blob: 4f46712f8ad74cfc935fc021693e775d70129149 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#if __cplusplus
#include <ddk/protocol/intel-gpu-core.h>
#include <ddk/protocol/pci.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/display-controller.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <hwreg/mmio.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include "display-device.h"
#include "gtt.h"
#include "igd.h"
#include "interrupts.h"
#include "power.h"
#include "registers.h"
#include "registers-ddi.h"
#include "registers-dpll.h"
#include "registers-pipe.h"
#include "registers-transcoder.h"
namespace i915 {
typedef struct pipe_buffer_allocation {
uint16_t start;
uint16_t end;
} pipe_buffer_allocation_t;
class Controller;
using DeviceType = ddk::Device<Controller, ddk::Unbindable, ddk::Suspendable, ddk::Resumable>;
class Controller : public DeviceType, public ddk::DisplayControllerProtocol<Controller> {
Controller(zx_device_t* parent);
void DdkUnbind();
void DdkRelease();
zx_status_t DdkSuspend(uint32_t reason);
zx_status_t DdkResume(uint32_t reason);
zx_status_t Bind(fbl::unique_ptr<i915::Controller>* controller_ptr);
void FinishInit();
void SetDisplayControllerCb(void* cb_ctx, display_controller_cb_t* cb);
zx_status_t GetDisplayInfo(uint64_t display_id, display_info_t* info);
zx_status_t ImportVmoImage(image_t* image, const zx::vmo& vmo, size_t offset);
void ReleaseImage(image_t* image);
void CheckConfiguration(const display_config_t** display_config,
uint32_t** layer_cfg_result, uint32_t display_count);
void ApplyConfiguration(const display_config_t** display_config, uint32_t display_count);
uint32_t ComputeLinearStride(uint32_t width, zx_pixel_format_t format);
zx_status_t AllocateVmo(uint64_t size, zx_handle_t* vmo_out);
const fbl::unique_ptr<GttRegion>& GetGttRegion(void* handle);
zx_status_t ReadPciConfig16(uint16_t addr, uint16_t* value_out);
zx_status_t MapPciMmio(uint32_t pci_bar, void** addr_out, uint64_t* size_out);
zx_status_t UnmapPciMmio(uint32_t pci_bar);
zx_status_t GetPciBti(uint32_t index, zx_handle_t* bti_out);
zx_status_t RegisterInterruptCallback(zx_intel_gpu_core_interrupt_callback_t callback,
void* data, uint32_t interrupt_mask);
zx_status_t UnregisterInterruptCallback();
uint64_t GttGetSize();
zx_status_t GttAlloc(uint64_t page_count, uint64_t* addr_out);
zx_status_t GttFree(uint64_t addr);
zx_status_t GttClear(uint64_t addr);
zx_status_t GttInsert(uint64_t addr, zx_handle_t buffer,
uint64_t page_offset, uint64_t page_count);
void GpuRelease();
pci_protocol_t* pci() { return &pci_; }
hwreg::RegisterIo* mmio_space() { return mmio_space_.get(); }
Gtt* gtt() { return &gtt_; }
Interrupts* interrupts() { return &interrupts_; }
uint16_t device_id() const { return device_id_; }
const IgdOpRegion& igd_opregion() const { return igd_opregion_; }
Power* power() { return &power_; }
void HandleHotplug(registers::Ddi ddi, bool long_pulse);
void HandlePipeVsync(registers::Pipe pipe);
void ResetPipe(registers::Pipe pipe) __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
bool ResetTrans(registers::Trans trans);
bool ResetDdi(registers::Ddi ddi);
registers::Dpll SelectDpll(bool is_edp, bool is_hdmi, uint32_t rate);
void EnableBacklight(bool enable);
void InitDisplays();
fbl::unique_ptr<DisplayDevice> InitDisplay(registers::Ddi ddi) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
zx_status_t AddDisplay(fbl::unique_ptr<DisplayDevice>&& display) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
bool BringUpDisplayEngine(bool resume) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
void InitDisplayBuffers();
DisplayDevice* FindDevice(uint64_t display_id) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
// Gets the layer_t* config for the given pipe/plane. Return false if there is no layer.
bool GetLayer(registers::Pipe pipe, uint32_t plane,
const display_config_t** configs, uint32_t display_count,
const layer_t** layer_out) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
// Returns false if no allocation is possible. When that happens,
// plane 0 of the failing displays will be set to UINT16_MAX.
