blob: 48e45aa58a1e47fc5eff5f39685bf7318687f8f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
/// The simplest way to interface with Fuchsia's Modular system.
class Mod {
static final Mod _mod = new Mod._internal();
final Completer<Mod> _initialize = new Completer<Mod>();
/// The Factory constructor returning the singleton Mod instance.
/// Note: a singleton prevents multiple impls of Module and Lifecycle from
/// being served to the Framework and fighting over who is managing the
/// Module's internal state.
/// Example
/// var Mod mod = Mod();
factory Mod() {
return _mod;
/// Initialize the mod.
/// This method starts the mod by calling into FIDL APIs provided by Modular and
/// serving impls of Module and Lifecycle. After registering the services as
/// available, the internal async state management awaits Module#initialize
/// to be called by Modular signaling a successful startup. And kicks off a series
/// of client initializations required for making any other calls into Fuchsia.
/// This process is async by nature, and can error. Be sure to add error handlers
/// to all async calls.
/// Note: this method can be called multiple times in a row without side effects.
/// Any call after the first one will resolve with the orginial future.
Future<Mod> initialize() {
if (_initialize.isCompleted) {
return _initialize.future;
return _initialize.future;