tree: 8e28b73b48a150dd513f5f61aded62de00a82dc2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. agents/
  2. modules/
  3. packages/
  4. services/
  5. .gitignore
  8. Makefile


Status: Experimental

What exists here mostly boilerplate for the tooling and infrastructure needed to build out the UI as a set of Flutter Widgets that can be run on Fuchsia and have the UI developed on Android.


This repo contains code for running a vanilla Flutter application (iOS & Android) and a Fuchsia specific set of modules.

  • modules: Fuchsia application code using Modular APIs.
    • music: Is a Flutter app with two entry points, one for Fuchsia and one for Vanilla Flutter.



This repo is already part of the default jiri manifest.

Follow the instructions for setting up a fresh Fuchsia checkout. Once you have the jiri tool installed and have imported the default manifest and updated return to these instructions.


Follow authentication instructions for Modules:


There are Makefile tasks setup to help simplify common development tasks. Use make help to see what they are.

When you have changes you are ready to see in action you can build with:

make build

Once the system has been built you will need to run a bootserver to get it over to a connected Acer. You can use the fx tool to move the build from your host to the target device with:

fx reboot

Once that is done (it takes a while) you can run the application with:

make run

You can run on a connected android device with:

make flutter-run

Optional: In another terminal you can tail the logs

fx log