blob: f757b72354074524231230ac9405990d860f554a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/memory_limit.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <kernel/cmdline.h>
#include <kernel/range_check.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <pretty/sizes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <vm/bootreserve.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
// The max bytes of memory allowed by the system. Since it's specified in MB via the command
// line argument it will always be page aligned.
static size_t SystemMemoryLimit = 0;
// On init this is set to the memory limit and then decremented as we add memory to the system.
static size_t SystemMemoryRemaining = 0;
static bool MemoryLimitDbg = false;
typedef struct reserve_entry {
uintptr_t start; // Start of the reserved range
size_t len; // Length of the reserved range, does not change as start/end are adjusted
uintptr_t end; // End of the reserved range
size_t unused_front; // Space before the region that is available
size_t unused_back; // Space after the region that is available
} reserve_entry_t;
// Boot reserve entries are processsed and added here for memory limit calculations.
const size_t kReservedRegionMax = 64;
static reserve_entry_t ReservedRegions[kReservedRegionMax];
static size_t ReservedRegionCount;
static zx_status_t add_arena(uintptr_t base, size_t size, pmm_arena_info_t arena_template) {
auto arena = arena_template;
arena.base = base;
arena.size = size;
return pmm_add_arena(&arena);
static void print_reserve_state(void) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ReservedRegionCount; i++) {
const auto& entry = ReservedRegions[i];
printf("%zu: [f: %-#10" PRIxPTR " |%#10" PRIxPTR " - %-#10" PRIxPTR "| (len: %#10" PRIxPTR
") b: %-#10" PRIxPTR "]\n", i, entry.unused_front, entry.start, entry.end,
entry.len, entry.unused_back);
zx_status_t memory_limit_init() {
if (!SystemMemoryLimit) {
ReservedRegionCount = 0;
SystemMemoryLimit = cmdline_get_uint64("kernel.memory-limit-mb", 0u) * MB;
if (!SystemMemoryLimit) {
MemoryLimitDbg = cmdline_get_bool("kernel.memory-limit-dbg", false);
SystemMemoryRemaining = SystemMemoryLimit;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t memory_limit_add_range(uintptr_t range_base,
size_t range_size,
pmm_arena_info_t arena_template) {
// Arenas passed to us should never overlap. For that reason we can get a good idea of whether
// a given memory limit can fit all the reserved regions by getting the total.
auto cb = [range_base, range_size](reserve_range_t reserve) {
// Is this reserved region in the arena?
uintptr_t in_offset;
size_t in_len;
// If there's no intersection then move on to the next reserved region.
if (!GetIntersect(range_base, range_size,, reserve.len, &in_offset, &in_len)) {
return true;
auto& entry = ReservedRegions[ReservedRegionCount];
entry.start =;
entry.len = reserve.len;
entry.end = + reserve.len;
// For the first pass the goal is to ensure we can include all reserved ranges along
// with enough space for their bookkeeping if we have to trim the arenas down due to
// memory restrictions.
if (ReservedRegionCount == 0) {
entry.unused_front = entry.start - range_base;
entry.unused_back = 0;
} else {
auto& prev = ReservedRegions[ReservedRegionCount - 1];
// There's no limit to how many memory ranges may be added by the platform so we
// need to figure out if we're in a new contiguous range, or contiguously next to
// another reservation so we know where to set our starting point for this section.
uintptr_t start = fbl::max(range_base, prev.end);
if (start == prev.end) {
// We're next to someone! Figure out the gap space and share some of it with them.
// This prevents corner case situations such as reserved regions on the edge of the
// start or end, or where an expanded region may almost line up with the region
// following it, but takes up enough space that the remaining region has no space to
// allocate pages for its own bookkeeping. It also simplifies the logic for growing
// space later, and results in less 'cheating' if we've allocated all of our
// specified space and have to add room for a region's bookkeeping regardless. These
// problems can be resolved in other ways, but they require extra passes, or more
// complicated solutions.
size_t spare_pages = ( - start) / PAGE_SIZE;
entry.unused_front = (spare_pages / 2) * PAGE_SIZE;
prev.unused_back = (spare_pages / 2) * PAGE_SIZE;
// If the page count was odd, account for the remaining page.
if (spare_pages & 0x1) {
entry.unused_front += PAGE_SIZE;
} else {
entry.unused_front = - start;
// Increment our number of regions and move to the next, unless we've hit the limit.
return (ReservedRegionCount < kReservedRegionMax);
// Something bad happened if we return false from a callback, so just add the arena outright
// now to prevent the system from falling over when it tries to wire out the heap.
if (!boot_reserve_foreach(cb)) {
add_arena(range_base, range_size, arena_template);
// If there's still space between the last reserved region in an arena and the end of the
// arena then it should be accounted for in that last reserved region.
