blob: 51f990d738731cd03c9e55213550c68ccbff14ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace blkctl {
class BlkCtl;
// |blkctl::Command| is the base class for device-specific commands. It handles common tasks like
// argument parsing and help and error message printing, allowing derived classes to focus on
// implementing device-specific interfaces, via implementations of |PrintCommand|, |Run|, and
class Command {
// Location of block device aliases
static constexpr const char* kDevClassBlock = "/dev/class/block";
virtual ~Command();
const char * devname() const { return devname_.c_str(); }
// Execute the command. See subclasses for specific behavior.
virtual zx_status_t Run() { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
explicit Command(BlkCtl* cmdline) : cmdline_(cmdline) {}
BlkCtl* cmdline() { return cmdline_; }
// Convenience functions to create a random GUIDs, parse GUIDs from strings, and print GUIDs.
static void GenerateGuid(uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);
static zx_status_t ParseGuid(const char* in, uint8_t* out, size_t out_len);
static void PrintGuid(const uint8_t* guid, size_t guid_len);
// Convenience functions to get the successive arguments. If the next argument is of the wrong
// type, or is missing and the optional flag is not set, it will return |ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS|.
// If the argument is missing, but |optional| is true, it will return |ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND|.
zx_status_t GetFdArg(const char* argname, int* out_fd);
zx_status_t GetNumArg(const char* argname, uint64_t* out, bool optional = false);
zx_status_t GetStrArg(const char* argname, const char** out, bool optional = false);
// Open the device as read-only and return a file descriptor to it via |out|.
zx_status_t OpenReadable(const char* dev, int* out);
// Reopen the file descriptor to the device as read/write and returns it via |out|.
zx_status_t ReopenWritable(int* out);
BlkCtl* cmdline_;
// A file descriptor to the open device.
fbl::unique_fd devfd_;
// The name of the device being controlled.
fbl::String devname_;
// The remainder of this file is machinery to make it easy to add new commands. To add new
// commands, simply create a namespace representing the type of commands and use the DEFINE_COMMAND
// macro, followed by an array of Cmd elements, e.g.
// namespace blkctl {
// namespace example {
// constexpr const char *kType = "example";
// constexpr const Cmd kCommands[] = {
// {"foo", "<device>", "Does the foo-y thing", Instantiate<Foo>},
// {"bar", "", "Does an extra bar-ish thing", Instantiate<Bar>},
// };
// constexpr size_t kNumCommands = sizeof(kCommands)/sizeof(kCommands[0]);
// }
// }
// And then implement Foo::Run() and Bar::Run(). This will make BlkCtl::Parse recognize the
// following commands:
// > blkctl example foo <device>
// > blkctl example bar
// This macro can be used to define new command functors with the given |Name|.
#define DEFINE_COMMAND(Name) \
class Name : public Command { \
public: \
Name(BlkCtl* cmdline) : Command(cmdline) {} \
zx_status_t Run() override; \
// |Cmd| describes a command and provides a way to build the command functor. Specific command
// types must provide an array of these named |kCommands| with length |kNumCommands|.
struct Cmd {
// The name of the command, e.g. "ls".
const char* name;
// The names of the arguments, e.g. "<device> <name>". May be null or the empty string.
const char* args;
// A descriptive message used when printing usage.
const char* help;
// A pointer-to-member-function that performs the command.
zx_status_t (*Instantiate)(BlkCtl* cmdline, fbl::unique_ptr<Command>* out);
// Create a functor of the given type. Use as |Instantiate<Name>| for the last field of |Cmd|.
template <typename C>
static zx_status_t Instantiate(BlkCtl* cmdline, fbl::unique_ptr<Command>* out) {
static_assert(fbl::is_base_of<Command, C>::value, "must derive from Command");
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::unique_ptr<Command> cmd(new (&ac) C(cmdline));
if (!ac.check()) {
*out = fbl::move(cmd);
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace blkctl