blob: cfed862e7ed9ac3c5b7bdb80a0e45527e3b2a8f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fuzz-utils/path.h>
#include <fuzz-utils/string-list.h>
#include <fuzz-utils/string-map.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace fuzzing {
// |fuzzing::Fuzzer| is a tool that handles the Zircon and/or Fuchsia conventions for fuzzing
// executables and data when using libFuzzer. This allows users to get the correct options and
// pages with minimal effort.
// This class is designed to make the tool as unit-testable as possible, and the internal methods
// have protected visibility to allow testing. See uapp/fuzz for the thin |main| wrapper around
// this code.
// This approach is expected to break at some point in the future!! Without speculating too much on
// the future, it is expected that running shell commands will get harder and harder, whole
// filesystem views like the one used by this tool will become impossible, and the layout of pkgfs
// change. Nonetheless, this tool is useful as it enables easier fuzzing today, and provides a
// starting point to iterate towards a "fuzzing service" that more closely adheres to the Fuchsia
// model, even when running Zircon standalone.
class Fuzzer {
virtual ~Fuzzer();
// Execute the 'fuzz' tool with the given command line arguments. See also uapp/fuzz/main.cpp.
static zx_status_t Main(int argc, char** argv);
// Resets the object to a pristine state; useful during unit testing
virtual void Reset();
// These getters and setters are provided strictly for unit testing purposes.
const StringMap& options() const { return options_; }
void set_root(const char* root) { root_.Set(root); }
void set_out(FILE* out) { out_ = out; }
void set_err(FILE* err) { err_ = err; }
void set_target(const char* target) { target_.Set(target); }
// Interpret the given |args| and execute the appropriate subcommand.
zx_status_t Run(StringList* args);
// Parses |option| as a key-value pair. If an option with the same key is already set, it is
// replaced. Otherwise, the option is added. Options are of the form '[-]key=value[#comment]'.
zx_status_t SetOption(const char* option);
// Parses an option made up of a |key|-|value| pair. If an option with the same key is already
// set, it is replaced. Otherwise, the option is added.
zx_status_t SetOption(const char* key, const char* value);
// Constructs a |Path| object to the |path| directory, relative to the root if set.
zx_status_t RebasePath(const char* package, Path* out);
// Constructs a |Path| object to the |package|'s max version directory. On error, |out| will be
// reset to the root directory.
zx_status_t GetPackagePath(const char* package, Path* out);
// Returns a map of names of available fuzzers to executables in |out| belonging to the
// 'zircon_fuzzers' fuzz package located under |zircon_path| and matching |target|, if
// specified.
void FindZirconFuzzers(const char* zircon_path, const char* target, StringMap* out);
// Returns a map of names of available fuzzers to executables in |out| belonging to the given
// fuzz |package| located under "pkgfs/packages" and matching |target|, if specified.
void FindFuchsiaFuzzers(const char* package, const char* target, StringMap* out);
// Returns a map of names of available fuzzers to executables in |out| matching the given
// |package| and |target|.
void FindFuzzers(const char* package, const char* target, StringMap* out);
// Returns a map of names of available fuzzers to executables in |out| matching |name|, if
// specified.
void FindFuzzers(const char* name, StringMap* out);
// Fills in |args| with the arguments for the fuzzer subprocess as currently configured.
void GetArgs(StringList* args);
// Spawns a fuzzer sub-process. Runs synchronously if |wait_for_completion| is true.
virtual zx_status_t Execute(bool wait_for_completion);
// Callback used by |Walker| to match the fuzz target sub-process and print information on it.
friend class Walker;
bool CheckProcess(zx_handle_t process) const;
// Parses the subcommand, saves it, and sets the corresponding default options.
zx_status_t SetCommand(const char* command);
// Selects a unique fuzzer based on the given |name|, or returns an error if 0 or 2 or more
// matches are found.
virtual zx_status_t SetFuzzer(const char* name);
// Reads and parses the fuzzer's options file.
zx_status_t LoadOptions();
// Specific subcommands; see corresponding usage messages
zx_status_t Help();
zx_status_t List();
zx_status_t Seeds();
zx_status_t Start();
zx_status_t Check();
zx_status_t Repro();
zx_status_t Merge();
// The current subcommand
uint32_t cmd_;
// Fuzzer name; may be a user-supplied pattern until resolved into a package/target.
fbl::String name_;
// Path on target to the fuzzer binary
fbl::String target_;
// Path that the resource and data paths are relative to; primarily used for testing.
fbl::String root_;
// Path on target to where immutable fuzzing resources are stored
Path resource_path_;
// Path on target to where mutable fuzzing inputs and outputs are stored
Path data_path_;
// Positional arguments to libFuzzers
StringList inputs_;
// libFuzzer option flags
StringMap options_;
// The libFuzzer subprocess handle
zx::process process_;
// Output file descriptor; primarily used for testing.
FILE* out_;
// Error file descriptor; primarily used for testing.
FILE* err_;
} // namespace fuzzing