blob: c59e9fb189b57d9f3a6e6a3b50caa0d609d9dcab [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Travis Geiselbrecht
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# routines and rules to print some helpful stuff
# print some help and exit
ifeq ($(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)),help)
.PHONY: help
@echo "$(LKNAME) build system quick help"
@echo "Individual projects are built into a build-<project> directory"
@echo "Output binary is located at build-<project>/$(LKNAME).bin"
@echo "Environment or command line variables controlling build:"
@echo "PROJECT = <project name>"
@echo "TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = <absolute path to toolchain or relative path with prefix>"
@echo "EXTERNAL_DEFINES = <additional defines to add to GLOBAL_DEFINES>"
@echo "EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEFINES = <additional defines to add to the kernel build>"
@echo "EXTERNAL_MODULES = <additional modules to include in the project build>"
@echo "HOST_TARGET = <host target to build the host tools for>"
@echo "These variables may be also placed in a root level"
@echo ""
@echo "Special make targets:"
@echo "make help: This help"
@echo "make list: List of buildable projects"
@echo "make clean: cleans build of current project"
@echo "make spotless: removes all build directories"
@echo "make gigaboot: build the x86 UEFI bootloader"
@echo "make bootloader: build the project's bootloader"
@echo "make kernel: build the kernel"
@echo "make sysroot: build and populate the sysroot"
@echo "make tools: build all the host tools"
@echo "make <project>: try to build project named <project>"
@echo ""
@echo "Examples:"
@echo "PROJECT=testproject make"
@echo "PROJECT=testproject make clean"
@echo "make testproject"
@echo "make testproject clean"
@echo ""
@echo "output will be in build-testproject/"
# list projects
ifeq ($(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)),list)
# get a list of all the .mk files in the top level project directories
PROJECTS:=$(basename $(strip $(foreach d,kernel,$(wildcard $(d)/project/*.mk))))
PROJECTS:=$(shell basename -a $(PROJECTS))
.PHONY: list
@echo 'List of all buildable projects: (look in project/ directory)'; \
for p in $(PROJECTS); do \
echo $$p; \
# vim: set syntax=make noexpandtab