blob: 0a0ab370fafa43f303cccd097bd1499582dc8aff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// TODO(ZX-1014): This file should be moved into a kernel library for processing
// bootdata along with all the other bootdata processing code.
// It lives here temorarily until such a library exists because
// the method that it tests lives inside syscalls_system.cpp
#include <assert.h>
#include <zircon/boot/bootdata.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <mexec.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unittest.h>
const size_t kBootdataSentinelLen = 64;
const uint8_t kBootdataSentinelByte = 0xA5;
const uint8_t kBootdataSectionContentsByte = 0x99;
static void init_bootdata(uint8_t* bd, const size_t len) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(len >= sizeof(bootdata_t));
bootdata_t* hdr = (bootdata_t*)bd;
hdr->extra = BOOTDATA_MAGIC;
hdr->flags = 0;
hdr->length = 0;
static bool sentinel_integrity_okay(const uint8_t* sentinel, const size_t len) {
bool sentinel_okay = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (sentinel[i] != kBootdataSentinelByte) {
sentinel_okay = false;
return sentinel_okay;
// Try to overflow the bootdata buffer.
static bool bootdata_overflow_test() {
const size_t kBootdataBufferLen = 64;
uint8_t bootdata_buffer[kBootdataBufferLen + kBootdataSentinelLen];
uint8_t* bootdata_sentinel = bootdata_buffer + kBootdataBufferLen;
memset(bootdata_buffer, kBootdataSentinelByte, sizeof(bootdata_buffer));
init_bootdata(bootdata_buffer, kBootdataBufferLen);
// Deliberately attempt to overflow the bootdata.
uint8_t bootdata_section[kBootdataBufferLen + 1];
zx_status_t result = bootdata_append_section(bootdata_buffer, kBootdataBufferLen,
bootdata_section, sizeof(bootdata_section),
0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
EXPECT_EQ(result, ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, "append boot section");
// Make sure that we didn't touch any of the overflow buffer.
EXPECT_TRUE(sentinel_integrity_okay(bootdata_sentinel, kBootdataSentinelLen),
"check sentinel integrity");
// Fill the entire boot
static bool bootdata_fill_test() {
// The bootdata buffer the Global Bootdata Header + The Section Header + the Section Contents
const size_t kSectionSize = BOOTDATA_ALIGN(64);
const size_t kBootdataBufferLen = 2 * sizeof(bootdata_t) + kSectionSize;
uint8_t bootdata_buffer[kBootdataBufferLen + kBootdataSentinelLen];
// Setup the sentinel to contain the sentinel byte.
uint8_t* bootdata_sentinel = bootdata_buffer + kBootdataBufferLen;
memset(bootdata_buffer, kBootdataSentinelByte, sizeof(bootdata_buffer));
init_bootdata(bootdata_buffer, kBootdataBufferLen);
// Attempt to fill the whole bootdata.
uint8_t bootdata_section[kSectionSize];
memset(bootdata_section, kBootdataSectionContentsByte, kSectionSize);
zx_status_t result = bootdata_append_section(bootdata_buffer, kBootdataBufferLen,
bootdata_section, kSectionSize,
0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, result, "fill whole bootdata buffer");
EXPECT_TRUE(sentinel_integrity_okay(bootdata_sentinel, kBootdataSentinelLen),
"check sentinel integrity");
// Use the function name as the test name
#define BOOTDATA_UNITTEST(fname) UNITTEST(#fname, fname)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(bootdata_tests, "bootdata", "bootdata packing tests");