blob: 726b704d443ef38e800b082c8330fb427692736f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.device.vsock;
using zx;
// Vsock address where 'local' always means the driver and 'remote' always means
// the device. As such there is no 'local_cid' as it can only ever be the driver cid
// and so specifying is redundant and a source of errors.
struct Addr {
uint32 local_port;
uint32 remote_cid;
uint32 remote_port;
// Callbacks sent from the device to whomever registered them (typically a service)
// in response to events from host.
[Layout = "Simple"]
interface Callbacks {
// Indicates a 'request' op was received from the host. One of Device.SendResponse
// or Device.SendRst should be done in response to this.
Request(Addr addr);
// Indicates a response was received for a connection that was trying to be
// established from Device.SendRequest.
Response(Addr addr);
// Indicates a 'rst' op was received from the host, and that the driver has
// has freed the resources for any potential connection relating to |addr|.
Rst(Addr addr);
// Indicates a 'shutdown' op was received from the host.
Shutdown(Addr addr);
// Indicates a 'transport reset' op was received from the host. Responding to
// this method indicates that you have processed all preceding Callbacks and
// dropped any active connections.
TransportReset(uint32 new_cid) -> ();
// Indicates that a previous Device.SendVmo request has completed.
SendVmoComplete(Addr addr);
// Low level vsock device operations. Users of this interface are responsible for
// adhering to the vsock protocol and must use ensure they do not reuse addresses
// for active connections, perform SendRst and SendResponse only when it is correct
// to do so, etc.
[Layout = "Simple"]
interface Device {
// Causes the device to start and gives it Callbacks to use for forwarding messages
// from the host. The rest of the methods on this interface are only valid to use
// after calling Start and whilst the passed Callbacks remain valid. The device
// will stop if it detects the other end of the Callbacks channel has closed.
Start(Callbacks cb) -> (zx.status status);
// Will send a request to open a connection with the remote specified in the
// |addr|. The |data| socket is stored and will be used for data transmission
// should the connection get established successfully, otherwise it will close
// the handle. The |status| returned indicates whether the request was sent
// successfully. Callbacks.Response or Callbacks.Rst will be called to indicate
// if the connection was successfully established or not.
SendRequest(Addr addr, handle<socket> data) -> (zx.status status);
// Request a shutdown to begin for the connection indicated by the given |addr|.
// This immediately stops any data from being sent on the connection, although
// data may still be received up until Callbacks.Rst is called to indicate the
// shutdown has complete. This is only valid on a connection established with
// SendRequest or SendResponse.
SendShutdown(Addr addr) -> (zx.status status);
// Request a rst be sent to the host. The device will also release the resources
// for any connection that may exist for |addr|.
SendRst(Addr addr) -> (zx.status status);
// Causes a 'response' to get sent to the host, gives the driver a |data| socket
// to use for sending and receiving data on the established connection. It is
// only correct to use this in response to a Callbacks.Request.
SendResponse(Addr addr, handle<socket> data) -> (zx.status status);
// Query the current context id of the driver. The local CID is never needed
// in interactions with the same device, and retrieving it is only useful for
// debugging or if you have some other communication channel to a different host
// and you would like to send them your CID to then establish a vsock connection on.
GetCid() -> (uint32 local_cid);
// Send the contents of a vmo over an already established connection. A
// connection may only have a single outstanding vmo at a time, and trying
// to send whilst one is already in progress will generate an error. If there
// is pending data to transmit in the |data| socket of a connection and there
// is a vmo pending then it is undefined which one will be sent. Once the vmo
// contents have finished sending Callbacks.SendVmoComplete will be called.
SendVmo(Addr addr, handle<vmo> vmo, uint64 off, uint64 len) -> (zx.status status);