blob: c47648122e8db2308c005ae3d4cfbcdd84dafef3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/type_support.h>
namespace fbl {
namespace internal {
// Notes on container sentinels:
// Intrusive container implementations employ a Slightly Evil(tm) pattern where
// sentinel values are used in place of nullptr in various places in the
// internal data structure in order to make some operations a bit easier.
// Generally speaking, a sentinel pointer is a pointer to a container with the
// sentinel bit set. It is cast and stored in the container's data structure as
// a pointer to an element which the container contains, even though it is
// actually a slightly damaged pointer to the container itself.
// An example of where this is used is in the doubly linked list implementation.
// The final element in the list holds the container's sentinel value instead of
// nullptr or a pointer to the head of the list. When an iterator hits the end
// of the list, it knows that it is at the end (because the sentinel bit is set)
// but can still get back to the list itself (by clearing the sentinel bit in
// the pointer) without needing to store an explicit pointer to the list itself.
// Care must be taken when storing sentinel values in managed pointer types.
// They are *not* valid pointers, and it is very important that unique_ptr and
// RefPtr make no attempt to delete, AddRef, Release, or Adopt a sentinel
// pointer. In addition, it is essential that a legitimate pointer to a
// container never need to set the sentinel bit. Currently, bit 0 is being used
// because it should never be possible to have a proper container instance which
// is odd-aligned.
constexpr uintptr_t kContainerSentinelBit = 1u;
// Declaration of the base type which will be used to control what type of
// pointers are permitted to be in containers.
template <typename T> struct ContainerPtrTraits;
// Traits for managing raw pointers.
template <typename T>
struct ContainerPtrTraits<T*> {
using ValueType = T;
using RefType = T&;
using ConstRefType = const T&;
using PtrType = T*;
using ConstPtrType = const T*;
using RawPtrType = T*;
using ConstRawPtrType = const T*;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = false;
static constexpr bool CanCopy = true;
static inline T* GetRaw(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return const_cast<RawPtrType>(ptr); }
static inline PtrType Copy(const RawPtrType& ptr) { return PtrType(ptr); }
static inline PtrType Take(PtrType& ptr) {
PtrType ret = ptr;
ptr = nullptr;
return ret;
static inline void Swap(PtrType& first, PtrType& second) {
PtrType tmp = first;
first = second;
second = tmp;
static constexpr PtrType MakeSentinel(void* sentinel) {
return reinterpret_cast<RawPtrType>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sentinel) |
static inline void DetachSentinel(PtrType& ptr) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((ptr == nullptr) || IsSentinel(ptr));
ptr = nullptr;
static constexpr bool IsSentinel(const PtrType& ptr) {
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) & kContainerSentinelBit) != 0;
static constexpr bool IsValid(const PtrType& ptr) { return ptr && !IsSentinel(ptr); }
// Traits for managing unique pointers.
template <typename T>
struct ContainerPtrTraits<::fbl::unique_ptr<T>> {
using ValueType = T;
using RefType = T&;
using ConstRefType = const T&;
using PtrType = ::fbl::unique_ptr<T>;
using ConstPtrType = ::fbl::unique_ptr<const T>;
using RawPtrType = T*;
using ConstRawPtrType = const T*;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = true;
static constexpr bool CanCopy = false;
static inline T* GetRaw(const PtrType& ptr) { return ptr.get(); }
static inline const T* GetRaw(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr.get(); }
static inline PtrType Take(PtrType& ptr) { return PtrType(fbl::move(ptr)); }
static inline void Swap(PtrType& first, PtrType& second) { first.swap(second); }
static constexpr PtrType MakeSentinel(void* sentinel) {
return PtrType(reinterpret_cast<RawPtrType>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sentinel) |
static inline void DetachSentinel(PtrType& ptr) {
__UNUSED RawPtrType detached = ptr.release();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((detached == nullptr) || IsSentinel(detached));
static constexpr bool IsSentinel(const PtrType& ptr) { return IsSentinel(ptr.get()); }
static constexpr bool IsSentinel(RawPtrType ptr) {
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) & kContainerSentinelBit) != 0;
static constexpr bool IsValid(const PtrType& ptr) { return IsValid(ptr.get()); }
static constexpr bool IsValid(RawPtrType ptr) { return ptr && !IsSentinel(ptr); }
// Traits for managing ref_counted pointers.
template <typename T>
struct ContainerPtrTraits<::fbl::RefPtr<T>> {
using ValueType = T;
using RefType = T&;
using ConstRefType = const T&;
using PtrType = ::fbl::RefPtr<T>;
using ConstPtrType = ::fbl::RefPtr<const T>;
using RawPtrType = T*;
using ConstRawPtrType = const T*;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = true;
static constexpr bool CanCopy = true;
static inline T* GetRaw(const PtrType& ptr) { return ptr.get(); }
static inline const T* GetRaw(const ConstPtrType& ptr) { return ptr.get(); }
static inline PtrType Copy(const RawPtrType& ptr) { return PtrType(ptr); }
static inline PtrType Take(PtrType& ptr) { return PtrType(fbl::move(ptr)); }
static inline void Swap(PtrType& first, PtrType& second) { first.swap(second); }
static constexpr PtrType MakeSentinel(void* sentinel) {
return ::fbl::internal::MakeRefPtrNoAdopt(reinterpret_cast<RawPtrType>(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sentinel) | kContainerSentinelBit));
static inline void DetachSentinel(PtrType& ptr) {
__UNUSED RawPtrType detached = ptr.leak_ref();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((detached == nullptr) || IsSentinel(detached));
static constexpr bool IsSentinel(const PtrType& ptr) { return IsSentinel(ptr.get()); }
static constexpr bool IsSentinel(RawPtrType ptr) {
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) & kContainerSentinelBit) != 0;
static constexpr bool IsValid(const PtrType& ptr) { return IsValid(ptr.get()); }
static constexpr bool IsValid(RawPtrType ptr) { return ptr && !IsSentinel(ptr); }
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fbl