blob: 8fe61a9aad24c748d9dea26414a907d964df3bda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'dart:math' show Random;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import '';
import 'package:sledge/src/document/values/ordered_list_value.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'list_api_tester.dart';
void main() {
final id1 = Uint8List.fromList([1]);
group('List API coverage', () {
ListApiTester<OrderedListValue, int>(
() => OrderedListValue<int>(id1), (int id) => id)
ListApiTester<OrderedListValue, String>(
() => OrderedListValue<String>(id1), (int id) => id.toString())
ListApiTester<OrderedListValue, Uint8List>(
() => OrderedListValue<Uint8List>(id1,
equals: ListEquality().equals),
(int id) => Uint8List.fromList([id]))
test('Add to end of list and check content.', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([]));
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1]));
s.insert(1, 2);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 2]));
s.insert(2, 3);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 2, 3]));
test('Insert into random positions of list and check content.', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([]));
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1]));
s.insert(1, 2);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 2]));
s.insert(1, 3);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 3, 2]));
s.insert(0, 4);
expect(s.toList(), equals([4, 1, 3, 2]));
s.insert(1, 5);
expect(s.toList(), equals([4, 5, 1, 3, 2]));
test('Insert into random positions, delete from list and check content.', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([]));
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1]));
s.insert(1, 2);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 2]));
s.insert(1, 3);
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 3, 2]));
expect(s.removeAt(2), equals(2));
expect(s.toList(), equals([1, 3]));
expect(s.removeAt(0), equals(1));
expect(s.toList(), equals([3]));
s.insert(1, 2);
expect(s.toList(), equals([3, 2]));
s.insert(1, 4);
expect(s.toList(), equals([3, 4, 2]));
expect(s.removeAt(0), equals(3));
expect(s.toList(), equals([4, 2]));
test('Simple operations.', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(s.toList(), equals([]));
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(s[0], equals(1));
s.insert(1, 2);
expect(s[0], equals(1));
expect(s[1], equals(2));
s.insert(1, 3);
expect(s[0], equals(1));
expect(s[1], equals(3));
expect(s[2], equals(2));
expect(s.removeAt(0), equals(1));
expect(s[0], equals(3));
expect(s[1], equals(2));
group('Exceptions', () {
test('Insert out of range', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(() => s.insert(1, 1), throwsRangeError);
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(() => s.insert(2, 0), throwsRangeError);
expect(() => s.insert(-1, 0), throwsRangeError);
test('[] out of range', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(() => s[1], throwsRangeError);
expect(() => s[4], throwsRangeError);
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(() => s[2], throwsRangeError);
expect(() => s[-1], throwsRangeError);
test('Remove out of range', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
expect(() => s.removeAt(0), throwsRangeError);
expect(() => s.removeAt(1), throwsRangeError);
s.insert(0, 1);
expect(() => s.removeAt(-1), throwsRangeError);
expect(() => s.removeAt(1), throwsRangeError);
expect(s.removeAt(0), 1);
test('Insert into random positions of list and check content. Large test.',
() {
final random = Random(1);
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1);
var list = <int>[];
expect(s.toList(), equals(<int>[]));
for (int value = 0; value < 100; value++) {
int pos = random.nextInt(list.length + 1);
s.insert(pos, value);
list.insert(pos, value);
expect(s.toList(), equals(list));
test('Complex example of inserting in the list.', () {
var s = OrderedListValue<int>(id1)
..insert(0, 0)
..insert(0, 1)
..insert(1, 2)
..insert(0, 3)
..insert(1, 4)
..insert(4, 5)
..insert(2, 6)
..insert(0, 7)
..insert(7, 8)
..insert(6, 9)
..insert(10, 10);
expect(s.toList(), equals([7, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 9, 5, 8, 0, 10]));