bool CalculateMinimumAllocations(const display_config_t** display_configs,
uint32_t display_count,
uint16_t min_allocs[registers::kPipeCount]
// Updates plane_buffers_ based pipe_buffers_ and the given parameters
void UpdateAllocations(const uint16_t min_allocs[registers::kPipeCount]
const uint64_t display_rate[registers::kPipeCount]
// Reallocates the pipe buffers when a pipe comes online/goes offline. This is a
// long-running operation, as shifting allocations between pipes requires waiting
// for vsync.
void ReallocatePipeBuffers(bool is_hotplug) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
// Reallocates plane buffers based on the given layer config.
bool ReallocatePlaneBuffers(const display_config_t** display_configs,
uint32_t display_count) __TA_REQUIRES(display_lock_);
zx_device_t* zx_gpu_dev_ = nullptr;
bool gpu_released_ = false;
bool display_released_ = false;
void* dc_cb_ctx_ __TA_GUARDED(_dc_cb_lock_);
display_controller_cb_t* _dc_cb_ __TA_GUARDED(_dc_cb_lock_) = nullptr;
mtx_t _dc_cb_lock_;
bool ready_for_callback_ __TA_GUARDED(_dc_cb_lock_) = false;
// To prevent deadlocks, require that only the callback lock is held when making
// callbacks and that the callback lock is acquired before any other locks.
display_controller_cb_t* dc_cb() __TA_REQUIRES(_dc_cb_lock_)
__TA_EXCLUDES(display_lock_, gtt_lock_, bar_lock_) {
return _dc_cb_;
// TODO: Use __TA_ACQUIRED_BEFORE when it works as well as __TA_EXCLUDES
void acquire_dc_cb_lock() __TA_ACQUIRE(_dc_cb_lock_)
__TA_EXCLUDES(display_lock_, gtt_lock_, bar_lock_) {
void release_dc_cb_lock() __TA_RELEASE(_dc_cb_lock_) { mtx_unlock(&_dc_cb_lock_); }
Gtt gtt_ __TA_GUARDED(gtt_lock_);
mtx_t gtt_lock_;
// These regions' VMOs are not owned
fbl::Vector<fbl::unique_ptr<GttRegion>> imported_images_ __TA_GUARDED(gtt_lock_);
// These regions' VMOs are owned
fbl::Vector<fbl::unique_ptr<GttRegion>> imported_gtt_regions_ __TA_GUARDED(gtt_lock_);
IgdOpRegion igd_opregion_; // Read only, no locking
Interrupts interrupts_; // Internal locking
pci_protocol_t pci_;
struct {
void* base;
uint64_t size;
zx_handle_t vmo;
int32_t count = 0;
} mapped_bars_[PCI_MAX_BAR_COUNT] __TA_GUARDED(bar_lock_);
mtx_t bar_lock_;
// The mmio_space_ unique_ptr is read only. The internal registers are
// guarded by various locks where appropriate.
fbl::unique_ptr<hwreg::RegisterIo> mmio_space_;
// References to displays. References are owned by devmgr, but will always
// be valid while they are in this vector.
fbl::Vector<fbl::unique_ptr<DisplayDevice>> display_devices_ __TA_GUARDED(display_lock_);
uint64_t next_id_ __TA_GUARDED(display_lock_) = 1; // id can't be INVALID_DISPLAY_ID == 0
mtx_t display_lock_;
Power power_;
PowerWellRef cd_clk_power_well_;
struct {
uint8_t use_count = 0;
bool is_hdmi;
uint32_t rate;
} dplls_[registers::kDpllCount] = {};
// Buffer allocations for individual planes
struct {
// Start of the allocation, or registers::PlaneBufCfg::kBufferCount if no allocation
uint16_t start;
// End of the allocation (exclusive), or registers::PlaneBufCfg::kBufferCount if no alloc
uint16_t end;
// The length of the minimum allocation required by the plane. 0 if no
// allocation is required.
uint16_t minimum;
} plane_buffers_[registers::kPipeCount][registers::kPrimaryPlaneCount]
__TA_GUARDED(display_lock_) = {};
// Buffer allocations for pipes
pipe_buffer_allocation_t pipe_buffers_[registers::kPipeCount] __TA_GUARDED(display_lock_) = {};
uint16_t device_id_;
uint32_t flags_;
// Various configuration values set by the BIOS which need to be carried across suspend.
uint32_t pp_divisor_val_;
uint32_t pp_off_delay_val_;
uint32_t pp_on_delay_val_;
uint32_t sblc_ctrl2_val_;
uint32_t schicken1_val_;
bool ddi_a_lane_capability_control_;
bool sblc_polarity_;
bool init_thrd_started_ = false;
thrd_t init_thread_;
} // namespace i915
#endif // __cplusplus
zx_status_t intel_i915_bind(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent);