[zxcrypt] Use wait_for_driver_bind in TestDevice

This CL replaces the block watcher from TestDevice with the more
standard one in ulib/fs-management.  The most salient difference is the
lack of a timeout, but that's acceptable as these routines are not
expected to fail.  It also adds error messages around the calls to bind
drivers to devices, so that the culprit may be more easily identified
in the case of test flake.

ZX-1825 #comment Expected to be fixed

Change-Id: I0caaa9bb752492ebba84a3def90eb46df86bcabc
diff --git a/system/utest/zxcrypt/test-device.cpp b/system/utest/zxcrypt/test-device.cpp
index 2e65e3b..084d251 100644
--- a/system/utest/zxcrypt/test-device.cpp
+++ b/system/utest/zxcrypt/test-device.cpp
@@ -34,70 +34,45 @@
 namespace testing {
 namespace {
-const zx::duration kTimeout = zx::sec(3);
 // Takes a given |result|, e.g. from an ioctl, and translates into a zx_status_t.
 zx_status_t ToStatus(ssize_t result) {
     return result < 0 ? static_cast<zx_status_t>(result) : ZX_OK;
-// Returns whether a given |path| is present.
-bool Exists(const char* path) {
-    struct stat buf;
-    return stat(path, &buf) == 0;
-// Returns the parent directory of a given |child| path via |out_parent|.  |out_parent| must have as
-// much room to hold |child|.
-void DirName(const char* child, char* out_parent) {
-    char* sep = strrchr(child, '/');
-    ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(sep);
-    *sep = 0;
-    strcpy(out_parent, child);
-    *sep = '/';
-// Directory watch callback invoked on watch events, e.g. when a device is added.
-zx_status_t Watcher(int dirfd, int event, const char* filename, void* cookie) {
-    const char* wanted = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cookie);
-    if (event == WATCH_EVENT_ADD_FILE && strcmp(filename, wanted) == 0) {
-        return ZX_ERR_STOP;
-    }
-    return ZX_OK;
-// Watches the parent directory of the given |child| path for it to be added.
-bool WaitFor(char* child) {
-    // Recursively wait for parent directories to exist
-    char* parent = child;
-    child = strrchr(child, '/');
-    *child++ = '\0';
-    if (!Exists(parent)) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(WaitFor(parent));
-    }
-    DIR* dir = opendir(parent);
-    auto cleanup = fbl::MakeAutoCall([&] { closedir(dir); });
-    // Wait for the expected child to show up in the parent directory.
-    fdio_watch_directory(dirfd(dir), Watcher, zx::deadline_after(kTimeout).get(), child);
-    *--child = '/';
-    child = parent;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(Exists(child));
+// Helper function to build error messages
+char* Error(const char* fmt, ...) {
+    static char err[256];
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    vsnprintf(err, sizeof(err), fmt, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    return err;
 // Waits for the given |path| to be opened, opens it, and returns the file descriptor via |out|.
 bool WaitAndOpen(char* path, fbl::unique_fd* out) {
-    if (!Exists(path)) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(WaitFor(path));
+    // Recursively wait for parent directories to exist
+    char* parent = path;
+    char* sep = strrchr(path, '/');
+    char* child = sep + 1;
+    ASSERT_NONNULL(child);
+    *sep = '\0';
+    ASSERT_GT(strlen(parent), 0);
+    struct stat buf;
+    if (stat(parent, &buf) != 0) {
+        ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(parent, nullptr), Error("failed to open %s", parent));
+    ASSERT_EQ(wait_for_driver_bind(parent, child), 0,
+              Error("failed while waiting to bind %s to %s", child, parent));
+    *sep = '/';
     fbl::unique_fd fd(open(path, O_RDWR));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fd);
-    out->swap(fd);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(fd, Error("failed to open %s", path));
+    if (out) {
+        out->swap(fd);
+    }
@@ -110,7 +85,7 @@
     ASSERT_OK(ToStatus(ioctl_device_bind(parent.get(), driver, strlen(driver))));
     ASSERT_OK(ToStatus(ioctl_device_get_topo_path(parent.get(), path, sizeof(path))));
     ASSERT_GE(snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", path, child), 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(path, out));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(path, out), Error("failed to open %s", path));
@@ -182,9 +157,10 @@
-    ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(ramdisk_path_, &ramdisk_));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(ramdisk_path_, &ramdisk_), Error("failed to open %s", ramdisk_path_));
     if (strlen(fvm_part_path_) != 0) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(fvm_part_path_, &fvm_part_));
+        ASSERT_TRUE(WaitAndOpen(fvm_part_path_, &fvm_part_),
+                    Error("failed to open %s", fvm_part_path_));
@@ -260,7 +236,7 @@
     ASSERT_EQ(create_ramdisk(block_size, count, ramdisk_path_), 0);
     ramdisk_.reset(open(ramdisk_path_, O_RDWR));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ramdisk_);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ramdisk_, Error("failed to open %s", ramdisk_path_));
     block_size_ = block_size;
     block_count_ = count;
@@ -285,7 +261,8 @@
     // Format the ramdisk as FVM and bind to it
     fbl::unique_fd fvm_fd;
     ASSERT_OK(fvm_init(ramdisk_.get(), FVM_BLOCK_SIZE));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(BindAndOpen(ramdisk_, "fvm", "/boot/driver/fvm.so", &fvm_fd));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(BindAndOpen(ramdisk_, "fvm", "/boot/driver/fvm.so", &fvm_fd),
+                Error("failed to bind and open fvm"));
     // Allocate a FVM partition with the last slice unallocated.
     alloc_req_t req;
@@ -310,7 +287,8 @@
-    ASSERT_TRUE(BindAndOpen(parent(), "zxcrypt/block", "/boot/driver/zxcrypt.so", &zxcrypt_));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(BindAndOpen(parent(), "zxcrypt/block", "/boot/driver/zxcrypt.so", &zxcrypt_),
+                Error("failed to bind and open zxcrypt"));
     block_info_t blk;
     ASSERT_OK(ToStatus(ioctl_block_get_info(zxcrypt_.get(), &blk)));