blob: 8a27d6ee626a6eed0e7d79e5b3fabcc0f67ce943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:armadillo/next.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:lib.logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia.fidl.images/images.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia.fidl.modular/modular.dart'
as maxwell;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'hit_test_model.dart';
const int _kMaxSuggestions = 100;
/// Timeout to wait after typing to perform an ask query
const Duration _kAskQueryTimeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 500);
/// Listens to a maxwell next suggestion list. As suggestions change it
/// notifies its [suggestionListener].
class MaxwellNextListenerImpl extends maxwell.NextListener {
/// String prefix
final String prefix;
/// Listener that is called when list of suggestions update
final VoidCallback suggestionListener;
/// Listener that is called when the processing status has changed
final ValueChanged<bool> processingChangeListener;
final List<Suggestion> _suggestions = <Suggestion>[];
/// Constructor
/// List of suggestions
List<Suggestion> get suggestions => _suggestions.toList();
void onNextResults(List<maxwell.Suggestion> suggestions) {
log.fine('$prefix onQueryResults $suggestions');
for (maxwell.Suggestion suggestion in suggestions) {
void onProcessingChange(bool processing) {
/// Listens to a maxwell query suggestion list. As suggestions change it
/// notifies its [suggestionListener].
class MaxwellQueryListenerImpl extends maxwell.QueryListener {
/// String prefix
final String prefix;
/// Listener that is called when list of suggestions update
final VoidCallback suggestionListener;
/// Listener that is called when the processing status has changed
final VoidCallback queryCompleteListener;
final List<Suggestion> _suggestions = <Suggestion>[];
/// Constructor
/// List of suggestions
List<Suggestion> get suggestions => _suggestions.toList();
/// Returns `true` if there are no suggestions.
bool get isEmpty => _suggestions.isEmpty;
void onQueryResults(List<maxwell.Suggestion> suggestions) {
log.fine('$prefix onQueryResults $suggestions');
for (maxwell.Suggestion suggestion in suggestions) {
void onQueryComplete() {
/// Clears the suggestion list in preparation for a new query.
void clear() => _suggestions.clear();
/// Called when an interruption occurs.
typedef void OnInterruption(Suggestion interruption);
/// Listens for interruptions from maxwell.
class MaxwellInterruptionListenerImpl extends maxwell.InterruptionListener {
/// Called when an interruption occurs.
final OnInterruption onInterruption;
/// Constructor.
@required this.onInterruption,
void onInterrupt(maxwell.Suggestion suggestion) {
Suggestion _convert(maxwell.Suggestion suggestion) {
return new Suggestion(
id: new SuggestionId(suggestion.uuid),
title: suggestion.display.headline,
description: suggestion.display.subheadline ?? '',
themeColor: new Color(suggestion.display.color),
selectionType: SelectionType.launchStory,
image: suggestion.display.image == null
? null
: suggestion.display.image.image,
imageType: suggestion.display.image == null
? ImageType.other
: suggestion.display.image.imageType ==
? ImageType.person
: ImageType.other,
icons: suggestion.display.icons == null
? <EncodedImage>[]
: suggestion.display.icons
.map((maxwell.SuggestionDisplayImage image) => image.image)
confidence: suggestion.confidence,
/// Creates a list of suggestions for the SuggestionList using the
/// [maxwell.SuggestionProvider].
class SuggestionProviderSuggestionModel extends SuggestionModel {
final maxwell.QueryListenerBinding _askListenerBinding =
new maxwell.QueryListenerBinding();
// Listens for changes to maxwell's ask suggestion list.
MaxwellQueryListenerImpl _askListener;
final maxwell.NextListenerBinding _nextListenerBinding =
new maxwell.NextListenerBinding();
// Listens for changes to maxwell's next suggestion list.
MaxwellNextListenerImpl _nextListener;
final maxwell.InterruptionListenerBinding _interruptionListenerBinding =
new maxwell.InterruptionListenerBinding();
MaxwellInterruptionListenerImpl _interruptionListener;
// TODO(jwnichols): Is this still needed?
final List<Suggestion> _currentInterruptions = <Suggestion>[];
/// When the user is asking via text or voice we want to show the maxwell ask
/// suggestions rather than the normal maxwell suggestion list.
String _askText;
bool _asking = false;
/// Set from an external source - typically the UserShell.
maxwell.SuggestionProviderProxy _suggestionProviderProxy;
/// Listens for changes to visible stories.
final HitTestModel hitTestModel;
/// Called when an interruption occurs.
final OnInterruption onInterruption;
/// Timer that tracks the delay between ask text input and making the actual
/// query.
Timer _askTextTimer;
/// Constructor.
/// Call to close all the handles opened by this model.
void close() {
if (_askListenerBinding.isBound) {
/// Setting [suggestionProvider] triggers the loading on suggestions.
/// This is typically set by the UserShell.
set suggestionProvider(
maxwell.SuggestionProviderProxy suggestionProviderProxy,
) {
_suggestionProviderProxy = suggestionProviderProxy;
_interruptionListener = new MaxwellInterruptionListenerImpl(
onInterruption: onInterruption,
_askListener = new MaxwellQueryListenerImpl(
prefix: 'ask',
suggestionListener: _onAskSuggestionsChanged,
queryCompleteListener: () => _processingAsk = false,
_nextListener = new MaxwellNextListenerImpl(
prefix: 'next',
suggestionListener: _onNextSuggestionsChanged,
processingChangeListener: (bool processing) =>
_processingNext = processing,
/// Called when an interruption is no longer showing.
void onInterruptionDismissal(
Suggestion interruption,
DismissalReason reason,
) {
// Ignore the interruption dismissal if its stale.
switch (reason) {
case DismissalReason.snoozed:
case DismissalReason.timedOut:
// TODO(jwnichols): Not sure we should persist interruptions
_currentInterruptions.insert(0, interruption);
void _load() {
List<Suggestion> get askSuggestions =>
_askListener?.suggestions ?? <Suggestion>[];
List<Suggestion> get nextSuggestions {
// TODO(jwnichols): I'm not sure the user shell should be explicitly
// displaying interruptions that timed out.
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>.from(
)..addAll(_nextListener?.suggestions ?? <Suggestion>[]);
return suggestions;
void onSuggestionSelected(Suggestion suggestion) {
new maxwell.Interaction(type: maxwell.InteractionType.selected),
set askText(String text) {
if (_askText != text) {
_askText = text;
if (!_askListener.isEmpty) {
/// A timer ensures that we don't make unneeded ask queries while the
/// user is still typing/talking
_askTextTimer = new Timer(_kAskQueryTimeout, () {
// If our existing binding is bound, close it.
if (_askListenerBinding.isBound) {
// Make a query and rewrap the binding
new maxwell.UserInput(text: text ?? ''),
String get askText => _askText ?? '';
set asking(bool asking) {
if (_asking != asking) {
_asking = asking;
if (!_asking && _askListenerBinding.isBound) {
bool get asking => _asking;
bool _processingAsk;
bool get processingAsk => _processingAsk;
void _onAskSuggestionsChanged() {
if (_asking) {
bool _processingNext;
bool get processingNext => _processingNext;
void _onNextSuggestionsChanged() {
if (!_asking) {