blob: 9946221bdea64a8e682d5d8a3a69687bab95ca19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct zx_device zx_device_t;
typedef struct zx_driver zx_driver_t;
typedef struct zx_protocol_device zx_protocol_device_t;
typedef struct zx_device_prop zx_device_prop_t;
typedef struct zx_driver_rec zx_driver_rec_t;
typedef struct zx_bind_inst zx_bind_inst_t;
typedef struct zx_driver_binding zx_driver_binding_t;
// echo -n "zx_driver_ops_v0.5" | sha256sum | cut -c1-16
#define DRIVER_OPS_VERSION 0x2b3490fa40d9f452
typedef struct zx_driver_ops {
uint64_t version; // DRIVER_OPS_VERSION
// Opportunity to do on-load work.
// Called ony once, before any other ops are called.
// The driver may optionally return a context pointer to be passed
// to the other driver ops.
zx_status_t (*init)(void** out_ctx);
// Requests that the driver bind to the provided device,
// initialize it, and publish and children.
zx_status_t (*bind)(void* ctx, zx_device_t* device);
// Only provided by bus manager drivers, create() is invoked to
// instantiate a bus device instance in a new device host process
zx_status_t (*create)(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent,
const char* name, const char* args,
zx_handle_t rpc_channel);
// Last call before driver is unloaded.
void (*release)(void* ctx);
} zx_driver_ops_t;
// echo -n "device_add_args_v0.5" | sha256sum | cut -c1-16
#define DEVICE_ADD_ARGS_VERSION 0x96a64134d56e88e3
enum {
// Do not attempt to bind drivers to this device automatically
// This is a device instance (not visible in devfs or eligible for binding)
// Children of this device will be loaded in their own devhost process,
// behind a proxy of this device
// This device will not be visible in devfs or available for binding
// until device_make_visible() is called on it.
// Device Manager API
typedef struct device_add_args {
uint64_t version;
// Driver name is copied to internal structure
// max length is ZX_DEVICE_NAME_MAX
const char* name;
// Context pointer for use by the driver
// and passed to driver in all zx_protocol_device_t callbacks
void* ctx;
// Pointer to device's device protocol operations
zx_protocol_device_t* ops;
// Optional list of device properties
zx_device_prop_t* props;
// Number of device properties
uint32_t prop_count;
// Optional custom protocol for this device
uint32_t proto_id;
// Optional custom protocol operations for this device
void* proto_ops;
// Arguments used with DEVICE_ADD_MUST_ISOLATE
// these will be passed to the create() driver op of
// the proxy device in the new devhost
const char* proxy_args;
// One or more of DEVICE_ADD_*
uint32_t flags;
} device_add_args_t;
struct zx_driver_rec {
const zx_driver_ops_t* ops;
zx_driver_t* driver;
uint32_t log_flags;
// This global symbol is initialized by the driver loader in devhost
extern zx_driver_rec_t __zircon_driver_rec__;
zx_status_t device_add_from_driver(zx_driver_t* drv, zx_device_t* parent,
device_add_args_t* args, zx_device_t** out);
// Creates a device and adds it to the devmgr.
// device_add_args_t contains all "in" arguments.
// All device_add_args_t values are copied, so device_add_args_t can be stack allocated.
// The string value is copied.
// All other pointer fields are copied as pointers.
// The newly added device will be active before this call returns, so be sure to have
// the "out" pointer point to your device-local structure so callbacks can access
// it immediately.
static inline zx_status_t device_add(zx_device_t* parent, device_add_args_t* args, zx_device_t** out) {
return device_add_from_driver(__zircon_driver_rec__.driver, parent, args, out);
zx_status_t device_remove(zx_device_t* device);
zx_status_t device_rebind(zx_device_t* device);
void device_make_visible(zx_device_t* device);
#define ROUNDUP(a, b) (((a) + ((b)-1)) & ~((b)-1))
#define ROUNDDOWN(a, b) ((a) & ~((b)-1))
#define ALIGN(a, b) ROUNDUP(a, b)
// temporary accessor for root resource handle
zx_handle_t get_root_resource(void);
// Drivers may need to load firmware for a device, typically during the call to
// bind the device. The devmgr will look for the firmware at the given path
// relative to system-defined locations for device firmware. The file will be
// loaded into a vmo pointed to by fw. The actual size of the firmware will be
// returned in size.
zx_status_t load_firmware(zx_device_t* device, const char* path,
zx_handle_t* fw, size_t* size);
// panic is for handling non-recoverable, non-reportable fatal
// errors in a way that will get logged. Right now this just
// does a bogus write to unmapped memory.
static inline void panic(void) {
for (;;) {
*((int*) 0xdead) = 1;
// Protocol Identifiers
#define DDK_PROTOCOL_DEF(tag, val, name, flags) ZX_PROTOCOL_##tag = val,
enum {
#include <ddk/protodefs.h>
typedef int ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHERMAC_deprecated_use_ETHERNET_IMPL __attribute__((deprecated));