if (ReservedRegionCount) {
auto& last_entry = ReservedRegions[ReservedRegionCount - 1];
if (Intersects(range_base, range_size, last_entry.start, last_entry.end)) {
last_entry.unused_back = (range_base + range_size) - last_entry.end;
if (MemoryLimitDbg) {
printf("MemoryLimit: Processed arena [%#" PRIxPTR " - %#" PRIxPTR "]\n", range_base,
range_base + range_size);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t memory_limit_add_arenas(pmm_arena_info_t arena_template) {
// First pass, add up the memory needed for reserved ranges
size_t required_for_reserved = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ReservedRegionCount; i++) {
const auto& entry = ReservedRegions[i];
required_for_reserved += (entry.end - entry.start);
char lim[16];
printf("MemoryLimit: Limit of %s provided by kernel.memory-limit-mb\n",
format_size(lim, sizeof(lim), SystemMemoryRemaining));
if (required_for_reserved > SystemMemoryRemaining) {
char req[16];
printf("MemoryLimit: reserved regions need %s at a minimum!\n",
format_size(req, sizeof(req), required_for_reserved));
SystemMemoryRemaining -= required_for_reserved;
if (MemoryLimitDbg) {
printf("MemoryLimit: First Pass, %#" PRIxPTR " remaining\n", SystemMemoryRemaining);
// Second pass, expand to take memory from the front / back of each region
for (size_t i = 0; i < ReservedRegionCount; i++) {
auto& entry = ReservedRegions[i];
// Now expand based on any remaining memory we have to spare from the front
// and back of the reserved region.
size_t available = fbl::min(SystemMemoryRemaining, entry.unused_front);
if (available) {
SystemMemoryRemaining -= available;
entry.unused_front -= available;
entry.start = PAGE_ALIGN(entry.start - available);
available = fbl::min(SystemMemoryRemaining, entry.unused_back);
if (available) {
SystemMemoryRemaining -= available;
entry.unused_back -= available;
entry.end = PAGE_ALIGN(entry.end + available);
// Calculate how many pages are needed to hold the vm_page_t entries for this range
size_t pages_needed = ROUNDUP_PAGE_SIZE((entry.len / PAGE_SIZE) * sizeof(vm_page_t));
// Now add extra pages to account for pages added in the previous step
const size_t vm_pages_per_page = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(vm_page_t);
pages_needed += (pages_needed + vm_pages_per_page - 1) / vm_pages_per_page;
// Check if there is enough space in the range to hold the reserve region's bookkeeping
// in a contiguous block on either side of it. If necessary, add some space if possible.
size_t needed = ROUNDUP_PAGE_SIZE(((entry.len * 101) / 100));
if (needed > (entry.end - entry.start)) {
size_t pages_needed = (entry.len / PAGE_SIZE);
size_t diff = needed - entry.len;
printf("MemoryLimit: %zu needs %#zx for bookkeeping still (%zu pages)\n", i, diff, pages_needed);
if (entry.unused_front > diff) {
entry.unused_front -= diff;
entry.start -= diff;
} else if (entry.unused_back > diff) {
entry.unused_back -= diff;
entry.end += diff;
} else {
printf("KMemoryLimit: Unable to grow %zu to fit bookkeeping. Need %#" PRIxPTR "\n",
i, diff);
if (MemoryLimitDbg) {
printf("MemoryLimit: Second Pass, %#" PRIxPTR " remaining\n", SystemMemoryRemaining);
// Third pass, coalesce the regions into the smallest number of arenas possible
for (size_t i = 0; i < ReservedRegionCount - 1; i++) {
auto& cur = ReservedRegions[i];
auto& next = ReservedRegions[i + 1];
if (cur.end == next.start) {
printf("SystemMemoryLimit: merging |%#" PRIxPTR " - %#" PRIxPTR "| and |%#" PRIxPTR " - %#"
PRIxPTR "|\n", cur.start, cur.end, next.start, next.end);
cur.end = next.end;
memmove(&ReservedRegions[i + 1], &ReservedRegions[i + 2],
sizeof(reserve_entry_t) * (ReservedRegionCount - i - 2));
// We've removed on entry and we also need to compare this new current entry to the new
// next entry. To do so, we hold our position in the loop and come around again.
if (MemoryLimitDbg) {
printf("MemoryLimit: Third Pass\n");
printf("MemoryLimit: Fourth Pass\n");
// Last pass, add arenas to the system
for (uint i = 0; i < ReservedRegionCount; i++) {
auto& entry = ReservedRegions[i];
size_t size = entry.end - entry.start;
if (MemoryLimitDbg) {
printf("MemoryLimit: adding [%#" PRIxPTR " - %#" PRIxPTR "]\n", entry.start, entry.end);
zx_status_t status = add_arena(entry.start, size, arena_template);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
printf("MemoryLimit: Failed to add arena [%#" PRIxPTR " - %#" PRIxPTR
"]: %d, system problems may result!\n",
entry.start, entry.end, status);
return ZX_OK;