blob: 286c4ea7ad96e2cdee492e3412f313a2972d8696 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <fuzz-utils/string-map.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "fixture.h"
namespace fuzzing {
namespace testing {
// |fuzzing::testing::FuzzerFixture| is a fixture that understands fuzzer path locations. It should
// not be instantiated directly; use |CreateZircon| or |CreateFuchsia| below.
class FuzzerFixture final : public Fixture {
// Creates a number of temporary, fake directories and files to mimic a deployment of
// fuzz-targets on Zircon. The files and directories are automatically deleted when the fixture
// is destroyed.
bool CreateZircon();
// Creates a number of temporary, fake directories and files to mimic a deployment of
// fuzz-packages on Fuchsia. The files and directories are automatically deleted when the
// fixture is destroyed.
bool CreateFuchsia();
// Returns the maximum version of the given |Package| in the fixture as a C-style string, or
// null if the package wasn't created by the fixture.
const char* max_version(const char* package) const { return max_versions_.get(package); }
// Resets the object to a pristine state.
void Reset() override;
// Creates a fake fuzz |target| in the given |version| of a fake Fuchsia |package|. Adds fake
// executable and data files as indicated by |flags|.
bool CreatePackage(const char* package, long int version, const char* target);
// Creates fake data mimicking outputs from a previous run of the fuzzer given by the |package|
// and |target|.
bool CreateData(const char* package, const char* target);
// maps packages to maximum versions.
StringMap max_versions_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace fuzzing