blob: c69ec0e23ba0f52fb9b18f7899015a89a1533122 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:armadillo/common.dart';
import 'package:armadillo/overview.dart';
import 'package:armadillo/recent.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
const double _kWidthSingleColumn = 500.0;
const double _kWidthMultiColumn = 700.0;
const double _kHeight = 600.0;
void main() {
testWidgets('Single Column StoryList children extend to fit parent',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
GlobalKey storyListKey = new GlobalKey();
ScrollController scrollController = new ScrollController();
List<GlobalKey> storyKeys =
new List<GlobalKey>.generate(4, (int index) => new GlobalKey());
StoryList storyList = new StoryList(
key: storyListKey,
overlayKey: new GlobalKey(),
scrollController: scrollController,
StoryModel storyModel = new _DummyStoryModel(storyKeys: storyKeys);
await tester.pumpWidget(
storyModel: storyModel,
child: new Center(
child: new SizedBox(
width: _kWidthSingleColumn,
height: _kHeight,
child: storyList,
expect(find.byKey(storyListKey), isNotNull);
expect(tester.getSize(find.byKey(storyListKey)).width, _kWidthSingleColumn);
for (GlobalKey key in storyKeys) {
final Finder finder = find.byKey(key);
expect(finder, isNotNull);
final Size size = tester.getSize(finder);
expect(size.width, _kWidthSingleColumn);
'Multicolumn StoryList children do not extend to fit parent and are instead 16/9 aspect ratio',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
GlobalKey storyListKey = new GlobalKey();
ScrollController scrollController = new ScrollController();
List<GlobalKey> storyKeys =
new List<GlobalKey>.generate(4, (int index) => new GlobalKey());
StoryList storyList = new StoryList(
key: storyListKey,
overlayKey: new GlobalKey(),
scrollController: scrollController,
StoryModel storyModel = new _DummyStoryModel(storyKeys: storyKeys);
await tester.pumpWidget(
storyModel: storyModel,
child: new Center(
child: new SizedBox(
width: _kWidthMultiColumn,
height: _kHeight,
child: storyList,
expect(find.byKey(storyListKey), isNotNull);
expect(tester.getSize(find.byKey(storyListKey)).width, _kWidthMultiColumn);
for (GlobalKey key in storyKeys) {
final Finder finder = find.byKey(key);
expect(finder, isNotNull);
final Size size = tester.getSize(finder);
expect(size.width, _kWidthMultiColumn);
expect(size.height, _kHeight - SizeModel.kStoryBarMaximizedHeight);
class _DummyStoryModel extends StoryModel {
final List<GlobalKey> storyKeys;
List<StoryCluster> get storyClusters => new List<StoryCluster>.generate(
(int index) => new StoryCluster(
stories: <Story>[
new Story(
id: new StoryId('${storyKeys[index]}'),
widget: new Container(key: storyKeys[index]),
title: '',
lastInteraction: new,
cumulativeInteractionDuration: const Duration(minutes: 5),
themeColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
storyLayout: new _DummyStoryLayout(),
class _DummyStoryLayout extends StoryLayout {
Size get size => const Size(200.0, 200.0);
Offset get offset =>;
Rect get bounds => offset & size;
Widget _wrapWithModels({Widget child, StoryModel storyModel}) =>
new ScopedModel<DebugModel>(
model: new DebugModel(),
child: new ScopedModel<PanelResizingModel>(
model: new PanelResizingModel(),
child: new ScopedModel<StoryModel>(
model: storyModel,
child: new ScopedModel<StoryClusterDragStateModel>(
model: new StoryClusterDragStateModel(),
child: new ScopedModel<StoryRearrangementScrimModel>(
model: new StoryRearrangementScrimModel(),
child: new ScopedModel<StoryDragTransitionModel>(
model: new StoryDragTransitionModel(),
child: child,