blob: 9fb1cd430754367e3e58a1d856de354dea67c9b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import '';
import 'package:lib.module_resolver.dart/intent_builder.dart';
import 'package:lib.proposal.dart/proposal.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart';
final IntelligenceServicesProxy _intelligenceServices =
new IntelligenceServicesProxy();
final QueryHandlerBinding _queryHandlerBinding = new QueryHandlerBinding();
void main(List<String> args) {
final StartupContext context = new StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
connectToService(context.environmentServices, _intelligenceServices.ctrl);
_queryHandlerBinding.wrap(new _QueryHandlerImpl()),
class _QueryHandlerImpl extends QueryHandler {
static final RegExp _urlSubPattern =
new RegExp(r'\.[a-z]{2}|(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}|localhost');
static final RegExp _dashboardSubPattern = new RegExp(r'^das|^fuc|^bui|^sta');
static const String _chatHeadline = 'Open Chat';
static const String _emailHeadline = 'Open Email';
static const String _youtubeHeadline = 'Open YouTube';
static const String _terminalHeadline = 'Open Terminal';
Future<Null> onQuery(
UserInput query,
void callback(QueryResponse response),
) async {
List<Proposal> proposals = <Proposal>[];
if (query.text?.contains(_urlSubPattern) ?? false) {
final String url = query.text.startsWith('http')
? query.text
: query.text.startsWith('localhost')
? 'http://${query.text}'
: 'https://${query.text}';
await _createProposal(
id: 'launch web mod',
appUrl: url,
headline: 'Go to ${query.text}',
color: 0xff8080ff,
if (query.text?.contains(_dashboardSubPattern) ?? false) {
await _createProposal(
id: 'launch dashboard',
appUrl: 'dashboard',
headline: 'View the Fuchsia Dashboard',
color: 0xFFFF0080, // Fuchsia
if ((query.text?.isNotEmpty ?? false) &&
_chatHeadline.toLowerCase().contains(query.text.toLowerCase())) {
await _createProposal(
id: 'open chat',
appUrl: 'chat_conversation_list',
headline: _chatHeadline,
color: 0xFF9C27B0, // Material Purple 500
if ((query.text?.isNotEmpty ?? false) &&
_emailHeadline.toLowerCase().contains(query.text.toLowerCase())) {
await _createProposal(
id: 'open email',
appUrl: 'email/nav',
headline: _emailHeadline,
color: 0xFF4285F4,
if ((query.text?.isNotEmpty ?? false) &&
_youtubeHeadline.toLowerCase().contains(query.text.toLowerCase())) {
await _createProposal(
id: 'open youtube',
appUrl: 'youtube_player',
headline: _youtubeHeadline,
color: 0xFFE52D27 /* YouTube red from color spec */,
if ((query.text?.isNotEmpty ?? false) &&
_terminalHeadline.toLowerCase().contains(query.text.toLowerCase())) {
await _createProposal(
id: 'open terminal',
appUrl: 'term',
headline: _terminalHeadline,
color: 0xFFE52D27 /* YouTube red from color spec */,
if (query.text?.startsWith('test s') ?? false) {
..addAll(await Future.wait(_kDummyProposals))
..addAll(await Future.wait(_kDummyInterruptions));
callback(new QueryResponse(proposals: proposals));
final List<Future<Proposal>> _kDummyProposals = <Future<Proposal>>[
headline: 'Headline only',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space plus some',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line just like this',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit by adding a few more words',
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line just like this',
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines just like this one here',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line just like this',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line just like this',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line just like this',
headline: 'Headline only',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string needing more space',
imageUrl: '',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
imageUrl: '',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string needing more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
headline: 'Headline only',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
headline: 'Headline only',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
final List<Future<Proposal>> _kDummyInterruptions = <Future<Proposal>>[
headline: 'Headline only',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space plus some',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line just like this',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit by adding a few more words',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line just like this',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines just like this one here',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line just like this',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line just like this',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line just like this',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline only',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string needing more space',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string needing more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline only',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
imageUrl: '',
imageType: SuggestionImageType.person,
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline only',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line and exceeds the three line limit',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a sub-headline',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
subheadline: 'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline small',
'With a longer sub-headline that needs to wrap to multiple lines exceeding the maximum available lines',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
headline: 'Headline with a longer text string that needs more space',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
'Headline using an even longer text string that needs to wrap to a third line',
'With a longer sub-headline that wraps to two lines and then a third line',
iconUrl: '/data/test.png',
annoyanceType: AnnoyanceType.interrupt,
int _id = 0;
Future<Proposal> _createUniqueDummyProposal({
String headline,
String subheadline,
String iconUrl,
String imageUrl,
SuggestionImageType imageType = SuggestionImageType.other,
AnnoyanceType annoyanceType = AnnoyanceType.none,
}) async =>
id: 'dummy ${_id++}',
appUrl: 'file:///foo/bar',
headline: headline,
subheadline: subheadline,
color: 0xFF000000,
iconUrl: iconUrl,
imageType: imageType,
imageUrl: imageUrl,
annoyanceType: annoyanceType,
Future<Proposal> _createProposal({
String id,
String appUrl,
String headline,
String subheadline,
String imageUrl,
String initialData,
SuggestionImageType imageType = SuggestionImageType.other,
String iconUrl,
int color,
AnnoyanceType annoyanceType = AnnoyanceType.none,
}) async {
var intentBuilder = IntentBuilder.handler(appUrl)
..addParameter(null, initialData);
var proposalBuilder = ProposalBuilder(
id: id,
headline: headline,
..subheadline = subheadline
..color = color
..iconUrls = iconUrl == null ? null : <String>[iconUrl]
..imageUrl = imageUrl
..imageType = imageType
..annoyanceType = annoyanceType
..addAction(Action.withAddModule(new AddModule(
intent: intentBuilder.intent,
moduleName: 'root',
surfaceParentModulePath: [],
surfaceRelation: const SurfaceRelation(),