior.
// template <typename Result, typename Args...>
// class Function<Result(Args...)> {
// public:
// using result_type = Result;
// Function();
// explicit Function(decltype(nullptr));
// Function(Function&& other);
// template <typename Callable>
// explicit Function(Callable target);
// template <typename Callable>
// explicit Function(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac);
// ~Function();
// explicit operator bool() const;
// Result operator()(Args... args) const;
// Function& operator=(decltype(nullptr));
// Function& operator=(Function&& other);
// template <typename Callable>
// Function& operator=(Callable target);
// template <typename Callable>
// void SetTarget(Callable target);
// template <typename Callable>
// void SetTarget(Callable target, AllocChecker* ac);
// void swap(Function& other);
// };
// using FoldFunction = fbl::Function<int(int value, int item)>;
// int FoldVector(const fbl::Vector<int>& in, int value, const FoldFunction& f) {
// for (auto& item : in) {
// value = f(value, item);
// }
// return value;
// }
// int SumItem(int value, int item) {
// return value + item;
// }
// int Sum(const fbl::Vector<int>& in) {
// // bind to a function pointer
// FoldFunction sum(&SumItem);
// return FoldVector(in, 0, sum);
// }
// int AlternatingSum(const fbl::Vector<int>& in) {
// // bind to a lambda
// int sign = 1;
// FoldFunction alternating_sum([&sign](int value, int item) {
// value += sign * item;
// sign *= -1;
// return value;
// });
// return FoldVector(in, 0, alternating_sum);
// }
template <typename T>
using Function = fbl::internal::Function<kDefaultInlineCallableSize, false, T>;
// A move-only callable object wrapper with a explicitly specified (non-default)
// inline callable size preference.
// Behaves just like fbl::Function<T> except that it guarantees that callable
// objects of up to |inline_callable_size| bytes will be stored inline instead
// of on the heap. This may be useful when you want to optimize storage of
// functions of a known size.
// Note that the effective maximum inline callable size may be slightly larger
// due to object alignment and rounding.
template <typename T, size_t inline_callable_size>
using SizedFunction = fbl::internal::Function<inline_callable_size, false, T>;
// A move-only callable object wrapper which forces callables to be stored inline
// thereby preventing heap allocation.
// Behaves just like fbl::Function<T> except that it will refuse to store a
// callable object larger than |inline_callable_size| (will fail to compile).
template <typename T, size_t inline_callable_size>
using InlineFunction = fbl::internal::Function<inline_callable_size, true, T>;
// Comparing functions with nullptr.
template <size_t inline_callable_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator==(const fbl::internal::Function<inline_callable_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f,
decltype(nullptr)) {
return !f;
template <size_t inline_callable_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator!=(const fbl::internal::Function<inline_callable_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f,
decltype(nullptr)) {
return !!f;
template <size_t inline_callable_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator==(decltype(nullptr),
const fbl::internal::Function<inline_callable_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f) {
return !f;
template <size_t inline_callable_size, bool require_inline, typename Result, typename... Args>
bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr),
const fbl::internal::Function<inline_callable_size, require_inline, Result, Args...>& f) {
return !!f;
// A function which takes no arguments and produces no result.
using Closure = fbl::Function<void()>;
// Returns a Callable object which invokes a member function of an object.
// class Accumulator {
// public:
// void Add(int value) {
// sum += value;
// }
// int sum = 0;
// };
// void CountToTen(fbl::Function<void(int)> function) {
// for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
// function(i);
// }
// }
// int SumToTen() {
// Accumulator accum;
// CountToTen(fbl::BindMember(&accum, &Accumulator::Add));
// return accum.sum;
// }
template <typename R, typename T, typename... Args>
auto BindMember(T* instance, R (T::*fn)(Args...)) {
return internal::MemberInvoker<R, T, Args...>(instance, fn);
} // namespace fbl